Activity for Christopher

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on a wiki page

    is this also ubuntu or just arch

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    cool, awesome.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    ok, thanks.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    i am using ventoy.

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    im beginning to think itsmy ssd. i still cant load grub2 mode or normal mode. nevermind, its not my ssd.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    im beginning to think itsmy ssd. i still cant load grub2 mode or normal mode.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    yeah still cant for somereason. the only thing i can think of is when i mount grub to boot/efi or systemd/ im not sure how to get this solved. i never had an issue with loading stormos before. could it be my ssd? would ssds cause this issue being corrupted and such?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    I'm trying to install the iso. its not letting me. kicks me back to ventoy screen.

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    all of my issues is third party related? would makes sense. now i see i have too many fonts. that can cause issues. i think i found my problems.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    all of my issues is third party related? would makes sense.

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    core packages? oh man, another dud. how do i fix this corruption issue of packages? along with poetry wheel issue.... so i used a command to search issues. pacman -Qi | grep -i conflict Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : xfsacl Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts...

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    core packages? oh man, another dud. how do i fix this corruption issue of packages? along with poetry wheel issue.... so i used a command to search issues. Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : xfsacl Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With : None Conflicts With...

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    core packages? oh man, another dud. how do i fix this corruption issue of packages? along with poetry wheel issue.... what do i do?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    i think i found my conflict: it seems to be related to accoutnservice, xorg-server-xephyr, lightdm and lightdm-gtk-greeter and xorg-server.

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    ok, so al lof those package si listed are part ofit. so it not python then. sounds like stormos, xfce4, xorg and python are togethor. what about xf86 video and input? xdg-desktop-portal and etc? xcb-util? mkinitcpio? darkhttpd? dnsmasq and gpm? openssh? vkd3d? wget, git and oh-my-bash-git? gconf? autoconf? gtk-engines, gtk-engine-murrine, gtk-update-icon-cache, gtk2, gtk3, gtk4? gparted? adobe-source-sans-fonts? awesome-terminal-fonts? i know im just copying the list i had before. but, im trying...

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    ok, so al lof those package si listed are part ofit. so it not python then. sounds like stormos, xfce4, xorg and python are togethor. what about xf86 video and input? xdg-desktop-portal and etc? xcb-util? mkinitcpio? darkhttpd? dnsmasq and gpm? openssh? vkd3d? wget, git and oh-my-bash-git? gconf? autoconf? gtk-engines, gtk-engine-murrine, gtk-update-icon-cache, gtk2, gtk3, gtk4? gparted? adobe-source-sans-fonts? awesome-terminal-fonts? i know im just copying the list i had before. but, im trying...

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    ok, so al lof those package si listed are part ofit. so it nots python then. sounds like stormos, xfce4, xorg and python are togethor. what about xf86 video and input? xdg-desktop-portal and etc? xcb-util? mkinitcpio? darkhttpd? dnsmasq and gpm? openssh? vkd3d? wget, git and oh-my-bash-git? gconf? autoconf? gtk-engines, gtk-engine-murrine, gtk-update-icon-cache, gtk2, gtk3, gtk4? gparted? adobe-source-sans-fonts? awesome-terminal-fonts? i know im just copying the list i had before. but, im trying...

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    does storm os uses python or no? is it safe to remove them all? python-poetry python-dulwich python-keyring python-yaml python-wraptpython-webencodings python-virtualenv python-urllib3 python-typing_extensions python-trove-classifiers python-tomlkit python-tomli python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp python-sphinxcontrib-jquery python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp python-sphinx_rtd_theme python-sphinx-alabaster-theme python-snowballstemmer...

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    does storm os uses python or no? is it safe to remove them all?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    makepkg -ci ==> ERROR: PKGBUILD does not exist. this popped up.. that makight be my issue.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    here is the error. ERROR Missing dependencies: poetry>=0.12 poetry-plugin-export<2.0.0,>=1.6.0 -> poetry<3.0.0,>=1.8.0 -> keyring<25.0.0,>=24.0.0 poetry>=0.12 keyring<25.0.0,>=24.0.0 poetry>=0.12 dulwich<0.22.0,>=0.21.2 poetry>=0.12 poetry-plugin-export<2.0.0,>=1.6.0 -> poetry<3.0.0,>=1.8.0 -> dulwich<0.22.0,>=0.21.2 ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build(). Aborting...

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    so its ok to remove those packages then?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    how do i remove that pkgfile?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    cool awesome. idk what happened but its looks like its connected to that poetry thing.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    still wont go through. i hope i dont have to remove those.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    just ran into an issue with yay -Sy core stormos multab extra. i was able to bypass the poetry issue via Installing python-poetry. now im running into an issue with tk, python-wheel, python-protobuf, python-grpcio, re2, c-ares, help2man an perl-locale-gettext asking to be removed. what do i do? im using the fresh iso.

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    are these my issues? 9.167s nmb.service 2.013s fwupd.service 1.035s systemd-modules-load.service 354ms dev-nvme0n1p2.device 204ms ldconfig.service 182ms udisks2.service 158ms user@1000.service 121ms upower.service 120ms systemd-udev-trigger.service 116ms passim.service 102ms NetworkManager.service 97ms iio-sensor-proxy.service 90ms lvm2-monitor.service 89ms smb.service 79ms systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service 79ms wpa_supplicant.service 79ms bolt.service 72ms lightdm.service 64ms systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service...

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    are these my issues? 9.167s nmb.service 2.013s fwupd.service 1.035s systemd-modules-load.service 354ms dev-nvme0n1p2.device 204ms ldconfig.service 182ms udisks2.service 158ms user@1000.service 121ms upower.service 120ms systemd-udev-trigger.service 116ms passim.service 102ms NetworkManager.service 97ms iio-sensor-proxy.service 90ms lvm2-monitor.service 89ms smb.service 79ms systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service 79ms wpa_supplicant.service 79ms bolt.service 72ms lightdm.service 64ms systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service...

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    since storm uses nvidia as teh default driver. how do i switch it to amd? plus, i have mesa. but, it wont show in pacman -Qet list.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    since storm uses nvidia as teh default driver. how do i switch it to amd?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    i figured it out, its a graphic driver issue.

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    what does rastertsizer error mean? trying to install lord of the rings war of the ring rts pc game?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    what does restartsizer error mean? trying to install lord of the rings war of the ring rts pc game?

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    (zenity:5300): Adwaita-WARNING **: 07:35:41.309: Using GtkSettings:gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme with libadwaita is unsupported. Please use AdwStyleManager:color-scheme instead. how to sovle this? im trying to install directshow. it gvies me this error via terminal. i think i sovled it, now just need to fix cabextract.

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    (zenity:5300): Adwaita-WARNING **: 07:35:41.309: Using GtkSettings:gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme with libadwaita is unsupported. Please use AdwStyleManager:color-scheme instead. how to sovle this? im trying to install directshow. it gvies me this error via terminal.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    (zenity:5300): Adwaita-WARNING **: 07:35:41.309: Using GtkSettings:gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme with libadwaita is unsupported. Please use AdwStyleManager:color-scheme instead. how to sovle this?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    i see if i can figured it out somehow. shouldnt be to ohard rigth? lol. that maybe why oim having all of these issues. if i udnerstand. if a filesystem is corrupted. everything stops working. well not everything. just certain useful tools wont work. which maybe why bash-completion not working. maybe teh fielsystem issue. now i need to research on how to fix this. im thinking sudo fsck is nto enough to fixi t. probably needs other tools. im pretty persistence finding out how to fix things for this...

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    is it good for a filesystem like xfs to have: Bad magic number in super-block?

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    how to fix bash-compeltion since now most things are working?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    to fix bash-completion since now most things are working?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    i tried to launch it it gives me this. (mate-power-manager:25366): PowerManager-WARNING **: 14:56:49.770: DBUS error: The name does not have an owner (mate-power-manager:25366): PowerManager-WARNING **: 14:56:49.770: no mate-session (mate-power-manager:25366): PowerManager-WARNING **: 14:56:49.790: Failed to get session for pid 25366: The name is not activatable (mate-power-manager:25366): PowerManager-WARNING **: 14:56:49.791: could not map keysym 1008ffa8 to keycode (mate-power-manager:25366):...

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    i installed, how to launch it?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    im guessing the post needs confirimination.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    how do i download mate power manager?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    i have on xfce power managent on for blank after: never put to sleep after: never switch off after: never. for display and plugged in. idk what else to do. even extensions from chrome dont work. i think i have soemthing turn on. im not sure what.

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    how do you keep yoru computer from falling asleep when watching videos and not using the mouse? i can only do that when downloading fiels. but, with no actvity afetr that. t goes to sleep quickly in ten minutes or so.or less.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    how do you keep yoru computer from falling asleep when watching videos?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    awesome thanks. it has been awhile since i used arch, so my knowledge for wine and commands are rusty.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    is this correct to install dependencies and such? WINEPREFIX=~/.wine WINEARCH=win64 winetricks vcrun2003 vcrun2005 vcrun2008 vcrun2010 vcrun2012 vcrun2013 vcrun2022 directplay ogg directmusic l3codecx vcrun6sp6 vcrun6 vb6run xact xvid since i use the wine folder teh default folder.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    ok so i create one then. which means its probably be 32.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    also, after i create teh two folders. i use WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32 WINEARCH=win32 wine or winetricks to install stuuff like vcrun2003 to vcrun2022?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    thought so, when i saw a posy about it. i was little suspicous on it. i thas eben awhile last i used arch. so i forgotten how to do the commands. since i already have a wine default folder do i still need win64 folder? i know you cant install all programs from winetricks on 64 bit default. so imagine i need win32 and win64?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    whats the best way to created a winprefix folder to install files? is thsi correct? WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32 WINEARCH=win32 wineboot

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    ok i try get thsoe installed somehow through it. im guessing it wasnt installed correctly.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    how to solve direct 3d error code 188? trying to run game lord of the rinsg war of the ring rts game.

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    figured sounds like that could be anything. thanks for walking em throguh this situation sorry aboput all of this. i learned my lesson though,. no more combining environments. i keep that in mind that it creates conflicts.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    figured sounds like that could be anything. thanks for wlakign em throguh this situation sorry aboput all of this. i learned my lesson though,. no more combining environments. i keep that in mind that it creates conflicts.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    that be good, cause i done quite a bit to fix. it was a hassle to figured it out which ones. so many files, lol. i think i got some of it fixed. im not sure what else to do at this point. other than removing conflicting prorgams which i can do seperately. so far i dont see anymore warnings in octopi. but still see the warning in terminal. so that maybe something i think. cause it says: "warning program(any program) up to date. reinstalling resolving dependencies" does that mean anything or its normal?...

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    how do you fix static noise when watching videos and listening to music?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    i hadnt seen too many warnings this time. i think i got it solved. do i need to update to your new version or no? how do i update without replacing the wole iso?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    what are the commands for wine to install in terminal for stuff like directplay and etc? i forgot.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I just installed this today. how do i start it? i check the conf file nothing in yet. so i geuss that means ineed to start it somehow. im on legion go via storm os gnome arch linux.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    i think i found my problem sudo systemctl start gnome-keyring-daemon.service Failed to start gnome-keyring-daemon.service: Unit gnome-keyring-daemon.service not found. sudo systemctl enable gnome-keyring-daemon.service Failed to enable unit: Unit gnome-keyring-daemon.service does not exist systemctl status org.archlinux.keyring.service Unit org.archlinux.keyring.service could not be found.

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    seems everything working again minus the tab-compeltion will tehse be in conflict? yay -S xorg-xrefresh xorg-xprop xorg-xpr xorg-xkbutils xorg-xkbcomp xorg-xev xorg-xauth xorg-server-xephyr xorg-server xorg-mkfontscale xorg-iceauth xmlto xz xrectsel xorgproto xfce4-artwork xfce4-clipman-plugin xfce4-cpugraph-plugin xfce4-dict xfce4-notes-plugin xfce4-notifyd xfce4-panel xfce4-power-manager xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin xfce4-screensaver xfce4-screenshooter xfce4-session xfce4-settings xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin...

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    seems everything working again minus the tab-compeltion

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    looks like i can install stuff now. the keyring mayeb workign again. still not sure on teh udpates part. but, so far i can reinstall them now. keyring issue maybe fixed for now i think .

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    am i ok using xf86-video?

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4


  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    i got the archlinux-keyring issue figured. bluetooth, bluez, pulseaudio-bluetooth and the keyring was not liking each other.

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    it says: error: target not found: cachyos-key error: target not found: cachyos-repo

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    where do i look up the two repos of cachy and chaotic?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    sorry for all the trouble. lesson learned though. dont have kde and gnoem togethor, lol. i had to dig info on the internet on what to do with all of this stuff, lol. so i was able to solve half of that. now its all coming down to archlinux-keyring. in some cases, there is a missing key. not sure how true that is for my issue. i had to pin point the culprit. so had go to through tons of packages. now i found the culprit. the damn archlinux-keyring.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    i figured it out the issue. its the archlinux-keyring. i got gmp, dnsmasq to install. not sure how to fix archlinux-keyring.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    happy birthday.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    gpg: key A6234074498E9CEE: "Christian Hesse" not changed gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: unchanged: 1 pub rsa2048 2011-08-12 [SC] 02FD1C7A934E614545849F19A6234074498E9CEE uid [ full ] Christian Hesse sub rsa2048 2011-08-12 [E] sub ed25519 2019-08-29 [S] sub cv25519 2019-08-29 [E] gpg: key 25EA6900D9EA5EBC: "George Rawlinson" 1 new signature gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: new signatures: 1 pub ed25519 2016-11-03 [C] 034D823DA2055BEE6A6BF0BB25EA6900D9EA5EBC...

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    warning: accountsservice: unknown key '%INSTALLED_DB%' in local database warning: adobe-source-sans-fonts: unknown key '%INSTALLED_DB%' in local database warning: adw-gtk3: unknown key '%INSTALLED_DB%' in local database warning: alpm_octopi_utils: unknown key '%INSTALLED_DB%' in local database warning: alsa-utils: unknown key '%INSTALLED_DB%' in local database warning: amd-ucode: unknown key '%INSTALLED_DB%' in local database warning: appmenu-gtk-module: unknown key '%INSTALLED_DB%' in local database...

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    i see, so im safe to remove xorg and other stuff. my apologies for causing a issue. i had no idea that was possible. lesson learned. so im safe to remove xorg?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    would xorg, xfce, cause conflict with storm os? i realize something. storm os config and grub were infected. got corrupted basically. im thinking it maybe my fault i think. i installed discover store not far back. but, i guess half of the programs got messed up. i tried removing qt5 and qt6 stuff. but they are part octopi including the karchive and etc. so that leaves xorg, xfce, storm os. but, i had removed gimp and handbrake directory from var/lib/pacman/local folder. im thinking i may know what...

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    nope i didn't, lol. this maybe on there end as usual.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    i think i got it figured it out.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    now im looking at my list of files. im starting to think it is a conflict. yup, it is. it maybe my fault. it says unknown key '%INSTALLED_DB%' in local database

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    yup its a conflict issue.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    is Nvidia driviers the default? im using amd hardware. for the installer do i check amd graphics driver and amd ucode? causey machine is not Nvidia. am i ok uninstalling nvidia drivers?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    i know how you feel. all that work, just to get screwed over by arch keyrings. arch devs needs better tools.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    unfortunate. this is a common issue with arch in general. there main mistake was to tie the all distros with a keyring. thats a huge downside with arch in general. debian doesnt have this issue. so you could switch over to debian or void pinux. but, thats up to you but, yeah. arch keyrings are a pain.

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    yup, still there after you renew the arch keyring. somethign going going on with the keyring. it doesnt like something.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    yup, still there after you renew the arch keyring.

  • Christopher Christopher modified a comment on ticket #4

    looks like the error is gone. i fixed it somehow. But, the tab compeltion is still not working. it might be need to eb configured i think. idk how to do that though.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    yeah it is.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    looks like the error is gone. i fixed it somehow.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    it gaved me this issue for updating. :: Starting full system upgrade...--------------] 100% warning: amd-ucode: unknown key '%INSTALLED_DB%' in local database warning: archlinux-keyring: unknown key '%INSTALLED_DB%' in local database warning: bluez: unknown key '%INSTALLED_DB%' in local database warning: bluez-libs: unknown key '%INSTALLED_DB%' in local database warning: bluez-utils: unknown key '%INSTALLED_DB%' in local database warning: flac: unknown key '%INSTALLED_DB%' in local database warning:...

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    is fish what causing the issue?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    got it figured it out. i use gnome software stor. everything working again. now the only thing left is getting tab-completion to work.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    how do you add flathub repository to ovtopi repository editor and what is the server file?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    have you had an issue with youtube web page and discord webpage to reload itself constantly? the search results says could be an issue with pipewire, alsa and pusleaudio? does storm os linux have all 3 or just two?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    sweet, awesome.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    looks like chsh -s /bin/bash says: chsh: Shell not changed.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    how did you get tab completion working? driving me nuts. how do i enable it? i reinstalled a few timews. it seems dont want to work. it needs to be configured. how do i get it to enable on bashrc?

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    ok, it maybe a issue on xfs end. xfs seems to be corrupted. how to fix it? that maybe why i have issues.

  • Christopher Christopher posted a comment on ticket #4

    what about the tab issue? everytime i press tab on sudo pacman -S <package> no lists pop up. </package> same with yay. do i need to configured it? if so how to do that?

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