Activity for Heiko Tappe

  • Heiko Tappe Heiko Tappe posted a comment on discussion Help

    Tried 4.0.21.Final. Unfortunately without success.

  • Heiko Tappe Heiko Tappe posted a comment on discussion Help

    Oops. Missed the method: org.jgroups.conf.XmlConfigurator.getInstance(Ljava/net/URL;) And it's correct. There is no getInstance with a URL param any more.

  • Heiko Tappe Heiko Tappe posted a comment on discussion Help

    Tried with CENTRAL_LOCK2. Same behaviour. As for 4.1.8 - I don't know if I can just replace the jgroups wildfly module 4.0.19.Final with 4.1.8. First attempt gives me a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jgroups.conf.XmlConfigurator.getInstance(Ljava/net/URL;)Lorg/jgroups/conf/XmlConfigurator

  • Heiko Tappe Heiko Tappe posted a comment on discussion Help

    I see a different behaviour. Client 1 obviously does not release the lock if a tryLock of client 2 is busy. There is no error. But I can tell from calling printLocks afterwards. Without a running tryLock of client 2 releasing the lock works as expected.

  • Heiko Tappe Heiko Tappe posted a comment on discussion Help

    As for the mcast_addr - I found this in my wildfly socket bindings config and removed it: <socket-binding name="jgroups-diagnostics" multicast-address="${jboss.jgroups.diagnostics_addr:}" multicast-port="${jboss.jgroups.diagnostics_port:7500}"/>

  • Heiko Tappe Heiko Tappe posted a comment on discussion Help

    Oh. I just noticed that releasing the lock on client 1 does not succeed if client 2 is trying to get a lock with timeout. Is that the expected behaviour?

  • Heiko Tappe Heiko Tappe posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hmm. Things improved. A lot :-) But I am not exactly sure why. In the last tests I was so focused on the log messages ("Could not join ...") that I didn't check the lock functionality itself. And surprise - it works now, as far as I can tell! But the warnings in the log still remain. One thing I noticed was some strange socket binding with a multi cast address of "". Maybe things got better after removing that. I will recheck... As for the lock functionality... What is the expected behaviour...

  • Heiko Tappe Heiko Tappe posted a comment on discussion Help

    I switched to with no success. netstat -nr gives me: IPv4-Routentabelle =========================================================================== Aktive Routen: Netzwerkziel Netzwerkmaske Gateway Schnittstelle Metrik 25 Auf Verbindung 331 Auf Verbindung 331 Auf Verbindung 331 Auf Verbindung 281

  • Heiko Tappe Heiko Tappe posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here is what I got... I explicitly defined UDP like this: <UDP mcast_port="${jgroups.udp.mcast_port:45588}" mcast_addr="${jgroups.udp.mcast_addr:}" bind_addr="${jgroups.bind_addr:}" receive_on_all_interfaces="true" enable_diagnostics="true" /> When I start my server (Wildfly 17.0.1.Final) and call probe like this: $ java -cp jgroups-4.0.19.Final.jar org.jgroups.tests.Probe I get 0 responses (0 matches, 0 non matches) If I then init the LockService...

  • Heiko Tappe Heiko Tappe posted a comment on discussion Help

    Let's start with: I am a newbie to jgroups. So be patient with me ;-) What I try to achieve are distributed locks. Right now I do my first tests locally with one node. And some things seem to work already (a bit): I can get a lock and a second attempt in the same session (same lock service instance) to get a lock fails. But another instance of the lock service does not seem to "see" any locks held by the other "session". The problem might be related to the warnings I see in the server log: WARN [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP]...

  • Heiko Tappe Heiko Tappe posted a comment on discussion Vote

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