Looks great, but when I use this, the DB table containing the boolean value is not valid. Here's my code (with the added putProperty line): public void createTable(String tableName, String[] columnNames, DataType[] dataTypes) throws IOException { TableBuilder tableBuilder = new TableBuilder(tableName); for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) { ColumnBuilder columnBuilder = new ColumnBuilder(columnNames[i]).setType(dataTypes[i]); if (dataTypes[i].equals(DataType.BOOLEAN)){ columnBuilder.putProperty("DisplayControl",...
Hello, how can I format a boolean value as checkbox? I have an example file to reproduce, it contains a boolean value (yes/no) that is shown as a checkbox. How can I reproduce this when creating an .mdb file? I tried using DataType.BOOLEAN but it's formatted as a String. I think I should set the Lookup / Display Control to "Checkbox" but I have no idea how to do that programmatically. Can anyone help?