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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino myRotator ASCOM

    Hi, can i use any Hall Sensor or are there limits wich are to be respected? A3144 is not availbale at the moment on so i wanna use something like these: Any reservation for that? Sebastian

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino ASCOM Focuser Pro2 DIY

    Hi, i cleaned the eprom and uploaded the firmware "myFP2M_324" from the myFP2M folder In this ino the M lines are the right way. No it works. Why i not used this firmware wich the pdf also points? Because the folder says "Arduino Firmware for myFP2M Prebuilt Controllers Only" So this is a bit confusing because i have no "prebuild" one so i thought its better to use the "" I dont know wich differences there are beside the M line assigment but as written, its working now. Stepper...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino ASCOM Focuser Pro2 DIY

    Hi, i cleaned the eprom and uploaded the firmware "myFP2M_324" from the myFP2M folder In this ino the M lines are the right way. No it works. Why i not used this firmware wich the pdf also points? Because the folder says "Arduino Firmware for myFP2M Prebuilt Controllers Only" So this is a bit confusing because i have no "prebuild" one so i thought its better to use the "" I dont know wich differenzes there are beside the M line assigment but as written, its working now. Stepper...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino ASCOM Focuser Pro2 DIY

    Hi Robert, i used the "Rev13 DRV8825 myFocuserPro2M" pcb with From that zip i used the "myFP2_DRV8825_324" I checked the lines . M0 and M2 are wrong Firmware says M0 = Pin 5 M2= Pin 7 M1= Pin6 My DRV8825 connects like this M0 = Pin 7 M2 = Pin 5 M1 = Pin6 Dir and Step are right So i rewrite the firmware by changing these two numbrs and reprogramm the Arduino with it?

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino ASCOM Focuser Pro2 DIY

    Hi Robert, thanks for the advices, i will take a look this evening. Fist i have to eat my b-day cake :-) Sebastian

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino ASCOM Focuser Pro2 DIY

    Hi, i finally build the simple controller with a DRV8825 and a Nema 11 / 1,8° ,just the Temp probe and Switches. Installed Ascom and standalone Software. Programmed the Arduino just with the Tempprobe activated and the right driverversion. Adjusted the Motor current like described in pdf over the pod. My calculations for Stepsize say: Mak with reducer = f5,7f5,72,2= 71 CFZ One revolution = 10mm travel measured So i decided to go with 1/8 Stepping (2008=1600)to get: (101000)/1600 = 6,25 71/6,25 =...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino ASCOM Focuser Pro2 DIY

    Hi Robert, thank you, that will help me. Sebastian

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino ASCOM Focuser Pro2 DIY

    Hi, yesterday i got my MYFP2M PCB, Arduino and DRV 8825. Just want to use temp Probe, leds, and the the programm switch, no Buzzer, Wifi etc. But iam a bit confused about the parts i need because the naming in list rev 12 is different to pcb rev13 i think. And i found just the rev12 listing. I have already soldered:LM7808, PTC Fuse,100/0,33/0,1uF. D2 Diode,D1 Diode. But wich resistors are also needed? rev12 listing says R3 for probe but on the pcb it makes no sense to me, its conected to the oled...

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