The original export file from Lotus Notes seems to allright too. The event which causes one of the errors looks like this: BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20161211 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20161211 So no missing VALUE=DATE like in the one which is exported from the SOGo Webinterface, which is: DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20101211 DTEND;:20101212T000000Z in the export from SOGo in the webinterface. Thanks! Thomas
In SOGo the timezone setting is "Europe/Berlin" and attached is one event which created the error and it looks like, that SOGo is chaning the events. So i think I have to contact the SOGo people, right?
line 6:7: unexpected token: [":",<6>,line=6,col=7]
I think I've the same problem as halext in 2013. I'm missing the dynamic option when...
Hello, I'm new to radiusdesk and I'm trying to setup a radiusdesk/freeadius environment....