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  • Posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help on GestioIP IPAM - IP address management

    Hello, We are using Gestio and added some custom columns for Username/Password information (although this is not just an issue for custom columns). If we have a disallowed character, we get: Only the following characters are allowed: a-zA-Z0-9ÀÁÂÃÄÅĄÆÇĆÈÉÊËĘÌÍÎÏÐŁÑŃÒÓÔÕÖ×ØŚÙÚÛÜÝŹŻÞßàáâãäåæąçćèéêëęìíîïðłñńòóôõö÷øśùúûüýźżþÿ€¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«»­®¯°±¹²³´µ·º¼½¾¿?!()[]{}|~+\n\r\f\t (1) We unfortunately use some common disallowed characters such as # or * or \ (i.e. Domainname\Administrator). As a side note, we...

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2019-06-30 17:56:52


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