Activity for Gman

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Help

    Just noticed that sv_altnoclip 0 isn't working so great. When I'm looking straight down and push forward I go horizontally forward just fine. However, if I do that and press down or up suddenly my horizontally forward speed goes way down. I noticed that Hammer of Thyrion Hexen 2 source port has the same problem, which also adopted it from Fitzquake. Just noticed something else: if you noclip out of water/lava/slime your upspeed is slow (even when out of the water) however if you noclip while in air...

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Help

    Just noticed that sv_altnoclip 0 isn't working so great. When I'm looking straight down and push forward I go horizontally forward just fine. However, if I do that and press down or up suddenly my horizontally forward speed goes way down. I noticed that Hammer of Thyrion Hexen 2 source port has the same problem, which also adopted it from Fitzquake.

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Help

    Just noticed that sv_altnoclip 0 isn't working so great. When I'm looking straight down and push forward I go horizontally forward just fine. However, if I do that and press down or up suddenly my horizontally forward speed goes way down. I noticed that Hammer of Thyrion Hexen 2 source port has the same problem.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just noticed that sv_altnoclip 0 isn't working so great. When I'm looking straight down and push forward I go horizontally forward just fine. However, if I do that and press down or up suddenly my horizontally forward speed goes way down.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    New Quakespasm presents a warning," host_maxfps above 72 breaks physics". Can't stand the stuttering movement at host_maxfps 72, maybe I'll try 160 so the blue key in e3m2 will fall fast enough. There's gotta be a way to make physics framerate independent, at least the gravity physics which is causing problems.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Wall friction is driving me up a wall, pun intended! I don't know how the wall friction was in the original Quake, but it would be nice to alter it, I want to be able to quickly slide along walls without having it hold me up. Been playing GZDoom, having similar wall friction to that would be nice.

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Help

    I don't think it has anything to do with that. However 1000 is evenly diviible by both of those numbers. I'd sure like to see the physics ran at 1000hz and mouse input polled at 1000hz so motion is very smooth. Even if only seen at 60hz the locations that are seen are located along very smooth curves.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    I don't think it has anything to do with that. However 1000 is evenly diviible by both of those numbers.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    SDL12 found in 0.93 is messed up, viewpoint snaps to random directions at random times. So 0.93.0 quakespasm.exe is SDL2? SDL2 on 0.92 ran fine.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Since fly and noclip are cheats anyhow, why not make them travel at a higher speed?

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Help

    Just noticed a lift bug using host_maxfps 250. It's as if you hit something going up, you take damage, and the lift goes down before reaching the top. Funny, 240 and the lift works fine, 250 and it breaks. So 5ms frametimes OK, 4ms frametimes not OK.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    sv_altfly would be nice as well, so I can look/shoot up while traveling forward.

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Help

    Just noticed a lift bug using host_maxfps 250. It's as if you hit something going up, you take damage, and the lift goes down before reaching the top.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just noticed a lift bug using host_maxfps 250. It's as if you hit something going up, you take damage, adn the lift goes down before reaching the top.

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Help

    (Wish I could rename the thread title to 250 instead of 240) BTW Quakespasm mouse turning seems to have much more precision than Darkplaces (and uhexen.) Even when both are set to 250 fps. I think the reason is that Quakespasm performs more physics/input sampling per time. EDIT: just noticed that on e3m2 if host_maxfps is 160 the blue key will fall all the way, at 170 it doesn't fall fast enough. EDIT2: Only on the SDL version is the mouse motion seem more smooth/precise.

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Help

    (Wish I could rename the thread title to 250 instead of 240) BTW Quakespasm mouse turning seems to have much more precision than Darkplaces (and uhexen.) Even when both are set to 250 fps. I think the reason is that Quakespasm performs more physics/input sampling per time. EDIT: just noticed that on e3m2 if host_maxfps is 160 the blue key will fall all the way, at 170 it doesn't fall fast enough.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    (Wish I could rename the thread title to 250 instead of 240) BTW Quakespasm mouse turning seems to have much more precision than Darkplaces (and uhexen.) Even when both are set to 250 fps. I think the reason is that Quakespasm performs more physics/input sampling per time.

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for the head-ups on sv_altnoclip 0 , works great, just like in Google Earth. In Darkplaces I use the see ents from outside the map noclip to see where any remaining monsters are, or to quickly look for some leftover supplies before exiting. You can use with r_fullbright to see monsters in the pitch black teleporter cages that Quake 1 uses as well.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for the head-ups on sv_altnoclip 0 , works great! In Darkplaces I use the see ents from outside the map noclip to see where any remaining monsters are, or to quickly look for some leftover supplies before exiting. You can use with r_fullbright to see monsters in the pitch black teleporter cages that Quake 1 uses as well.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    In Darkplaces while outside the map via noclip you can see all entities inside the map (and GZDoom.) It would be nice to see this in QuakeSpasm as well. I remember I modified QuakeWorld to do this, just took a few lines modified. Also when noclipping in Darkplaces you're able to move just forward (no vertical component) while looking downward. It would be nice to see this as well.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Big jump from host_maxfps 249 to 250 (observed fps goes from 180 to 227 I think because 250fps = 4 millisecond frametime. Actually anything from 200-249 results in the same fps. Maybe it should be host_minframetime instead since the actual stepping is 1ms frametime. frametime to framerate 4ms=250fps 5ms=200fps 10ms=100fps ~13.9m=72fps

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Physics and control input should be at least 240hz. A 60hz display will only show 1/4 of the physics frames. However, the positioning of each of those frames is along a smoother curve, and I think people notice this and get a sense of smooth movement.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Should be way to make physics framerate independent, well maybe not entirely, but maybe more than it is currently. vsync with triplebuffering shouldn't make the CPU wait. Computer could be busy drawing frames as fast as it can (and doing physics) to one of the 3 buffers, but the display only shows however many of them as it can, always swapping to the most fresh complete buffer.

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Help

    I suppose the trajectory becomes smoother and smoother as the host_maxfps goes up. In Quake 2 map base3, after you get the blue keycard you can immediately jump up through a window. That is if your framerate is sufficiently high. I accidently set host_framerate in QuakeSpasm, seems to make time go by insanely fast! For me cl_forwardspeed has to be at least 600 to make it to the 2nd rung, and least on this computer, regardless if host_maxfps is 72 or 240. I have joy_enable 0 so theoretically that...

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Help

    I suppose the trajectory becomes smoother and smoother as the host_maxfps goes up. In Quake 2 map base3, after you get the blue keycard you can immediately jump up through a window. That is if your framerate is sufficiently high. I accidently set host_framerate in QuakeSpasm, seems to make time go by insanely fast! For me cl_forwardspeed has to be at least 600 to make it to the 2nd rung, and least on this computer, regardless if host_maxfps is 72 or 240. I have joy_enable 0 so theoretically that...

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Help

    I suppose the trajectory becomes smoother and smoother as the host_maxfps goes up. In Quake 2 map base3, after you get the blue keycard you can immediately jump up through a window. That is if your framerate is sufficiently high. I accidently set host_framerate in QuakeSpasm, seems to make time go by insanely fast! For me cl_forwardspeed has to be at least 600 to make it to the 2nd rung, and least on this computer, regardless if host_maxfps is 72 or 240. I have joy_enable 0 so theoretically that...

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    I suppose the trajectory becomes smoother and smoother as the host_maxfps goes up. In Quake 2 map base3, after you get the blue keycard you can immediately jump up through a window. That is if your framerate is sufficiently high. I accidently set host_framerate in QuakeSpasm, seems to make time go by insanely fast! For me cl_forwardspeed has to be at least 600 to make it to the 2nd rung, and least on this computer, regardless if host_maxfps is 72 or 240. I have joy_enable 0 so theoretically that...

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Help

    The game was very choppy at the default host_framerate 72. Smoother at 120, however buttery smooth at 240. Now my display is only 60hz, but I think that with host_framerate 240 and triplebuffering a freshly drawn frame is always ready when its time to show it on the display. Another thing with host_framerate 240. High performance mice can operate up to 1000hz, so you can get the game to act on more mouse changes per second as well for smooth mouse motions.

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Help

    The game was very choppy at the default host_framerate 72. Smoother at 120, however buttery smooth at 240. Now my display is only 60hz, but I think that with host_framerate 240 and triplebuffering a freshly drawn frame is always ready when its time to show it on the display. Another thing with host_framerate 240. High performance mice can operate up to 1000hz, so you can get the game can act on more mouse changes per second as well for smooth mouse motions.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    The secret super health box you have to jump up to in E1M1 is a good example. With cl_forwardspeed 500 I can barely make the 1st rung if I jump just right from on top of the button. WIth cl_forwardspeed 9999 I can easily make the 2nd rung. Thing is Quake 1 top speed is 320 (sv_maxspeed), so I see no reason why cl_forwardspeed 500 would have a problem. I believe sv_maxvelocity is max due to forces such as explosions and perhaps gravity terminal velocity.) Positions Jump launch point on edge of button:...

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Help

    The game was very choppy at the default host_framerate 72. Smoother at 120, however buttery smooth at 240. Now my display is only 60hz, but I think that with host_framerate 240 and triplebuffering a freshly drawn frame is always ready when its time to show it on the display.

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    CL_PrintEntities_f invoked by the console command 'entities' just spits out zeros for origins and angles, something tells me it doesn't work properly. #define MAX_EDICTS 600 // FIXME: ouch! ouch! ouch!ly. Changed to 5000 with no luck, 50000 caused an allocation error.

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    CL_PrintEntities_f invoked by the console command 'entities' just spits out zeros for origins and angles, something tells me it doesn't work properly.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Awesome, thanks! This will be helpful in identifying locations. I suppose sv_player is only accessible from the server. When playing single player the client also recieves server messages. sv_player might not work correctly with coop multiplayer. cl_minpitch and cl_maxpitch would be nice to have as well, with defaults of -70 and +80. Not sure why Quake1/Hexen2 had those hardcoded, perhaps they were worried people might get confused at extreme pitches, not sure what yaw direction they were facing?...

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There seems to be conflicting variables. client.h extern int cl_numvisedicts; cl_main.c int cl_numvisedicts;

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Just by commenting out this one line: sv_main.c comment out line 818 DoRemove=true You can see many items from outside the map with noclip, but some are blanked out as I suspected. I tried changing this value client.h #define MAX_VISEDICTS 50000 Was 256, now 50000. Still no luck. You can still interact with much (maybe all) of the stuff that doesn't show (clips movement or pickup) but you just can't see it. Maybe I need to look at more of the DoRemoves. BTW gl_clear 1 helps alot when noclipping outside...

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Just by commenting out this one line: sv_main.c comment out line 818 DoRemove=true You can see many items from outside the map with noclip, but some are blanked out as I suspected. I tried changing this value client.h #define MAX_VISEDICTS 50000 Was 256, now 50000. Still no luck. You can still interact with much (maybe all) of the stuff that doesn't show (clips movement or pickup) but you just can't see it. Maybe I need to look at more of the DoRemoves. BTW gl_clear 1 helps alot when noclipping outside...

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Just by commenting out this one line: sv_main.c comment out line 818 DoRemove=true You can see many items from outside the map with noclip, but some are blanked out as I suspected. I tried changing this value client.h #define MAX_VISEDICTS 50000 Was 256, now 50000. Still no luck. You can still interact with much (maybe all) of the stuff that doesn't show (clips movement or pickup) but you just can't see it. Maybe I need to look at more of the DoRemoves.

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The ability to look almost straight up and down was easy enough. Just change the 80 and -70 values to 89 and -89. files cl_input.c & in_win.c if (cl.viewangles[PITCH] > 80) cl.viewangles[PITCH] = 80; if (cl.viewangles[PITCH] < -70) cl.viewangles[PITCH] = -70; Ports like Darkplaces have variables such as in_pitch_min and in_pitch_max, though I personally don't know why one would want to limit the view range.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The ability to look almost straight up and down was easy enough. Just change the 80 and -70 values to 89 and -89. files cl_input.c & in_win.c if (cl.viewangles[PITCH] > 80) cl.viewangles[PITCH] = 80; if (cl.viewangles[PITCH] < -70) cl.viewangles[PITCH] = -70; Ports like Darkplaces have variables such as in_pitch_min and in_pitch_max, though I personally don't know why one would want limit the view range.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I modified the viewpos from Quake 2 to work in UHexen2. file: cmd.c //add just before cmd_Init near the end void V_Viewpos_f(void) { Con_Printf("(%i %i %i) : %i\n", (int)sv_player->v.origin[0], (int)sv_player->v.origin[1], (int)sv_player->v.origin[2], (int)sv_player->v.v_angle[YAW]); } //then add this line within cmd_init Cmd_AddCommand("viewpos", V_Viewpos_f); Works great, shows you x,y,z,yaw in the console so you know where you are and what direction you're facing. idmypos 1 like in GZDoom would...

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    OK solved the problem, using the dlls that came with Hexen2 1.5.8 doesn't jive with the exe compiled, I overwrote the dlls that came with 1.5.8 with the ones from the latest developement code and whala, it now works!

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Which codec files and where do you get them? Do I place them where the exe is built \hexen2source-1.5.8\engine\hexen2\Build-glh2\x86\Debug ? (where do you switch to release from debug?) I'll try the latest build as well. Tried the latest build and same runtime error. Some things along the way: retarget projects windows sdk version 10.0.15063.0 platform toolset v141 (was v100) No compiler errors, though one warning of 1>sys_win.c(286): warning C4996: 'GetVersionExA': was declared deprecated

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Which codec files and where do you get them? Do I place them where the exe is built \hexen2source-1.5.8\engine\hexen2\Build-glh2\x86\Debug ? (where do you switch to release from debug?) I'll try the latest build as well. Tried the latest build and same error. Some things along the way: retarget projects windows sdk version 10.0.15063.0 platform toolset v141 (was v100) No compiler errors, though one warning of 1>sys_win.c(286): warning C4996: 'GetVersionExA': was declared deprecated

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Which codec files and where do you get them? Do I place them where the exe is built \hexen2source-1.5.8\engine\hexen2\Build-glh2\x86\Debug ? (where do you switch to release from debug?) I'll try the latest build as well.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Tried suggestions here (might be same as VSCOM 2017) but no luck. Tried replacing with windows.h and winres.h, neither worked (compiled but runtime error.)

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I made the following changes based on the link you posted: file: hexen2source-1.5.8\engine\h2shared\resource.h added #define IDC_STATIC (-1) just before #define IDS_STRING1 1 file: hexen2source-1.5.8\engine\h2shared\win32res.rc removed include <afxres.h> Now I get this when building glh2 ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== Thanks for your assistance! Now I can start experimenting. EDIT: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to...

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I made the following changes based on the link you posted: file: hexen2source-1.5.8\engine\h2shared\resource.h added #define IDC_STATIC (-1) just before #define IDS_STRING1 1 file: hexen2source-1.5.8\engine\h2shared\win32res.rc removed include <afxres.h> Now I get this when building glh2 ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== Thanks for your assistance! Now I can start experimenting.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks! I've placed oslibs folder into the trunk folder (sitting next libs folder.) This did remove the errors I was getting before, but now I'm getting one other error: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error RC1015 cannot open include file 'afxres.h'. glh2 D:\hexen2source-1.5.8\engine\h2shared\win32res.rc 4 After getting 1.5.8 to compile I'll be sure to check out the latest development versions as well.

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I was going to try altering the source to enable some of the features, but I'm having trouble compiling using VS Community 2017 with the provided files located within . I tried building just glh2 and got the following errors: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'wsaerror.h': No such file or directory glh2 D:\hexen2source-1.5.8\engine\hexen2\net_wins.c 50 Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'vorbis/vorbisfile.h':...

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the 2D scaling patch info, I'll be sure to check it out. Perhaps the Quake 2 one line function could be added? Sure would be usefull for walk throughs. (actually its the viewpos command, not showloc) I noticed you can only see about 70-80deg up (like Quake 1), but 89deg like Quake 2 would be nice. Like this source port - cl_maxpitch. default 90 (straight up.)...

  • Gman Gman modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the 2D scaling patch info, I'll be sure to check it out. Perhaps the Quake 2 one line function could be added? Sure would be usefull for walk throughs. I noticed you can only see about 70-80deg up (like Quake 1), but 89deg like Quake 2 would be nice. Like this source port - cl_maxpitch. default 90 (straight up.) set to 80 to mimic normal quake

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the 2D scaling patch info, I'll be sure to check it out. Perhaps the Quake 2 one line function could be added? Sure would be usefull for walk throughs. I noticed you can only see about 70-80deg up (like Quake 1), but 89deg like Quake 2 would be nice. Like this source port - cl_maxpitch. default 90 (straight up.) set to 80 to mimic normal quake Found my post...

  • Gman Gman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    WIth 4K on a small display the 2D graphics are tiny since they don't scale. Is there a setting to make it larger? Same problem with many games from the 1990s. Some extra questions: -does uhexen2 have a location/position variable? Such as GZdoom's idmypos 1 or Quake2's showloc -does uhexen2 have a setting so you can look straight up and down? Like in GZDoom & Quake2. -would be nice if you could see the monsters while noclipped outside the map like in GZDoom (easy to do with Quake 1 source code.) BTW...