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Interesting. "When specified at the group level, the USAGE clause applies to each elementary item in the group. The usage of elementary items must not contradict the usage of a group to which the elementary items belongs."
Interesting. Can you provide a language reference link that shows this to be valid COBO?. The IBM 4.2 language reference doesn't seem to permit this. It's an interesting technique, and I didn't know the language permitted it. Talks about National groups for Usage is National to permit Unicode. It doesn't mention Usage is Computational to provide a parent-level definition.
Interesting. Can you provide a language reference link that shows this to be valid COBOL. The 4.2 language reference doesn't seem to permit this. It's an interesting technique, and I didn't know the language permitted it.
Due to my really dumb choice of names, this is difficult. There's a available...
Due to a really dumb choice of names, this is difficult. There's a available...
MacBookPro-SLott:pyweb slott$ --version (Docutils 0.12 [release],...