Activity for Francois Chaplais

  • Francois Chaplais Francois Chaplais posted a comment on ticket #120

    let me make some advertisement for the utility popclip, which allows many manipulations of text clipboard. In particular it offers the possibility of pasting raw text (unicode, I guess). It has also many other extensions. François Le 20 avr. 2017 à 11:29, Bernard Desgraupes a écrit : Unfortunately, after a lot of experiments, it seems that there is no way of removing the rich data flavours from the pasteboard....

  • Francois Chaplais Francois Chaplais posted a comment on ticket #104

    Is this strictly for mouse events (no keyboard shortcut)?

  • Francois Chaplais Francois Chaplais posted a comment on ticket #97

    This is on the alpha 14 release, and the previous ones too.

  • Francois Chaplais Francois Chaplais created ticket #97

    Menus need second click to activate