User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL on GnuCOBOL

    Hi Harry, thank you for the use of gcsort. If you need any help I am at your disposal. See you soon. Regards. Sauro

  • Posted a comment on ticket #460 on GnuCOBOL

    Hello, I consolidated the multithreaded version of GCSort. The version is 1.04.00, tested in windows, linux(ubuntu) and mingw 64 environment. The execution times seem satisfactory to me (I think). Attached is a test in Linux environment, with: 1) Sequential file generation of 3,500,000 records. 2) Sort COBOL (set the size of the sort in memory). 3) GCSort single process 4) comparison of result between gcsort and cobol. 5) GCSort with mt=2 (two threads) 6) comparison of the result between gcsort and...

  • Posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL on GnuCOBOL

    Hi Harry, I have detected the same problem and as suggested by Simon I have modified the behavior and handling of gcsort. The update that contains these changes is release 1.04.00. ( [r1086]) Sorry for the problem. Sauro

  • Posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL on GnuCOBOL

    Hi Simon, you are right. I fixed it with the latest update. In the record length definition you have to indicate the number of characters without the end-of-line characters. Thank you. Sauro

  • Committed [r1086] on Contributions (Tools/Samples incl. Games)

    Version 1.04.00 - Multithread version

  • Posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL on GnuCOBOL

    Hi Harry, the problem I need to solve in GCSort is the record length in the presence of line sequential files. In Windows +2 char (CR/LF), in linux +1 char(LF). I re-run the sequence by changing the record length for the LS (+2 char) file with: 1) Load : USE ............NAMEADDR.seq.dat ORG LS RECORD F,174 GIVE ...........NAMEADDR2.ISAM ORG IX RECORD F,172 KEY(01,12,P) SORT FIELDS=COPY 2) Unlaod USE ... NAMEADDR2.ISAM ORG IX RECORD F,172 KEY(01,12,P) GIVE ... ORG LS RECORD F,174...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Contributions on GnuCOBOL

    Hi @ddeclerck and @jamesbwhite , thank you and sorry for the inconvenience. I found the bug in the COBOL genfiledate module. I modified the sources as indicated. If I may make a suggestion, I would first run 'make -f Makefile clean' to delete the previous objects and then the executable generation command 'make -f Makefile'. The testing problem was also related to the filename, which from this release will be in lower case, and to a bug in the cobol genfiledate module. There are still problems with...

  • Committed [r1085] on Contributions (Tools/Samples incl. Games)

    Update Issues 1.04.00

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2015-08-27 12:52:02
Brescia / Italy / CEST


This is a list of open source software projects that Sauro Menna is associated with:

  • Project Logo GnuCOBOL A free COBOL compiler Last Updated:

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