Activity for S Rgez H

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Great! I run the complet procedure with the fix, from importing the average files to run the ANOVAs and everything is all right. Thank you very much!

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. Yes, the .ept averaged and the PCA files are right. The error emerge when I 'window' the PCA file to analyze data with the AutoPCA option. The subjects specifications (group and sex) are incorrectly assigned in the output (.txt) file. You can see the differences in the screenshots copyed in the .docx file. Regards,

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I've just added the required information: the original average file (ML_rec_12AV_reproc_2022_12.ept), and also the first-step temporal PCA file (ML_rec_12AV_ACPt_reproc_2022_12.ept). Moreover, I have added two doc files with useful (I hope) information, according to your indications for bug reports. Please, let me know if you need something else.

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry, try this other site Thanks! O 11/01/2023 ás 5:02, Joe Dien escribiu: Hi, sorry for the delay! I was out sick. I can't access your files because I don't have an account on your University's system. You need to set the file so that it is public access. Bad assignment of between-subject factor levels when windowing PCA data (AutoPCA)

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Dien I've found a problem when windowing PCA data by AutoPCA with the specification of between-subject factors: the assignment (sex, group) to the cases is not correct. I'm not sure what I am doing bad. In the link below you can find (1) the spatiotemporal ACP file (.ept) and my electrode configuration file (.ced) to read it; (2) the output of the AutoPCA for the first factor, where the assignment of the between-subject levels to subjects is incorrect; and (3) a doc with some screen-shots, including...

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Great! It runs perfect! Thank you very much for all your help this weeks. I think I will finally let you rest!

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    All my fault, Dien! I am embarrassed to bother you uselessly. You couldn't replicate my error with good reason: After testing and testing again (because your fix didn't work) I realised the problem was with my File Preferences: I had checked the "No internal CED" checkbox. I had misunderstood the tutorial and thought that this option only applied when importing external files. Therefore, the published v.296 did not need any fix in this regard. The only question now (if you still want to hear me)...

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Mmmm, I think I sent you the correct files but maybe not. Anyway, I redid it now from the beginning: A new spatiotemporal PCA file (20220526_ML_rec_12av_ACPst.ept) and the error test file (resulting of running 'READ' after putting a breakpoint on line 4452 of the ep_readData file): 20220526_test.mat You can find this new two files in my sharepoint. Thanks again for your patience!

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Other issue (sorry!): The final v2.96 version crashs again when running robust-ANOVA with between-subject factors (the issue you had solve on may, 8th). You can find the relevant files (settings, version, test.mat file) in the sharepoint (subdirectory 20220520_rANOVA_between_fail_v296). Below you can see the error message in the command window: Commencing ANOVA run. This may take some time. You may monitor its progress by opening the html output file with a browser and periodically reloading it....

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Done (hoping well). You can find the output in '20220520_reading_ept_test.mat'

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for your interest, I am really bothering you a lot! I just uploaded to the OneDrive folder above a couple of screenshots with the version information (2.96) and the test files with error information from two computers (PC1 and PC2). I have to say that I just installed the toolkit on a 3rd PC, at home, and... I can read the file! therefore, I am even more confused now, but I can continue my work. And sorry for my bad English, yes, of course I meant PCA :-( Really, I'm so grateful to you for...

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry, the zip file is too large; you can find it in the link above

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm sorry to hear you can't replicate my error. I read ACP files with the Read function. I replicate the whole process today, from importing BV averaged data (txt files) to the two-steps spatio-temporal ACP (now I didn't add specs to avoid increasing the files weigth). In the zip-file attached, you find see the 3 .ept files, and also a video-screen-capture where you can see that I can read the file with the imported EEG data and the one with the temporal ACP, but if fails when reading the spatio-temporal...

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi! Now ANOVA runs fine, but... problem to read saved ACP files appears again. You can see the error message below Moreover, I notice something weird: the ACP files created with 2.96beta are very heavy (from 3 MB with v295 to 375 MB with v296). The only difference between them is the specification of the session. Is this ok? I can not attach the file because of its weight. Hope you can download it from this link:

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here is the screenshot.

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi again, Joe Trying v.296beta, I have found a problem when running between-subjects (or mixed-model) ANOVA (robust). It runs fine with within-subject factors, but gives an error message when introducing a between-subject one. This is the error message (I also attach below one of my windowed data): I had not this problem with v.2.95 Error using horzcat Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent. Error in ep_loadANOVA (line 156) specList=[specList find(~cellfun(@isempty,betweenVars.betweenName))];...

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you for the fast reply! It works fine now.

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Great! it runs now. Please, could you tell me if the file structure is now correct? I have doubts because it appears to be reading two files (one for each session) from a subject as if they were two subjects. I attach one file with 5 subjects (3 of them with 2 sessions, the other 2 with one session)

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you, Dien! It seems fixed, I can read my .ept files with the new beta-release. However, it seems to fail to "Edit" files (only with previously created .ept files: I can edit a new .epet file built with 2.96-beta). The error message is copy below, and one file that I cannot edit is attached. Moving to other issue: I am having problems with ANOVA (robust) with between-subjects factors with 2.96-beta. May I open another topic or wait to your new release? Unrecognized function or variable 'newHist'....

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear Dr. Dean, sorry to bother you again, I have difficulties to identify the two sessions of a test-retest when importing .txt files (averaged). I have separate files for each subject, task condition and sesion. I specified, in the Subject, Cell and Session fields, the characters in the file names corresponding to those tags (s1_s1_c1.txt). But, when reading files corresponding to the session2, a warning is provided: "the file sn_sn_cn duplicated the data for subject 's1' for cell 'c1', and so once...

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks, Here you are. Do you need need the .ced or the .ept with the ERP data files?

  • S Rgez H S Rgez H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear Dr. Dean I get an error message when reading an .ept file resulting from the second step of a two-steps PCA, previously saved. The error message when trying to read the file is: Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1). Error in ep_addEloc (line 516) if ~squeeze(any(any(any(any(sum(,:,:,:,:,:,:),1)))))) Error in ep_readData (line 4441) [EPdata]=ep_addEloc(whichCED,EPdata.eloc,EPdata.fileFormat,EPdata,silent); Error in ep>readFiles (line 12626) EPdata=ep_readData(inArg);...