User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #64 on PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser

    Stumbled on the same issue, and solved it by increasing MAX_FILE_SIZE constant. Anyway, it'd be interesting to have an option for customizing max file size outside "simple_html_dom.php" file, so we wouldn't have to edit the original file directly.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #93 on Doom Legacy

    DL 1.48 is still at testing phases before release. You'll have to wait a bit longer, until this version is finally released. However, there's another way to try those changes on a Raspberry Pi, while still on version 1.46: By applying this diff patch I've created some months ago, on RetroPie forums, and then recompiling it from source. By following the instructions I provided on the link above, you can compile a custom DL version, based on 1.46, that contains most (if not all) changes mentioned on...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #657 on Doom Legacy

    I just got curious and downloaded this PWAD in order to do some tests on a PC with Ubuntu 18.04 64-bits. Firstly, I've tested Doom Legacy from SVN revision 1473, running in software mode. Map01 seems to work fine, but Map09 gave me the same errors Michael Bäuerle had previously reported on a screenshot. If running on opengl mode, it gives me a segmentation fault. Secondly, I tested this wad on two similar sourceports: ZDoom (v2.8.1) and Zandronum (3.0), both running in software mode. On those, Map09...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #93 on Doom Legacy

    Just updated my DL copy via SVN, recompiled the binary and tested the new features. I saw you separated bot random in two options, one for bot generation method and other for bot seed. After selecting "seed random" in the bot generation method, now all bots added are random for each multiplayer game. Haven't tested the other options besides "plain", "seed" and "seed random" to see what each option does, but at least for now it should do the trick. It's better than before. I confirm that the duplicate...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #93 on Doom Legacy

    There is protection against duplicate bot names in B_Init_Names. The bot code always had this. There is no protection against duplicate bot colors. Are you sure you are getting bots with the same name in an individual game? Yes, I noticed some code for protection against duplicate bot names. And yes, there's no protection against duplicate bot colors and indeed it shouldn't be. However, even though there's some attempt of protection against duplicate bot names, I'm still getting repeated bot names...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #93 on Doom Legacy

    Didn't know there was a new bot menu, although I could see most options from the command-line. Anyway, just tested "botrandom 0", and I confirm it's returning random bot names and colors whenever a multiplayer game is created. However, I'm getting repeated bot names sometimes, and I remember having implemented a routine for checking duplicate bot names, in order to choose another one when detecting that a bot with the same name was previously added. For other random seed values in "botrandom", I...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #93 on Doom Legacy

    Just got the latest patch, together with the latest commits you've made. Before answering the questions, just reporting that the game skill bug was fixed in the commit 1459. Tested with doom2 iwad and a few other pwads, and now they're working as it should. Anyway, let's go to your questions Have the BOT issues been addressed by the existing bot patch ? If you're referring only on the patches you provided here, then I don't know. When opening the patch on a text editor and reading the changes you've...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #93 on Doom Legacy

    Just got the latest patch, together with the latest commits you've made. Before answering the questions, just reporting that the game skill bug was fixed in the commit 1459. Tested with doom2 iwad and a few other pwads, and now they're working as it should. Anyway, let's go to your questions Have the BOT issues been addressed by the existing bot patch ? If you're referring only on the patches you provided here, then I don't know. When opening the patch on a text editor and reading the changes you've...

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2019-06-24 14:04:27


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