Activity for Paddysomnang

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear Mr. Davis I have follow your instruction but I am still not able to drive OpenDSS form matlab. I don't know why but the installer of OpenDSS new version does not register OpenDSSEngine.DLL automatically for me. If I use old version of OpenDSS, I can drive from Matlab. Could you provide me some solution to register OpenDSSEngine? I have checked VBA macro editor (alt-F11) in any of the Microsoft excel and "OpenDSS Engine" does not shows up as an Available Reference Office tools. I hope you can...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear everyone, I face one small problem but I can't make it work. I hope anyone can have a look and fix it for me please. I am doing the optimal DG placement. and during the optimiztion, I need to change bus location and capacity. so I have written the following script DSSText.Command = 'New Generator.DG1 Bus1='num2str(x(1))' kV=4.16 kw='num2str(x(2))' pf=1.0 model=1 conn=wye'; However, it does not work. something wrong with syntax. Invalid expression. Check for missing multiplication operator, missing...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear Mr. Davis Montenegro sir, after I update to verison 8.5.9. I got error with DSSStartup. Error using actxserver (line 90) Server creation failed. Invalid ProgID 'OpenDSSengine.DSS'. Error in DSSStartup (line 3) Obj = actxserver('OpenDSSengine.DSS'); Could you help me with this issue ? the old version, it is fine but I got some error during optimization process. but for this version, it does not even start.

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear everyone, I try to optimize the DG into 13 bus system but during the process of optimization, this error message always appears. Could you tell me the meaning of this error ? How could I fix it ? And is there any document that describe about error message available ? so that I can understand the meaning of other new error. I am using Matlab 2018a with OpenDSS 64 bit version I hope anyone can help me with this issue. (902) OpenDSS Exception disposing of DSS Class"(DSSObjs Class)". Access...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you Mr. Davis Montenegro for your help.

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, Could anyone help me with that please ? Thank you.

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear everyone, I am working on the IEEE 37 bus system. I am trying to get the both real and reactive power from line to line in matlab but I could not get it. The power that I got is all zero and the total power that i get is negative. Could you help me with these issue please ? I want to get P and Q from line to line in Matlab. what I get from my script. TotalPower = 1.0e+03 * -2.3185 -1.3998 PowerAll = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------- clc; close all; clear all;...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you for your help Mr. Paulo Meira.

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear everyone, I am trying to add variable load to the IEEE13 nodes test system but I face some error like below. Could you help me fix it please? I don't know what is wrong with the command in the line 23. I have attached all my file below. I am using OpenDSS version 64 bit and Matlab 2018a 64 bit. Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: Source: OpenDSSengine.Text Description: Access violation at address 000000001E82AE52 in module 'OPENDS~1.DLL'. Read of address 0000000000000E20 Error in Learning...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear everyone, I am trying to add variable load to the IEEE13 nodes test system but I face some error like below. Could you help me fix it please? I don't know what is wrong with the command in the line 23. I have attached all my file below. Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: Source: OpenDSSengine.Text Description: Access violation at address 000000001E82AE52 in module 'OPENDS~1.DLL'. Read of address 0000000000000E20 Error in Learning (line 23) DSSText.Command= 'New Load.671 Bus1=671.1.2.3 Phases=3...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear everyone, I am trying to add variable load to the IEEE13 nodes test system but I face some error like below. Could you help me fix it please? I don't know what is wrong with the command in the line 23. I have attached all my file below. Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: Source: OpenDSSengine.Text Description: Access violation at address 000000001E82AE52 in module 'OPENDS~1.DLL'. Read of address 0000000000000E20 Error in Untitled2 (line 23) DSSText.Command= 'New Load.671 Bus1=671.1.2.3 Phases=3...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear everyone, I am trying to add variable load to the IEEE13 nodes test system but I face some error like below. Could you help me fix it please? I don't know what is wrong with the command in the line 23. I have attached all my file below. Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: Source: OpenDSSengine.Text Description: Access violation at address 000000001E82AE52 in module 'OPENDS~1.DLL'. Read of address 0000000000000E20 Error in Untitled2 (line 23) DSSText.Command= 'New Load.671 Bus1=671.1.2.3 Phases=3...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, I have read one old post in 2017-04-20 similar to my problem but I still get the error below. I have run the matlab script "test.m" and get this error. Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: Source: OpenDSSengine.Text Description: Access violation at address 00000000A1D8AE52 in module 'OPENDS~1.DLL'. Read of address 0000000000000E20 Error in test (line 25) DSSText.Command = 'Compile "Master.dss"'; I am using the OpenDSS Version (64-bit build) and Matlab 2014b right now. I have attached...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, I have read one old post in 2017-04-20 similar to my problem but I still get the error below. I have run the matlab script "test.m" and get this error. Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: Source: OpenDSSengine.Text Description: Access violation at address 00000000A1D8AE52 in module 'OPENDS~1.DLL'. Read of address 0000000000000E20 Error in test (line 25) DSSText.Command = 'Compile "Master.dss"'; I am using the OpenDSS Version (64-bit build) and Matlab 2014b right now. I have attached...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, I have read one old post in 2017-04-20 similar to my problem but I still get the error below. I have run the matlab script "test.m" and get this error. Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: Source: OpenDSSengine.Text Description: Access violation at address 00000000A1D8AE52 in module 'OPENDS~1.DLL'. Read of address 0000000000000E20 Error in test (line 25) DSSText.Command = 'Compile "Master.dss"'; I am using the OpenDSS Version (64-bit build) and Matlab 2014b right now. I have attached...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If I am not able to go to University of Central Florida, is there any way that i can join the workshop? since I am not living in USA, I really want to know is there any online option for student outside of USA.

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear Roger Dugan and everyone, Thank you for your reply. I am not sure I fully understand your reply or not. but I have made a few changes to my single phase transformer. Could you please correct me if it is still wrong? Thank you. Clear Set DefaultBaseFrequency=60 New object=circuit.ieee37 ~ basekv=138 pu=1.00 MVAsc3=200000 MVAsc1=210000 ! Substation Transformer New Transformer.SubXF Phases=3 Windings=2 Xhl=0.8 ~ wdg=1 bus=sourcebus conn=Delta kv=138 kva=5000 %r=8 ~ wdg=2 bus=799 conn=Delta kv=4.16...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear all, I am working on the IEEE37 test feeder. I am trying to add 5KW PF=1 PV system to the bus 775. I also add a single phase transformer at the bus 709s. Since I am a starter for this software, I do not know whether my single phase transformer and PV system model is correct or not ? Could anyone help me checking my model, please? Please help me to correct if there is anything wrong with my 3-phase transformer at bus 799, 1-phase transformer at bus 709 and 5-KW PV system at bus 775. The voltage...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear all, I am working on the IEEE37 test feeder. I am trying to add 5KW PF=1 PV system to the bus 775. I also add a single phase transformer at the bus 709s. Since I am a starter for this software, I do not know whether my single phase transformer and PV system model is correct or not ? Could anyone help me checking my model, please? Please help me to correct if there is anything wrong with my 3-phase transformer at bus 799, 1-phase transformer at bus 709 and 5-KW PV system at bus 775. The voltage...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear all, I am working on the IEEE37 test feeder. I am trying to add 5KW PF=1 PV system to the bus 775. I also add a single phase transformer at the bus 709s. Since I am a starter for this software, I do not know whether my single phase transformer and PV system model is correct or not ? Could anyone help me checking my model, please? Please help me to correct if there is anything wrong with my 3-phase transformer at bus 799, 1-phase transformer at bus 709 and 5-KW PV system at bus 775. The voltage...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to imports feeder models developed in OpenDSS through DGS BUILDER Code in order to import the model to Digsilent. One journal mention about this DGS Builder code but I could not find it in the link provided. Could you help me with this issue? I hope anyone can help me with this problem. Thank you. Best Regards,

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Thank you aro for your help. The file works well.

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Dear aro, sorry, I don't get it. what you've asked me to change is the same as the previous one. Could you check it again please ? Thank you.

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Dear all, I have faced some problem when I run the file in tutorial-master, session 2, Exercise 3: Load the IEEE 13-node test feeder, with building loads already attached. The error appears like this D:\GridLab-d\Project\Session 2\Exercise_3.glm(283): load failed at or near 'object line_...' FATAL [INIT] : shutdown after command line rejected I have attached the file below. Please help me with this problem. I did not get the output in excel file. Thank you for your help.

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Dear all, I have faced some problem when I run the file in tutorial-master, session 2, Exercise 3: Load the IEEE 13-node test feeder, with building loads already attached. The error appears like this D:\GridLab-d\Project\Session 2\Exercise_3.glm(283): load failed at or near 'object line_...' FATAL [INIT] : shutdown after command line rejected I have attached the file below. Please help me with this problem. I did not get the output in excel file. Thank you for your help.

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Thank you aro for your help

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Dear all, Frank Tuffner, Jason Fuller I have run the exercise_7.glm file that i have attached below to record the voltage. But i could not see any result in the excel file. it is the same for the exercise_12.glm. Could you help me with this problem? What should I do to get the result? Thank you for your help.

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Dear all, Frank Tuffner, Jason Fuller I have run the exercise_7.glm file that i have attached below to record the voltage. But i could not see any result in the excel file. it is the same for the exercise_12.glm. Could you help me with this problem? What should I do to get the result? Thank you for your help.

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Dear all, I am using Gridlabd-4.0_RC1. I have some question related to the ThreeDayCourse_v22. For powerflow example in Day1, I run the IEEE_4_node.glm and IEEE_37node.glm. first, I would like to know what is the output of IEEE_4_node.glm that i suppose to get ? is it the xml file? second, when i run the IEEE_37node.glm, i get 2 xml files. but when i open those xml file, i see nothing. what is the problems with this? I have uploaded all the files below. I really need some help with these problem....

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Dear all, I am using Gridlabd-4.0_RC1. I have some question related to the ThreeDayCourse_v22. For powerflow example in Day1, I run the IEEE_4_node.glm and IEEE_37node.glm. first, I would like to know what is the output of IEEE_4_node.glm that i suppose to get ? is it the xml file? second, when i run the IEEE_37node.glm, i get 2 xml files. but when i open those xml file, i see nothing. what is the problems with this? I have uploaded all the files below. I really need some help with these problem....

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Dear all, I am using Gridlabd-4.0_RC1. I have some question related to the ThreeDayCourse_v22. For powerflow example in Day1, I run the IEEE_4_node.glm and IEEE_37node.glm. first, I would like to know what is the output of IEEE_4_node.glm that i suppose to get ? is it the xml file? second, when i run the IEEE_37node.glm, i get 2 xml files. but when i open those xml file, i see nothing. what is the problems with this? I have uploaded all the files below. I really need some help with these problem....

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Dear all, I am using Gridlabd-4.0_RC1. I have some question related to the ThreeDayCourse_v22. For powerflow example in Day1, I run the IEEE_4_node.glm and IEEE_37node.glm. first, I would like to know what is the output of IEEE_4_node.glm that i suppose to get ? is it the xml file? second, when i run the IEEE_37node.glm, i get 2 xml files. but when i open those xml file, i see nothing. what is the problems with this? I have uploaded all the files below. I really need some help with these problem....

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Thank you aro for your help.

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello aro Thank you for you help. The file IEEE_37bus.glm work right now. but there is still problem when I run feeder.glm file. The error appears like this ERROR [INIT] : init_underground_line(obj=44;a781-701): line:44 - a781-701 has a phase mismatch at one or both ends ERROR [INIT] : init_by_deferral(): object a781-701 initialization failed ERROR [INIT] : model initialization failed FATAL [INIT] : shutdown after simulation stopped prematurely FATAL [INIT] : environment startup failed: Invalid argument...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Dear everyone, I have run one file in GridLabd course-1_1 which is about the IEEE_37bus. I have attached the file below. First of all, when I run that file, the error appears like this ERROR [INIT] : object name '701-702' invalid, names must start with a letter or an underscore D:\AIT\GridLab-D\Module\gridlabd-course-1_1\Solutions\2.2\IEEE_37bus.glm(136): property name 701-702 could not be used D:\AIT\GridLab-D\Module\gridlabd-course-1_1\Solutions\2.2\IEEE_37bus.glm(134): load failed at or near 'object...

  • Paddysomnang Paddysomnang posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Dear everyone, I have run one file in GridLabd course-1_1 which is about the IEEE_37bus. I have attached the file below. First of all, when I run that file, the error appears like this ERROR [INIT] : object name '701-702' invalid, names must start with a letter or an underscore D:\AIT\GridLab-D\Module\gridlabd-course-1_1\Solutions\2.2\IEEE_37bus.glm(136): property name 701-702 could not be used D:\AIT\GridLab-D\Module\gridlabd-course-1_1\Solutions\2.2\IEEE_37bus.glm(134): load failed at or near 'object...