Activity for stan cartwright

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It is easy to open a demo file, alter it then test it, to then realise you have saved the altered demo file when it should have been saved under a different name and not in the demos folder. Well I've done that many times, oops.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    For arduino there's an old prog called XLoader that flashes gcb hex files. I used a drive clone program, can't remember the name, to clone my HDD PC's to SDD. It cloned a 1TB HDD to 250G SSD and a 512G HDD to 240G SSD 6 years ago and all is well. This pc says 94.3G left from 222G. SDD drives spread the data around so it doesn't rewrite the same drive memory I think.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I loaded a gcb file then saved it in Videos folder. Flash hex created files in the Videos folder, no device attached. Where you save the file becomes the default save. I'll try a usb ssd

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Useful advice if testing code - create sub folders for pic, arduino, lgt and let win save as file (1), file (2) etc. I got too many files to find anything when I want it :(

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    these can be programmed in mmbasic and connected with serial to say a uno to use the wifi. just a thought.|pcrid|605262956803|kword||match||plid||slid||product|SC19561|pgrid|138313687415|ptaid|pla-1825758690938|&CMP=KNC-GUK-CPC-SHOPPING-9262013734-138313687415-SC19561&s_kwcid=AL!5616!3!605262956803!!!network}!1825758690938!&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiw...

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    thanks Evan. see in 2 weeks £7.65 but £11.69 with tax and postage. still, beer money. a useful project. integers fine and better really.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    The sensor is probably real. Others are £21 eg adafruit etc. I'll order the ae one. useful project. a bar graph display maybe?

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Would this be suitable please?

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Spi max speed , would lgt be needed or ucontroller with lot of ram to maybe sort a frame buffer? Sprites and layers come to mind. Lot of work for you and Steve, hope it goes well. no gui editor to use it... yes!

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Spi max speed , would lgt be needed or ucontroller with lot of ram to maybe sort a frame buffer? Sprites and layers come to mind. Lot of work for you and Steve, hope it goes well.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Nice. Half the price of 7" Nextion. Interesting to see what can be done , like framebuffer. What pic to drive it, lgt 328 ?

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I got your ' PCA9685 routines for the GCBASIC compiler ' Copyright (C) 2018 Evan R. Venn 16 channel but i2c but today and think I used it for 2 stepper motor drives

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I asked on another forum if there's a difference and with spi.. no. The viewing angle is the display not the st7789. using 378MHz 32 bit. spi slows it

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dan, I think the LGT8F328P is a great 8bit chip.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Anobium implemented ssd1306 pixel read x,y when I asked and I wrote a tron game but that was reading from a 1K buffer. He also added read pixel x,y to ili9341 where as it said miso not used before. (reset can be tied hi also and it works.. save a pin?) Is it only the st7789 with touch and sd card uses miso? Not a problem really but handy for some games or even a blit function. it looks a tidy display and depending where you buy from , cheap. invaders - #define GLCD_DI DIGITAL_12 ' Data in | MISO...

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    gcstudio include ... #define ST7789_DI GLCD_DI ;DI IS NOT USED within the library - presence for completeness

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So read pixel should work. An alternative to ili9341. Is it better/faster?

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Nice work. Interesting display, also available 240 * 135. Also with touch and sd card. Is miso / sdi implemented?

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Nice work. Interesting display, also available 240 * 135. Also with touch and sd card.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Good work. Thanks.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi evan. You posted about esp32 vga board. I bought one but don't do C. There's a tiny basic interpreter for it.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    there was talk of buttons and pins used. I got 2 of these 5 click button pads cheap and ok not 8bit but same idea ie use a-d pin to measure voltage, I'm using with 3.3V supply and logic but arduino button board is meant for 5V. I should try with 328 but can't be. It uses 1 pin to get 5 buttons

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    there was talk of buttons and pins used. I got 2 of these 5 click button pads cheap and ok not 8bit but same idea ie use a-d pin to measure voltage, I'm using with 3.3V supply and logic but arduino button board is meant for 5V. I should try with 328 but can't be.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Help

    I got an ili 9488 I could use with 328 nano as same as ili9341 wiring if any use to test as another user.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Help

    looks green to me but I'm red green colour blind.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Help

    this works picomite, any use? const WH =RGB(255, 255, 255) 'WHITE const YE =RGB(255, 255, 0) 'YELLOW const LI =RGB(255, 128, 255) 'LILAC const BR =RGB(255, 128, 0) 'BROWN const FU =RGB(255, 64, 255) 'FUCHSIA const RU =RGB(255, 64, 0) 'RUST const MA =RGB(255, 0, 255) 'MAGENTA const RE =RGB(255, 0, 0) 'RED const CY =RGB(0, 255, 255) 'CYAN const GR =RGB(0, 255, 0) 'GREEN const CE =RGB(0, 128, 255) 'CERULEAN const MI =RGB(0, 128, 0) 'MIDGREEN const CO =RGB(0, 64, 255) 'COBALT const MY =RGB(0, 64, 0)...

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Help

    it's an ili9488 in5819 between sdo and touchdo 10KR between reset and touchDin I did use a 680R between sdo(miso) and touchdo this is only for picomite not gcb ili9341 works fine on picomite ili9488 works fine also now and is swap-able For gcb this is probably not relevant. You don't need miso for display unless you want pixel read. reset can be tied high.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Help

    I don't know if this is relevant but I use an ili9481 but with mmbasic and picomite and there's problems with miso, a 680R needs wiring in and I used a diode as well for the display to work. For the ILI9488 it says "Initialises a TFT display using the ILI9488 controller. This supports 480 * 320 resolution. Note that this controller has an issue with the MISO pin which interferes with the touch controller. For this display to work the MISO pin must not be connected"

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    You got competition. There's interpreted basic for these but they are so fast it doesn't need compiling.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    When I connect uno or nano boards to win 10 pc the com port number is always different. quote "I checked the windows port settings both are on COM8 for the two Nano boards."

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    On the Back Shed forum someone recently posted Hello, As an alternative to PicoMiteVGA I have connected a Pico via serial to a Lily TTGO VGA32 board, which has the FabGL extended ANSI terminal installed. This gives 640x480 pixels with 16 colours. The extended terminal commands include points, lines, rectangles, polygons, circles, scroll and sprites. I would like to know how it performs in speed compared to the PicoMiteVGA. This can be tested with a simple program like this, for example: cls startime...

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I like the arduino nano with gcb... they're cheap! Will this be cheap or is it new firmware for existing nano?? gcb for rpipico ??? that would be the dream :)

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Uno mega 328 runs at slower clock if run from 3.3V if any use. I found uot when trying to change pin logic levels. Pics don't work like that, logic levels drop but clock stays the same.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Uno mega 328 runs at slower clock if run from 3.3V if any use

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Useful advice if testing code - create sub folders for pic, arduino, lgt and let win save as file (1), file (2) etc. I got too many files to find anything when I want it :(

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Haren-"By the way, I've read that the ltg328 is 1,8-5,5V device!?" I thought it was 3.3V logic. powered from the usb lead. I will set a pin on and measure it's voltage. I only used lgt with ili and ssd displays, not connected other hardware.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Haroen "I will buy an ili9341 with touch and 5V logic levels to try oscilloscope and ASCII code." most ili9341 are 3.3V logic and need a bi-directional logic level converter board, I mean Chinese ebay. LGT328 is 3.3V logic so is simpler to connect to ili9341 and it is visibly faster than arduino 328p. The touch screen is not good and worst on lgt, it needs software spi as it is too fast, ask Anobium. ILI has test screen pixel x,y and is a nice display. Check it has the touch chip as some do not....

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Haroen "I will buy an ili9341 with touch and 5V logic levels to try oscilloscope and ASCII code." most ili9341 are 3.3V logic and need a bi-directional logic level converter board, I mean Chinese ebay. LGT328 is 3.3V logic so is simpler to connect to ili9341 and it is visibly faster than arduino 328p. The touch screen is not good and worst on lgt, it needs software spi as it is too fast, ask Anobium. ILI has test screen pixel x,y and is a nice display. Check it has the touch chip as some do not....

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You are using gcstudio? I was using gcb. I tried gcstudio and no problems with LGT.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You are using gcstudio? I was using gcb. I tried gcstudio and no prplems.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You are using gcstudio? I was using gcb. I tried gcstudio and no prplems.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes it is lower amplitude on lgt328 yet testing 0V, 3.3V and 5V , they show as 0V to 5V on the display. Strange but no idea why. I never tried the ssd1306 with lgt328 very much. Not tested like I did with ili9341, which went much faster with no code changes. I shall play with ssd graphics using lgt to test. xoring graphics is a nice feature but limited uses. I would test your code for chars but lost the thread.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I met someone I've known for ages but didn't see much of and he reckoned that wearing facemasks was for testing AI facial recognition ... er... what could I say? ... and omicron was an anagram of moronic :)

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I plugged lgt328 board into win7 ultimate 32bit and no usb to uart driver. Win could not fix it. GCB has stopped running since installing latest gcstudio on win 7, missing messages dat. On win10 it's usb serial device on com 6.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Help

    Searching. It's supported by gcb, i2c arduino nano so it's something you probably wrote. All servos worked but the leg motion and a psu.. it got put on the shelf. I found this.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Help

    Searching. It's supported by gcb, i2c arduino nano so it's something you probably wrote. All servos worked but the leg motion and a psu.. it got put on the shelf. I found this.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Help

    Searching. It's supported by gcb, i2c arduino nano so it's something you probably wrote. All servos worked but the leg motion and a psu.. it got put on the shelf.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    time will tell. convert c arduino to gcb? convert lead into gold with a pic?

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    they will notify me email when I can use it. What's the catch? cynical stan

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Chat GPT from github. Not a clue. Yet you promote github. Wonder if it works for mmbasic on picomite?

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    like you?

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @williamroth lazy, Yes, we use libraries not written by our selves and use other peoples demo code :) All you need is a few lines of your code to make it your program.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @williamroth lazy, Yes, we use libraries not written by our selves and use other peoples demo code :) All you need is a few lines of your code to make it your program.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes, we use libraries not written by our selves and use other peoples code as examples :)

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    tried the link and no idea ... and overloaded

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    tried the link and no idea

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    What's Evan on about now ???

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It does not need drivers. It is showing in device manager. Set up programmer preferences to highest com port number. Works for me. win 10 64bit.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Check usb connections, I have had problems with usb cables on many devices. Set up programmer preferences to highest com port number. Works for me. win 10 64bit.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Check usb connections, I have had problems with usb cables on many devices. Set up programmer preferences to highest com port number. Works for me.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Help

    I used 2 pca9685 boards to drive 18 rc servos using gcb. Don't know if relevant.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I loaded a gcb file then saved it in Videos folder. Flash hex created files in the Videos folder, no device attached. Where you save the file becomes the default save. I'll try a usb ssd

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I loaded a gcb file then saved it in Videos folder. Flash hex created files in the Videos folder, no device attached. I'll try a usb ssd

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I loaded a gcb file then saved it in Videos folder. Flash hex created files in the Videos folder, no device attached.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Haroen "SSD1306 is a 0.08W Voltage 3-5Vdc therefore it should work with the 3,3V LGT board and a 3,3V power supply. But 5V on the 3,3V LGT board? I lost 1 hour trying to install the LGT8F328P driver, no luck :(" I had no probs with lgt328. (nice work Evan), you just change the code header AND in programmer preferences drag LGT328 to top and edit and select a com port, usually the highest number suggested of 3 suggestions. #chip LGT8F328P,32 #include <LGT8F328P.h> The Lgt328 is the fastest 8bit microcontroller...

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Haroen "SSD1306 is a 0.08W Voltage 3-5Vdc therefore it should work with the 3,3V LGT board and a 3,3V power supply. But 5V on the 3,3V LGT board? I lost 1 hour trying to install the LGT8F328P driver, no luck :(" I had no probs with lgt328. (nice work Evan), you just change the code header AND in programmer preferences drag LGT328 to top and edit and select a com port, usually the highest number suggested of 3 suggestions. #chip LGT8F328P,32 #include <LGT8F328P.h> The Lgt328 is the fastest 8bit microcontroller...

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Haroen "SSD1306 is a 0.08W Voltage 3-5Vdc therefore it should work with the 3,3V LGT board and a 3,3V power supply. But 5V on the 3,3V LGT board? I lost 1 hour trying to install the LGT8F328P driver, no luck :(" I had no probs with lgt328. (nice work Evan), you just change the code header AND in programmer preferences drag LGT328 to top and edit and select a com port, usually the highest number suggested of 3 suggestions. #chip LGT8F328P,32 #include <LGT8F328P.h> The Lgt328 is the fastest 8bit microcontroller...

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Haroen "SSD1306 is a 0.08W Voltage 3-5Vdc therefore it should work with the 3,3V LGT board and a 3,3V power supply. But 5V on the 3,3V LGT board? I lost 1 hour trying to install the LGT8F328P driver, no luck :(" I had no probs with lgt328. (nice work Evan), you just change the code header AND in programmer preferences drag LGT328 to top and edit and select a com port, usually the highest number suggested of 3 suggestions. #chip LGT8F328P,32 #include <LGT8F328P.h> The Lgt328 is the fastest 8bit microcontroller...

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    For arduino there's an old prog called XLoader that flashes gcb hex files. I used a drive clone program, can't remember the name, to clone my HDD PC's to SDD. It cloned a 1TB HDD to 250G SSD and a 512G HDD to 240G SSD 6 years ago and all is well. This pc says 94.3G left from 222G. SDD drives spread the data around so it doesn't rewrite the same drive memory I think.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    I guess users vary from hobbyists like me to experts that use mplabx. I used GCB and it's crashing editor but just the minimum to write code and use file,edit and flash hex and programmer preferences. Easy to get used to, GCStudio was initially pretty to look at and the editor didn't crash but it has evolved into something that is more and more complicated. I think it would deter a new user. Anobium's recent github guide just made gcs seem more difficult. imho. All I want is to write my code and...

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    After watching Anobium github guide I found that click spanner then GCcode, I could paste a file copied to clipboard but seems it needs saving but it's all gone weird. Shut down GCS and reopen and it opened the pasted file. Played around and messed everything. So many meaningless options. Cannot get it to paste again. GCS is too complicated for me. Maybe a lite version for those who don't need all the scrolling lists of unknown option commands.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It is easy to open a demo file, alter it then test it, to then realise you have saved the altered demo file when it should have been saved under a different name and not in the demos folder. Well I've done that many times, oops.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm surprised connecting to 5V worked ie top line and didn't blow the lgt ! So the lgt is a plug in replacement for arduino nano... with prog prefs changed and #chip LGT8F328P,32 ;#chip mega328p,16 #option explicit #include <LGT8F328P.h> Just testing code and not noticeably twice as fast as using ili9341.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Out of interest-your base line xor on lgt328. 0V, 3.3V, 5V. Tried running ssd1306 from 3.3V , works the same as 5V supply. Not the same floating graph as arduino 328.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Out of interest-your base line xor on lgt328. 0V, 3.3V, 5V. Tried running ssd1306 from 3.3V , works the same as 5V supply. Not the same floating graph as arduino 328.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Out of interest-your base line xor on lgt328. 0V, 3.3V, 5V. Tried running ssd1306 from 3.3V , works the same as 5V supply. Not the same floating graph as arduino 328.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    People's opinion of easy are different but thanks for your time and effort.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    I was going to post my thoughts but changed my mind.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Haroen LGT328 DID work, it is the adc voltage is 0V to 3.3V, so the graph is a line at the bottom of the screen until I touch the adc pin. Pin compatible with arduino nano 328. I have not tried ssd1306 since 2017 from my file dates. Anobium has updated and I gave up with github. If I want a head ache I drink wine the night before :)

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    file new paste to blank screen

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    synwrite under gcstudio seems the same. Any code errors and it greys out and asks if windows can fix it. yawn. why not just keep using gcb as it's smaller file size and doesn't need an interface to use it? I liked gcstudio because the dark theme editor did not crash but if you got to use syn write then what's the point except auto updates? Someone sort the Geaney option out the box ie in install, option to install geany and it's in the ide list so if chosen just works

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    "But instead we have now ruled out all of the 3rd world users that work on hand me down PC's in townships or school shacks." learn c+ or python on arduino or picomite and mmbasic

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    I expect a telling off for posting gcstudio user feedback but feedback is asked for. There may be a way to paste copied code but it's not obvious. I never used mplabx or would want to. Way too complicated and I only use "Arduino" uno,nano or lgt328 not pic. If it's 64bit only then win 7 32bit using synwrite from gcstudio will end. And synwrite in gcstudio still crashes. I don't like the idea that gcstudio will replace gcb but you could ask for your money back :) I got visual studio on rpi400 if it's...

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Good video but is gcstudio getting complicated? I had to use synwrite because I copied code from your link but could not find a way to paste it. no new file paste like synwrite.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    OK, copy/pasted from link commented 'Footer '© 2023 GitHub, Inc. 'Footer navigation 'Ter and it worked although very different to my scope I posted as thank you for writing xor code. You do the code and I try to show examples/videos. If this is a base line can it be stripped to just text for testing? 'Draw the grid line 0,GLCD_HEIGHT/2,128,GLCD_HEIGHT/2 line 63,0,63,63 do glcdprint 60,20,"Test,1" wait 1 s glcdprint 60,20,"Test,1" wait 1 s loop Does not xor chars copy/pasted to synwrite as didn't...

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Thank you. It was open file click programmer preferences click preferences Uncheck verbose box should it be set off by default?

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This the above code you could have copied/pasted. This just an observation from Haroen's posts mentioning xor. I never tried xoring chars before.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Why is synwrite flash hex 6X faster than gcstudio flash hex for same file? Is all the scrolling info necessary? Testing code needs a quick turn around to see results.

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    My above code xor flashing "test". do GLCDPrint (0,0,"test",1) wait 1 s GLCDPrint (0,0,"test",1) wait 1 s loop This prints and erases "test" so xor works with chars. I think it is because it writes the char rows but even with your guides and glcd is written in basic, it can be difficult for me to understand. My code for ssd1306 is dated 2017. It seems that xor changes the pset to xor and chars are plotted but seems they are not. Clueless, stan ssd1306 works with picomite which is 3.3V logic and no...

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    synwrite flash hex and same file flash hex in latest gcstudio ... 57 seconds

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Why does this not restore large hello? GLCDPrintLargeFont 0,0, "HELLO" do GLCDPrint (0,0,"test",1) wait 1 s GLCDPrint (0,0,"test",1) wait 1 s It doesn't restore a line line 0,4,48,4,1 do GLCDPrint (0,0,"test",1) wait 1 s GLCDPrint (0,0,"test",1) wait 1 s

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    gccode and gcstudio editor in win 7 32bit X86 I would like this on win 7. This is win 10 64bit

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    gccode and gcstudio editor in win 7 32bit X86

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Anobium- I found a bread board wired for ssd1306 and 3K9R pullups and 328 nano but it had a lgt328 on the board and it did not work. I then remembered lgt328 is 3.3V logic and can not remember if it ever worked. Code was changed to #chip lgt328. Changing to 328p nano, same pinout and it worked? Does it need a logic level converter like ili9341 does with arduino 328p nano as ili9341 is 3.3V logic but the other way around that ssd1306 is 5V logic and lgt328 is 3.3V logic... if you follow my drift?

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Win 7 32bit x86 GCstudio updated. No option for gcstudio editor. Does it not run on win 7 32bit?

  • stan cartwright stan cartwright modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This sets xor and print and erases "test" although it's set to foreground ie glcdprint (0,0,"test",1). This must be dated code by Anobium. I have not used ssd1306 on gcb for years. do GLCDPrint (0,0,"test",1) wait 1 s GLCDPrint (0,0,"test",0) wait 1 s loop inverts the text to black on white GLCDPrintLargeFont 0,0, "HELLO" do GLCDPrint (0,0,"test",1) wait 1 s GLCDPrint (0,0,"test",1) wait 1 s loop This does not restore the large "hello". 'oled XOR pixel flashing "test" #chip mega328p,16 #option explicit...

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