(duplicate due to glitch, please remove this ticket)
changed work directory on loading or saving
In other words, acceleration was turned off, probably because it can be turned on/off somewhere in java settings. Maybe there's also some obscure option that controls buffering, too? =) I just launched 0.11.6 with extra parameters a few times - adding or removing this option doesn't seem to change anything, perhaps java just handles it correctly like it's suposed to do.
In other words, acceleration was turned off, probably because it can be turned on/off somewhere in java settings. Maybe there's also some obscure option that controls buffering, too? =) For me, adding or removing this option doesn't seem to change anything, perhaps java just handles it correctly as it's suposed to do.
Why indeed stuff it into jar, when you can just as well add " -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true" to the script launching java with that jar (packaging/common/freecol.sh & packaging/common/freecol.cmd)? Though cmd would probably require "-Dsun.java2d.d3d" instead. Also, searching for "sun.java2d.opengl=true" quickly shows acceleration is prone to such bugs and incompatibilities. So this may depend on JRE and jOGL versions.
Indeed, why stuff it into jar, when you can just as well add " -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true" to the script launching java with that jar (packaging/common/freecol.sh & packaging/common/freecol.cmd)?
In other words, acceleration was turned off, probably because it can be turned on/off somewhere in java settings. Maybe there's also some obscure option that controls buffering, too? =)
In other words, acceleration was turned off, probably because it can be turned on/off somewhere in java settings. But why not just add " -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true" to the script launching it (packaging/common/freecol.sh & packaging/common/freecol.cmd)?