User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1481 on 7-Zip

    I don't know much about AHK, maybe we have different versions? Thought I'd post my version in case someone had the same problem as me.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1481 on 7-Zip

    Trent's script didn't work for me out of the box so I made some modifications here: #NoEnv SendMode Input If WinActive("ahk_class 7-Zip::FM") { XButton1:: ; Back button Send {Backspace} ; Backspace key return XButton2:: ; Forward button Send ^{PgDn} ; Ctrl + Page Down return }

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on MediaTomb


  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on MediaTomb

    Sorry for the double post. Someone please delete this.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on MediaTomb

    I want MediaTomb to sort my videos properly (IDK why it doesn't do this by default...)...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on MediaTomb

    I want MediaTomb to sort my videos properly (IDK why it doesn't do this by default...)...

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Personal Data

2015-04-25 20:55:05


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