IVL_UVM: UVM support - incremental additions
Understood, thanks for the explanation.
At tmy end I edited the bin/iverilog-vpi to get going (As I have admin previlages on this machine). I looked inside the source tar ball and am able to see same file at: /Users/srini/tools/EDA/ivlog/verilog-10.0/iverilog-vpi Can you please confirm? As I mentioned, the issue is minor and only on Mac. Thanks Srini
ATtmy end I edited the bin/iverilog-vpi to get going (As I have admin previlages on this machine). I looked inside the source tar ball and am able to see same file at: /Users/srini/tools/EDA/ivlog/verilog-10.0/iverilog-vpi Can you please confirm? As I mentioned, the issue is minor and only on Mac. Thanks Srini
VPI compile on Mac OSX