Activity for tbone78

  • tbone78 tbone78 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hey John, I want to help you to keep this request alive! o))

  • tbone78 tbone78 posted a comment on ticket #1859

    Yes, is there any news? I also need a monospace font in the notes area, thank you!

  • tbone78 tbone78 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I also need to put tabular data into the notes field. Is there an update to this issue? Is it possible by some plugin or core update to set the font for the notes edit area? I see there was a plugin, but the author said it is not stable to use: Any hints appreciated! Requests for a custom font seem to exist for years, there must be somebody who solved the problem, hu? o) Thanks!

  • tbone78 tbone78 posted a comment on ticket #1890

    Some days have passed, I just wanted to thank you once more. Your last two posts clarified very nicely how this is meant to work. Consider to add these clear details to the sourceforge site of the plugin, I couldn't really understand the description over there and I guess many people will come across your plugin over time. o) Have a nice weekend! o)

  • tbone78 tbone78 posted a comment on ticket #1890

    Hello! o) Really nice to see some progress on this, I really appreciate your efforts! Thx! o) It actually took me some time to understand how your plugin works and I admit, I still don't get it completely, but I got the plugin working so far. I can paste password and TOTP code separately now. Thank you! o) Why is it that I need to add {AAT} and {TOTP} placeholders to the autotype sequence of an entry to make this work? The plugin seems to look on everything after {AAT} in the autotype sequence and...

  • tbone78 tbone78 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Setting multiple entrys for the same login is some kind of workaround, yes, but very inconvenient. Not digging through windows and not being forced to do multiple clicks is what makes the regular autotype such a beauty. So I would also like to see an option to bind another hotkey which auto-typesonly the password . Things got worse recently, because I need to enter TOTP codes separately now as well, which yields the same difficulties as pasting a single password. Have a nice day everyone! o)

  • tbone78 tbone78 modified a comment on ticket #1890

    Came here because I was searching on how to configure multiple auto-type hotkeys. Seems it cannot be done. Really? o) I need at least 3 hotkeys to autotype these 3 important access details: 1. username/password (already there) 2. password only 3. TOTP code Many more websites use TOTP 2-factor login nowadays. I discovered that KeePass can generate these codes as well, but always opening the KeePass GUI, searching for the entry and generating the code by some clicks, not really convenient (same goes...

  • tbone78 tbone78 posted a comment on ticket #1890

    Came here because I was searching on how to configure multiple auto-type hotkeys. Seems it cannot be done. Really? o) I need at least 3 hotkeys to autotype these 3 important access details: 1. username/password (already there) 2. password only 3. TOTP code Many more wensites use TOTP 2-factor login nowadays. I discovered that KeePass can generate these codes as well, but always opening the KeePass GUI, searching for the entry and generating the code by some clicks, not really convenient. Being (not)...

  • tbone78 tbone78 posted a comment on ticket #1496

    I checked all your questions, they kind of helped to move further, thanks! o) I found...

  • tbone78 tbone78 created ticket #1496

    AutoType fails if "Enter Master Key" dialog is confirmed with "<enter>" key