Activity for Techno.Scavenger

  • Techno.Scavenger Techno.Scavenger posted a comment on ticket #739

    I was able to compile STAX with Jython 2.7.x support. I did some quick test and it seems to work. Please provide feedback for any issues I can't upload here due to attachment file restrictions but you should be able to download form the following link:

  • Techno.Scavenger Techno.Scavenger posted a comment on a blog post

    Say, I wanted to (re) create the installer, how do we do this in an open source way? Is there an open source version or free for open source InstallAnywhere?

  • Techno.Scavenger Techno.Scavenger posted a comment on ticket #772

    I have compiled 64-bit Python for the following versions: Python 3.5 Python 3.6 Python 3.7 See attached. Note that I only did high level test.

  • Techno.Scavenger Techno.Scavenger posted a comment on discussion Help

    I use VMware on ESXi a lot. You might want to check if your machine is going into power saving mode. Also try to set the host to high performance mode and not sleep. Same for the VMs. On Wed, Mar 13, 2019, 1:20 PM Vyacheslav wrote: Thank you for answering. Extensive googling reveals that it may have to do with the fact that all machines are virtual, and VMware Workstation has some weird things with idle tcp connections. I'll have to look into alternatives. Simple STAF command...

  • Techno.Scavenger Techno.Scavenger posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have seen something similar before and was due to DNS/hostname/IP resolution issue. Essentially STAF is not notified when tasks we're completed from the other end. On Tue, Mar 12, 2019, 11:31 AM Vyacheslav wrote: I'm trying to execute .exe on remote machine with the following simple command: staf '{machine_name}' process start shell command 'C:\something.exe' stderrtostdout returnstdout wait I don't get any errors, it just stays there without any answer(ctrl-c interrupts...

  • Techno.Scavenger Techno.Scavenger posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for the reply Sharon! I would like to start on STAX, can't find the src. Can you please point me to the location?

  • Techno.Scavenger Techno.Scavenger posted a comment on a blog post

    Can someone provide a hing where I can download the source code? Should I use CVS client?

  • Techno.Scavenger Techno.Scavenger posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can somoene be my mentor to start contributing to this project? Is the source all in CVS?

  • Techno.Scavenger Techno.Scavenger created ticket #189

    STAF V3 Support for Python 3.5 on Windows