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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Great! I run the complet procedure with the fix, from importing the average files to run the ANOVAs and everything is all right. Thank you very much!

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Hi. Yes, the .ept averaged and the PCA files are right. The error emerge when I 'window' the PCA file to analyze data with the AutoPCA option. The subjects specifications (group and sex) are incorrectly assigned in the output (.txt) file. You can see the differences in the screenshots copyed in the .docx file. Regards,

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Hi, I've just added the required information: the original average file (ML_rec_12AV_reproc_2022_12.ept), and also the first-step temporal PCA file (ML_rec_12AV_ACPt_reproc_2022_12.ept). Moreover, I have added two doc files with useful (I hope) information, according to your indications for bug reports. Please, let me know if you need something else.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Sorry, try this other site Thanks! O 11/01/2023 ás 5:02, Joe Dien escribiu: Hi, sorry for the delay! I was out sick. I can't access your files because I don't have an account on your University's system. You need to set the file so that it is public access. Bad assignment of between-subject factor levels when windowing PCA data (AutoPCA)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Hi, Dien I've found a problem when windowing PCA data by AutoPCA with the specification of between-subject factors: the assignment (sex, group) to the cases is not correct. I'm not sure what I am doing bad. In the link below you can find (1) the spatiotemporal ACP file (.ept) and my electrode configuration file (.ced) to read it; (2) the output of the AutoPCA for the first factor, where the assignment of the between-subject levels to subjects is incorrect; and (3) a doc with some screen-shots, including...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Great! It runs perfect! Thank you very much for all your help this weeks. I think I will finally let you rest!

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    All my fault, Dien! I am embarrassed to bother you uselessly. You couldn't replicate my error with good reason: After testing and testing again (because your fix didn't work) I realised the problem was with my File Preferences: I had checked the "No internal CED" checkbox. I had misunderstood the tutorial and thought that this option only applied when importing external files. Therefore, the published v.296 did not need any fix in this regard. The only question now (if you still want to hear me)...

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