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  • Posted a comment on discussion OTL on Oracle, ODBC, DB2-CLI Template Library

    Hello Sergei, yes, I did. The compilation with the newest otlv4.h works fine in VS2019 without this issue. The problem here is, that the new version differs completely from my old one, so I would have to run excessive testing of all applications using it (we have >10.000 users/day) to avoid any regression. This is possible, but not planned or budgeted currently. Doing test I have seen, that the error can be workarounded simply replacing the line: define OTL_ANSI_CPP_11_NOEXCEPT NOEXCEPT with define...

  • Posted a comment on discussion OTL on Oracle, ODBC, DB2-CLI Template Library

    screenshot added

  • Posted a comment on discussion OTL on Oracle, ODBC, DB2-CLI Template Library

    Hello * , We are using otlv4.h version 4.0.360 for many years in C++ applications on Windows 10 and AIX with Visual Studio 2015. Moving forward now to Vs 2019 I get a compilation warning: warning STL4006: std::uncaught_exception() is deprecated in C++17 and a compilation error: error C3646: "_NOEXCEPT": Unbekannter Ŕberschreibungsspezifizierer from the header. Is anybody facing the same issues and is there a workaround/solution available ? I did myself some investigation and found the following section...

  • Posted a comment on discussion OTL on Oracle, ODBC, DB2-CLI Template Library

    Hello Sergej, We took 3 measures to improve the open cursor situation: Activated the auto_commit parameter for the otl_connect::rlogon method This reduced number of open cursors and blocking sessions Duplicated the critical PL/SQL procedures in database and implemented a small dispatcher logic randomly switching between these procedures. Thereby the number of possible locks is multiplicated. Activated OTL_TRACE_LEVEL to 0x4 Analyzing the traces I found some code doing unnecessary DB calls and changed...

  • Posted a comment on discussion OTL on Oracle, ODBC, DB2-CLI Template Library

    Hello Sergei, Ok, so there should be no difference from running this statement directly in SQL. Good. I stopped your statement after 40 minutes, cannot do test on productive environment too long. CURSOR_SHARING is set to 'FORCE' for the process running this Oracle session, not generally. Yes, it is a single database instance and connection pooling is used. It looks like we have some trouble in high load situations. We have many Oracle sessions holding locks on the same database object (PL/SQL procedures)....

  • Posted a comment on discussion OTL on Oracle, ODBC, DB2-CLI Template Library

    Hello *; We are analyzing performance problems in a large database with > 10.000 sessions in parallel. OTL (version 4.0.360) is used in form of otl_stream::open(<sql_statement>). I see many statements like: SELECT <attribute> FROM WHERE DOCUMENT_ID in (id1, id2, id3, ... id500); This is given to OTL as a single statement.When I check the session afterwards for open cursors, I see many statements like: SELECT <attribute> FROM WHERE DOCUMENT_ID in (id1); SELECT <attribute> FROM WHERE DOCUMENT_ID in...

  • Created ticket #12 on Oracle, ODBC, DB2-CLI Template Library

    Reconnect after otl_terminate()

  • Modified a comment on discussion OTL on Oracle, ODBC, DB2-CLI Template Library

    Hello * Here is a very simple program trying to reconnect to Oracle DB after connection...

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