Activity for Vincent Sylvester

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Uh oh, after applying the 1516 patch then the 1516a patch, grabbing the files from the Disk 2 it finally decided to run. Not sure if any of the settings really have an effect and I still have to fix the resolution, but it... every few times... does start and run. Adding the profile here for reference.

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Interesting, it's a Win10 install. The registry key still exists and is set to 2, so that's strange. It's a fresh install so no upgrade from previous either. I'll try the nocd method though, because I am not getting anything from the cd drive at the moment, so whatever is going on it's not loading that regardless.

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have an original CD version of this game. Trying to get it to work I don't get any of the common errors, it just flashes black and that's it. I tried a few common tweaks I know, but so far I got nothing still.

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on ticket #15

    I did get robocopy itself to run manually via: robocopy "D:\" "E:\" /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /V Suppose either robocopy changed or the way RoboMirror calls it up isn't equivalent to that for some reason. It would be good to add debug to show the exact command it would pass to robocopy not just the custom flags.

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on ticket #15

    Changed this line: StartInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = StartInfo.StandardErrorEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(65001); Universale utf-8 should do for most things, perhaps 850 is a better code page, but it seems the Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.OEMCodePage is not returning anything useful and that's not accounted for. Should probably check for known good encoding and use that else default to utf or unicode. So now I got the operations queue running. Though it seems not to do anything...

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester created ticket #15


  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I keep running into this moving things from zips to upload via ftp or just dragging into other zips even. It's rather inconvenient to always extract things to disk manually before making changes. Maybe said method should fire on closing the specific zip and leave the folder intact during runtime, just like winzip and winrar do!

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It appears somehow I solved this by stopping the windows audio service, installing APO, then starting that again. Now the embedded config loads and the endpoint passes through APO. I suppose somehow Win10 in its infinite wisdom blocked proper install of APO, though I wonder why that has something to do with windows audio service. Don't think APO modifies any files there it only hooks into the endpoint builder no?

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sorry to bother you fine folks again. I recently had to upgrade to Win10 from my working setup on Win7 and I tried to setup my microphone for Mixxx piped through APO again, but that does not seem to have any effect. Installed APO as normal, configured to install to the Blue Yeti microphone connected via usb. Loaded the previous config file from the old install into it and switched Mixxx to use DirectSound with the microphone in being the Yeti. Previously this worked fine, but in Win10 I get raw output...

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I recently had to upgrade to Win10 from my working setup on Win7 and I tried to setup my microphone for Mixxx piped through APO again, but that does not seem to have any effect. Installed APO as normal, configured to install to the Blue Yeti microphone connected via usb. Loaded the previous config file from the old install into it and switched Mixxx to use DirectSound with the microphone in being the Yeti. Previously this worked fine, but in Win10 I get raw output from the microphone directly not...

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    APO works, I have a variable EQ setup to kill some frequencies that buzz, guess from the usb connection. Just when I add filters to Peace I hear no difference in the output. Setting preamp or filters has no effect on output of the microphone when I listen to it via sound managament in windows. Perhaps this has to do with APO reporting each time I start the configuration editor that it has not installed itself properly on the device, yet when I go into the capture section the Yeti Blue(yes horrible...

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The LR8 filter in Mixxx has 3 knobs for low mid and high, I assume they correspond equal to the frequency range though. I don't really know anything about these filters, I just applied them to see what would eliminate the most noise and keep vocal range undistorted. Mixxx is open so I suppose the code for the filter is somewhere in there and can probably be adapted logically to work in Peace. I was originally hoping to just supply a txt as plugin for APO similarly to the LR filter I found in a thread...

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I installed Peace and have it running, how do I select and configure the filter?

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I use Mixxx to do podcast recordings and for the various microphones I usually put LR8 ISO and Bessel8 ISO filters on them to get rid of some of noise. I was wondering if anyone has scripts for those filters I can use with Equalizer APO?

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I found something: Apparently the patch they provide does make the game run again. I was able, using opengl to get the game to run, windowed and performance is good too. It seems to have been a combination of the dll that it came with and some settings. I have attached the profile I used to get it running, may need some settings changed, but this seems like its finally working. Hurray!

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Unfortunately the most I can get to is the Setup screen still. I think I am sol with this game and will have to resort to emulation to play it. I been looking around to see if there was some guide as to why this refuses to run on Win7 or what I could try to fix this, but it seems more unique to my machine. At least a working DxWnd profile so there something good that came out of it :)

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have attached log files of some crashes from different settings using all the logging options, let me know if you only want specific ones.

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Aww you get to play and I don't :D I tried an iso version I found online, installed on my main drive, still just crashing for some reason. I wonder if there is an issue with my gpu drivers or running it on nvidia surround as window, but I seem to be running into the error I posted about. Starting to look like unless you can reproduce that error or I can figure out a way to log what's going on I really do have to try and get an emulator of sorts.

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    No worries, games aren't running away. Using your attached version and switching to TRIGL.sll for rendering I was able to get to the Setup screen. It reacts to inputs very slowly when going through the warnings and then just crashes trying to run the game itself. I switched the "Limit resources" back on and got to the Setup screen immediately though. Then trying to run game me an error: "Attempt to initialize CRT more than once" According to a quick search this is supposed to be resolved with an...

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I removed the profile and added it again, not changing any settings from the default ones it sets and I can get to the Setup screen, but as soon as I hit on Run it crashes. I only managed to get to the Setup screen once, now it crashes on the Warnings. I selected Limit available resources, now it crashes on start. It's very slow to respond to the input of the buttons so I wonder if I may have to go full emulator to get it to work, frustrating cause the game is a lot of fun.

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I decided to go through my old games collection and attempt to get some of the classic back to work. 4x4 Evolution 2 is one of them, but it refuses to run at all. Using the default configuration it does start in windowed mode, but after complaining about not detecting RAM or disk space properly it just crashes. I have attempted various tweaks and compatibility settings, but I am lost. Currently with forcing to Windows XP and OpenGL it starts in fullscreen, then crashes. I have looked around to see...

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I decided to go through my old games collection and attempt to get some of the classic back to work. 4x4 Evolution 2 is one of them, but it refuses to run at all. Using the default configuration it does start in windowed mode, but after complaining about not detecting RAM or disk space properly it just crashes. I have attempted various tweaks and compatibility settings, but I am lost. Currently with forcing to Windows XP and OpenGL it starts in fullscreen, then crashes. I have looked around to see...

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I just tested that dll and it indeed now performs like any other window; I can alt-tab no problem, the cursor shows and when I click the game again it fetches the cursor, it does not appear behind the game or can be moved outside. Just as it should be. I am really grateful for all the work you have put into this for me, the game is one of my all-time favorites and being able to play it again properly and even show it to the world(kinda planning on a video series about why I think it deserves a sequel)...

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This is great news! Yes indeed it does appear that when going back to the game it does regain mouse control just fine. Just getting out is a bit weird. It wants a window right ontop of it to click on to fully release the cursor, but then stays within the designated window of the game (I have multiple screens) so I can only interact with windows that are right ontop of the game. The workaround for that seems to be ctrl-alt-del, which fully releases the cursor and I can interact with other windows...

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I wonder if there would be a way to surpress the focus loss and effectively "double" the cursor so that while moving around elsewhere it would still keep moving the cursor in the game. Of course that would be a bit annoying since you could accidentally click stuff, but at least it would not brick the game. Could always test to see if during that time the clicks would be surpressed to remove any potential clicking on stuff too. It generally behaves incredibly badly to focus loss or tampering of any...

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    That seems consistent with what I experience. I have tried messing around with the window and found that because minimizing and maximizing causes the window contents to not render, once I force the task switch it goes to it's original resolution and into the corner of my screen, then suddenly the mouse starts working again as soon as I interrupt the the process to restore the contents of the window. Certainly an odd game this, it will not, no matter what, run at higher resolutions, just ends up scaling...

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    If I can provide any additional information or logs please let me know :)

  • Vincent Sylvester Vincent Sylvester posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Lionhead Studio The Movies running in windowed mode loses the cursor input on alt-tab task switch. I tried the Tweaks DisableAltTab and MouseMoveByEvent, Hook dinput, Cursor Clipper ON. I cannot seem to get the cursor to fetch again when switching back to the game, I think the game uses a non-standard input method because the cursor is also much faster than on the rest of the computer.