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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on DxWnd

    Uh oh, after applying the 1516 patch then the 1516a patch, grabbing the files from the Disk 2 it finally decided to run. Not sure if any of the settings really have an effect and I still have to fix the resolution, but it... every few times... does start and run. Adding the profile here for reference.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on DxWnd

    Interesting, it's a Win10 install. The registry key still exists and is set to 2, so that's strange. It's a fresh install so no upgrade from previous either. I'll try the nocd method though, because I am not getting anything from the cd drive at the moment, so whatever is going on it's not loading that regardless.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on DxWnd

    I have an original CD version of this game. Trying to get it to work I don't get any of the common errors, it just flashes black and that's it. I tried a few common tweaks I know, but so far I got nothing still.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #15 on RoboMirror

    I did get robocopy itself to run manually via: robocopy "D:\" "E:\" /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /V Suppose either robocopy changed or the way RoboMirror calls it up isn't equivalent to that for some reason. It would be good to add debug to show the exact command it would pass to robocopy not just the custom flags.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #15 on RoboMirror

    Changed this line: StartInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = StartInfo.StandardErrorEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(65001); Universale utf-8 should do for most things, perhaps 850 is a better code page, but it seems the Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.OEMCodePage is not returning anything useful and that's not accounted for. Should probably check for known good encoding and use that else default to utf or unicode. So now I got the operations queue running. Though it seems not to do anything...

  • Created ticket #15 on RoboMirror


  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on 7-Zip

    I keep running into this moving things from zips to upload via ftp or just dragging into other zips even. It's rather inconvenient to always extract things to disk manually before making changes. Maybe said method should fire on closing the specific zip and leave the folder intact during runtime, just like winzip and winrar do!

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Equalizer APO

    It appears somehow I solved this by stopping the windows audio service, installing APO, then starting that again. Now the embedded config loads and the endpoint passes through APO. I suppose somehow Win10 in its infinite wisdom blocked proper install of APO, though I wonder why that has something to do with windows audio service. Don't think APO modifies any files there it only hooks into the endpoint builder no?

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2017-08-27 21:56:48


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