Ah, looks like the space key does it. joerc is very helpful. I should note that, in the menu section of the default joerc, rtn and tabmenu are both set to ^I, tabmenu second. Maybe delete the rtn ^I definition? Anyway, glad I could figure this out from the conf file, and sorry about posting before then. JOE is a great tool, and it's fun learning all the stuff it can do.
I'm using JOE on windows, where there are often directories with long names containing spaces. This can be kind of a pain for text completion and so forth when navigating the folder structure to change working directories or open / save files in JOE. I tried the -menu_explorer option, and it's quite nice, but I found myself unable to select a directory with this option enabled. The main use case for selecting a directory is the cd command. What I ended up doing was selecting a file in the target...
Improved joerc for Ctrl+Arrow block selection on Windows
This is brilliant. Has anyone seen it?
The form only accepts one attachment at a time. I can do two here because it lets me edit comments, but I don't think I can edit the original request...
I can only add one attachment per post.
incorrect linear_ram_addrs