Activity for Stanislav Shwartsman

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Better to open issue in github Or if you not sure it is the issue use discussion boards in github:

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [b1aca4] on Bochs-sfsite

    add back link to github project for Bochs on main page

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #1424

    Ignore SPP in guest paging-structure entries

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #1424

    This part is not a part of genuine definition. It is part of HLAT feature and Paging Write control. Write for A/D update should be okay only of Paging Write control is enabled. This control is not implemented yet, will be implemented soom/ In meanwhile- this is not a bug.

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #504

    USABILITY: There should be a small message before the debugger's Bochs prompt that the c key must be pressed

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #504


  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #454

    write config/read config can fail

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #454

    Every such case should be considered an issue. Right now we are clean after fixing few issues like that. Closing. If appears again - please open ticket on Github

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #476

    Bochs Enhanced Debugger useful features

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #476

    Already implemented in github

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #501

    Bochs does not support two VGA fonts displayed simultaneously.

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #501

    Already implemented in github

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #1460

    Incorrect "Blocking by NMI" bit when handling NMI VM-exit

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #1460

    Fix was pushed to github Branch: refs/heads/master Home: Commit: 6b48d6e33ff8d5a5f8b1986e01aa34c901faffe3

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #23

    svn guidelines

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #23

    Bochs moved to github and we hope we will get "quite a number of cvs developers" there to raise such an issues again

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #486

    assign opcode F1 as magic break point

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #486

    Many versions of magic breakpoints were added to fight 'bad magic breakpoint encoding' problem. Still definitelly not ICEBP because there are real workloads which want to emulate it properly.

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #469

    Memory module size determination

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #469

    Unclear requirement, what is S728P.ROM and why it is interesting ? If still relevant - please come up to discuss on github.

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #1443

    Out of bounds memory access in

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #1443

    Was never reproduced and the code was altered significantly. If you see it again - please report issue on github

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #461

    magic breakpoint instruction reassign ability

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #461

    Implemented and turned to master on github

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #297

    PAUSE instruction hack

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #297


  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #301

    Japan and Korea key support & Cirrus support for OS/2

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #301

    All but Japanese keyboard is already in the master. add scancodes for Japanese A01/AX keyboard and Hanguel keyboard win32 and RFB gui : Japanese A01 (106/109) keyboard support These could be supplied as separate patches based on master in github if still relevant.

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #565

    Real Time Clock /CMOS fix

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #565

    Merged into master

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Out of curiosity, do you work for Intel in Haifa? yes

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [84962d] on Bochs-sfsite

    Fix Bochs-Discussion link

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    A bochsrc. configuration file is a mess. It is auto generated. It does have no help comments. The >user is not told which options are available, which are mutually exclusive, or which require each >other. All that have to be read in the manual. BTW, I don't know where you got your .bochsrc from. We actually update it very carefully and treat it as necessary documentation. See .bochsrc in the sources tree and explain why you think it is autogenerated. I personally have no idea why do you think that...

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    We could argue forever. QEMU wasn't easier to use back 2004 not even in 2010. I was playing with Bochs and they were the same. Until a lot of users made QEMU more user friendly. And these users didn't came to Bochs not because Bochs not user friendly, because QEMU better served their needs. Most of users in the world don't need slow emulator, they need fast dynamic translation and hypervisor. New device developer will never look into Bochs because it is much more convenient to test device under QEMU...

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I would support everything that makes bochs better But you would have to explain the difference between one way or another way to the same thing. Bochs has parameters tree and other is used as main message system between devices and configuration. i know it us not perfect ut it us not that bad for its purpose Before adding new one need to think carefully. EDIT: I would rush adding client-server system messaging interface when there is nobody to communicate to on the other side. If the message system...

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I would support everything that makes bochs better but you would have to explain the difference between one way or another way to the same thing. Bochs has parameters tree and other is used as main message system between devices and configuration. i know it us not perfect ut it us not that bad for its purpose Before adding new one need to think carefully.

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I see you underestimating Bochs users. I just run your script blindly in purpose to demonstrate you your set of mind. Look on the description above, this is "simple" script and you barely managed to explain it in two pages of text. And you think that configuring Bochs is harder than running that script ? You also suggest reading into the script code which is definitely more complicated than reading into .bochsrc configuration example. Bochs is not virtual PC nor Virtual Box, so we assume that if...

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    After many years in industry I learned few things. The open source isn't stand of volunteers which develop open sources projects as hobby or on spare time. Most software developed because they are paid. The QEMU became such popular when big industry players with money put their power to develop QEMU. See how many Linux kernel devlopers payed by Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Apple and others. See the same for QEMU. And it is obvious that they choose QEMU, QEMU is FASTER. But it is faster by design, because...

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Long time ago I wanted to write a GUI tool like QEMU virtualization manager which does the configure work but got no support from any of the developers. Old folks know to read .bochsrc example and make the configuration for themselves - it is trivial for them. The Bochs configurator or Bochs manager you so missing could be nice side project for a student or new developers - I have a perfect vision how it should look like and I could guide anybody to it. Anyone raise hand ?

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am sorry, but is this called user-friendly tool you are complaining about ? I tried to run it and here what I got: ./ line 232: localectl: command not found Error: A keyboard language layout file for the language does not exist. Please select a different language for the variable keyb_locale. Error tells nothing to me. I am using cygwin and not Linux expert to understand what is going on. And of course editing the script is not looking as good idea. What the script supposed to do ...

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    After many years in industry I learns few things. The open source isn't stand of volunteers which develop open sources projects as hobby or on spare time. Most software developed because they are paid. The QEMU because such popular when big industry players with money put their power to develop QEMU. See how many Linux kernel devlopers paied by Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Apple and others. See the same for QEMU. And it is obvious that they choose QEMU, QEMU is FASTER. But it is faster by design, because...

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #502

    Just follow CR and DR write methods in CPU, file

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am alone here. Volker is not as available as before and doesn't contribute to the project recently. Also I am not very active in the last year. What is the reason for new release if nothing changed since previous one ? At least I would wait for Ben Lunt to come up with his USB updates. We transitioned to github for a reason to attract new developers. Instead old developers who not so friendly with new environment disappear and new folks didn't come. Seems like people have no interest in contributing...

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #502

    386 is not project priority and these TR registers do not exists in newer products Also they are not documented. The wiki says TR6 is used for TLB testing. How ? There is no description anywhere.

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just re-read it and seems it is explained quite well and detailed. You are welcome to submit pull request with explanation that will satisfy you and it will be reviewed

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just re-read it and seems it is explained quite well and detailed. You are welcome to submit pull request with explanation that will satisfy you and it will be reviewed

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Now it seems to me, that you are mixing address space and memory. memory = "If your WinXP has 128MB of RAM..." address space = "where you give each task 1024MB of RAM ?" So this address space is only a theoretical value? And you mixing guest and host. The Guest MEM - is how much memory guest sees. The Host MEM - is much memory host (OS running Bochs as applciation) allocate for it. And yes, this is like "virtual memory" because this is how it is implemented. On 32-bit Windows XP Host if you attempt...

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #1457

    I don't understand what do you expect and what happens instead. I see it like this: - You try to overwrite 0x100 words (512 bytes) starting from 0x7c00 here. This wipes out everyting, entire your example. The rep stos itself is not affected (rep stos cannot overwrite itself) but all after it is overwritten. So next instruction to execute after rep stosw will be db 00,00 ALWAYS The @ should never be printed because rep stosw overwrote it. During the rep stosw it detects self-modifying code and raises...

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #1456

    Bochs does not handle NMI blocking correctly when running virtual machines (VMX)

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #1456

    I have pushed the fix into git. Please review if it works on master now.

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #1456

    Just a whild guess for your case: see if (guest.interruptibility_state & BX_VMX_INTERRUPTS_BLOCKED_NMI_BLOCKED) { if (vm->vmexec_ctrls1 & VMX_VM_EXEC_CTRL1_VIRTUAL_NMI) mask_event(BX_EVENT_VMX_VIRTUAL_NMI); else mask_event(BX_EVENT_NMI); } else { unmask_event(BX_EVENT_VMX_VIRTUAL_NMI | BX_EVENT_NMI); } Please try to add the unmask_event 'else' and tell if it helps. I wrote entire VMX support for Bochs single handed and wouldbe happy to make it as good as possible. Would be glad if you could...

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #1456

    Hi, This is known problem, Bochs doesn't implement NMI-blocking and NMI handling in VMX. Also VMCALL is not implemented. Till now it was not required to implement it as most of the VMMs worked also without. Do you see a reason to implement it ?

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #566

    Port configure script to C99

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #566

    It is written on main page ochs project is transitioning to github ! The Bochs source tree is transitioning from SVN to GIT hosted on github. We welcome every new contributor !

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #566

    Bochs has been moved to github. Please open github pull request instead

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #554

    Hi, This patch doesn't merge in Are you in github ? May be can create a PR for the change in github ?

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Not that permanent. Now it is permanent The will be removed soon

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [c4d5ab]

    update github reference to Bochs SF site

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #1306

    "info gdt" uses wrong index in 64-bit mode

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #1119

    Broadcast SMI

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #1365

    'info gdt' does not properly print TSS in long mode

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #1365

    The info gdt was fixed to print long mode descriptors correctly

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #497

    Page Table view shows only low 32-bits linear address

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #497

    solocle submitted superior patch to this, closing this entry

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #562

    Fix type cast bug in bochs debugger

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #1428

    AMD SVM Hyper-V fails (bug)

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #1428

    Seems like all required parts were merged and issue can be closed

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #256

    set breakpoint on instruction

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #256

    The way to do it would be to use Bochs instrumentation module and use instrumentation callback to invoke debugger

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #485

    cpudb Vishera or tool?

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Is this permanent ? Yes

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman modified ticket #563

    Fix the build on big-endian architectures

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [e1f09f]

    mention github transition on main webpage of Bochs

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [da05b5]

    add awards folder to sfsite git

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [84515e]

    adding xcf folder to Bochs sfsite git

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [3c1f6c]

    added techspec folder to Bochs sfsite git

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [90c83c]

    add screenshots folder to Bochs sfsite git

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman posted a comment on ticket #23701

    Got confused a bit - The site content today is in htdocs folder and I want to replace it with new one which is clone from above git repo. And the clone fails with the weird error.

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman created ticket #23701

    Can't clone from git to update Bochs website

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [fa4ac3]

    update website as git repo

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [016e3b]

    fix on the homepage

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [a90361]

    update bochs.sf front page. still need to update getcurrent.html

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [00a2f8]

    update Bochs project description on the homepage (copy from most recent README from SVN sources)

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [76feea]

    added 'how the bochs works under the hood 2nd rev' to Bochs website

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [a7a45d]

    Update project news

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [f95cd8]

    Update get_current

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [69adb5]

    updated website news

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [3c9a2a]

    prev release was 2.4.2

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [618c3e]

    update front page

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [a27761]

    website update

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [9e3665]

    Update homepage

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [99c83a]

    update release link

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [5c9554]

    Typo fix

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [9af7e7]

    Added links to the paper

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [1ceef1]

    Update sfsite - need to upload it to the webpage

  • Stanislav Shwartsman Stanislav Shwartsman committed [67b430]

    Update news on Bochs website

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