Activity for Cedric T Jemison

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello fellow programmers, There are computer games like Family feud, Wheel of Fortune, or Pac-Man has a leader board to show high scores. I thought is to create a high score page that will attach to my High Roller game. So do I need to create another .bas file and join two files together or add lines to my High Roller game by clearing screen and show a high scores page. The catch is to accumulate the scores or in this game amount of dollars won. I may not want to use my name Cedric everytime a game...

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion BASIC Programs

    There is a few attachments to follow up on emptying the board with a double roll. Also, a marker insurance reminder helps when you successfully eliminated component numbers only if you have roll 1 or more double earlier in the game.

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison modified a comment on discussion BASIC Programs

    I corrected my error on program. With winning sound 9 beeps, and 2 beeps for each double roll. I'm thinking 1 long beep for losing the game but I haven't find that perfect sound yet. But what happens when the user empty the board on a double roll, the user will win additional 500 dollars(Grand total of 10,500 dollars). This is also rare, but it will not be an opportunity on a challenge offer since the user will max his/her winnings of 12,000 dollars.

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison modified a comment on discussion BASIC Programs

    I corrected my error on program. With winning sound 9 beeps, and 2 beeps for each double roll. I'm thinking 1 long beep for losing the game but I haven't find that perfect sound yet. But what happens when the user empty the board on a double roll, the user will win additional 500 dollars(Grand total of 10,500 dollars). This is also rare, but it will not be an opportunity on a challenge offer since the user will max his/her winnings of 12,000 dollars.

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion Bug reports

    I'm using Windows 8.1 64-bit because I still don't feel comfortable using Windows 10. It use to do this a lot with my football program (GW-Basics)when using windows 7. I guess it have to do with the memory. I got 8 GB of RAM. Here's an attachment of the windows dialog box while I was playing myhiroll.bas.

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion Bug reports

    While playing my high roller game and I won the challenge and the next line was suppose to say I won an additional 2,000 dollars. Windows wants to close PC-Basics. I have to click the close button to close PC Basics then I have to restart it. Usually, type the word "system" will close PC-Basic. I'm wondering is it because I run the program too long while I thought there was no limitation of how games a programmer can play from created programs.

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Fellow programmers, I remember the time I use VB (visual basic) 6 to make an execution file. Long ago, it was lotto.exe which I don't have now. It was randomly pick 5 white balls (1-46) and 1 gold ball (1-25). So I thought all the games we programmed that we could turn .bas files into .exe files. That way downloaders can just run the games without looking through our behind the curtain programs. Any thoughts? Cedric

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison modified a comment on discussion BASIC Programs

    I corrected my error on program. With winning sound 9 beeps, and 2 beeps for each double roll. I'm thinking 1 long beep for losing the game but I haven't find that perfect sound yet.

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Everton, Is it required to download Go before downloading basgo-build_windows.amd64 version? I see Go is a large file (115mb) and I'm using windows 8.1 64-bit as an operating system. Thanks, Cedric

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Rob, How to make multi-colors on notepad ++. I just downloaded it. And could you compile a program as an execute file from .BAS to .EXE? On regular Notepad, my file is myhiroll.txt. Thanks, Cedric T. Jemison

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison modified a comment on discussion BASIC Programs

    I corrected my error on program. With winning sound 9 beeps, and 2 beeps for each double roll. I'm thinking 1 long beep for losing the game but I haven't find that perfect sound yet.

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Check out my version off High Rollers with a twist in BASIC programs section. Cedric T. Jemison

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion BASIC Programs

    I corrected my error on program.

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion BASIC Programs

    Fellow programmers, There is a twist on high rollers besides winning 10,000 dollars on an empty board. It's rare but on the first roll, if a 10, 11, or 12 shows up, then there is a challenge. If you decide to take the challenge, then you will automatically eliminate four numbers leaving five numbers on the board. And if you can clear the board, you will win additional 2000 dollars. A grand total of 12,000. The flip side is when an incorrect value is use the game is over. You only win the amount that...

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dave, At the beginning of the game, I just use the command line RANDOMIZE TIMER and it serves the purpose not selecting numbers. That command statement is better. No more headache of typing different numbers at the start of the game. I need to remember that command for my football game. Thanks again. Cedric

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Is there a better way to randomize a game from picking a range of numbers from -32,000 something to 32,000 something? If I pick the same random number lets say 301, the game will operate the same at the beginning until the user make a choice of eliminating face value of 7 or combination of numbers of equal value like 3 and 4. Thanks, Cedric T. Jemison

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    More update to this program: Location of the High Roller cover and how much money a player could win. Just like the version on TV (1976). Each number removed off the board worth 100 dollar but all nine numbers clear off the board worth 10 thousand dollars.

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Update on my program: I am happy to say that the dices are now side by side and the it taking up less vertical spaces on the screen. So here the attachments for the game. What a difference. However, I still working out the kinks of the selected numbers not equal to dice number rolled. The player can rechoose the numbers that will equal to the dice rolled without included the numbers selected already eliminated before making correct selections. eg. dices rolled a 12, and I choose 3 numbers to eliminate...

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion BASIC Programs

    Hi Everton, Well, I just learned something here, writing strings take up more typing space. With only 255 characters per line, using if then else statements may hinger my printing of side by dices. I'm using five program lines. My program called High Roller(Bonus Round Only) is in a separate topic under gerenal discussion. Thank you, Cedric T. Jemison

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion BASIC Programs

    Hi Everton da Silva Marques, You made have just gave me an idea on how to draw my dices side by side instead of top and bottom taking up vertical when running my program high roller. Your line 30 was the key to retype my lines and I can't wait too see how it will turn out. Thank You very much, Cedric T. Jemison

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    MYHIROLL.txt The problem is when a user makes a mistake with incorrect value. eg the dices rolled 12 but use pick 3 numbers on the board that does not sum up to 12 maybe 11. So the user repick numbers, and this time the value of 12 is correct using 3 numbers maybe 1,3 and 8 or any order. Only last number selected is remove from the board eg. number 8. Number 1 and 3 should have been removed also. The purpose is the make the fool proof. So my issue is base on when to insert the line IF B(D) THEN B(D)=0...

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    MYHIROLL.txt The problem is when a user makes a mistake with incorrect value. eg the dices rolled 12 but use pick 3 numbers on the board that does not sum up to 12 maybe 11. So the user repick numbers, and this time the value of 12 is correct using 3 numbers maybe 1,3 and 8 or any order. Only last number selected is remove from the board eg. number 8. Number 1 and 3 should have been removed also. The purpose is the make the fool proof. So my issue is base on when to insert the line IF B(D) THEN B(D)=0...

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    MYHIROLL.txt The problem is when a user makes a mistake with incorrect value. eg the dices rolled 12 but use pick 3 numbers on the board that does not sum up to 12 maybe 11. So the user repick numbers, and this time the value of 12 is correct using 3 numbers maybe 1,3 and 8 or any order. Only last number selected is remove from the board eg. number 8. Number 1 and 3 should have been removed also. The purpose is the make the fool proof. So my issue is base on when to insert the line IF B(D) THEN B(D)=0...

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    MYHIROLL.txt The problem is when a user makes a mistake with incorrect value. eg the dices rolled 12 but use pick 3 numbers on the board that does not sum up to 12 maybe 11. So the user repick numbers, and this time the value of 12 is correct using 3 numbers maybe 1,3 and 8 or any order. Only last number selected is remove from the board eg. number 8. Number 1 and 3 should have been removed also. The purpose is the make the fool proof. So my issue is base on when to insert the line IF B(D) THEN B(D)=0...

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    MYHIROLL.txt The problem is when a user makes a mistake with incorrect value. eg the dices rolled 12 but use pick 3 numbers on the board that does not sum up to 12 maybe 11. So the user repick numbers, and this time the value of 12 is correct using 3 numbers maybe 1,3 and 8 or any order. Only last number selected is remove from the board eg. number 8. Number 1 and 3 should have been removed also. The purpose is the make the fool proof. So my issue is base on when to insert the line IF B(D) THEN B(D)=0...

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    MYHIROLL.txt The problem is when a user makes a mistake with incorrect value. eg the dices rolled 12 but use pick 3 numbers on the board that does not sum up to 12 maybe 11. So the user repick numbers, and this time the value of 12 is correct using 3 numbers maybe 1,3 and 8 or any order. Only last number selected is remove from the board eg. number 8. Number 1 and 3 should have been removed also. The purpose is the make the fool proof. So my issue is base on when to insert the line IF B(D) THEN B(D)=0...

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Marc, Here's my progress trying to resurrect High Roller: 10 RANDOMIZE:NC=9:NTH$(1)="st":NTH$(2)="nd":NTH$(3)="rd":NTH$(4)="th" 20 RC=0:DR=0:DIM B(12):FOR I=1 TO NC:B(I)=-1:NEXT 30 R=0:FOR I=1 TO NC:R=R OR B(I):NEXT:IF NOT R THEN GOTO 210 40 PRINT" Board ":FOR I=1 TO NC 50 IF B(I) THEN PRINT USING "<#>";I; ELSE PRINT " "; 60 IF I MOD 3 = 0 THEN PRINT 70 NEXT:PRINT:PRINT 80 RC=RC+1:IF RC>3 THEN I=4 ELSE I=RC 90 PRINT"Press <enter> to roll the dice. (";RC;NTH$(I)". roll)";:INPUT A$ 100 DA=INT(6RND(1))+1:PRINT"With...

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Marc, I like the MOD operator because I can use it as 3 where then will be in 3 by 3 instead of me try to move when B(I)=6 by 3 spaces. If MOD 5 = 0 then Print <1><2><3><4><5> <6><7><8><9> Instead of marking 2 lines to balance the bottom 4 numbers with 3 spaces to the right if just figured with 9 numbers I can just make it a 3x3 print: If MOD 3 = 0 then Print <1><2><3> <4><5><6> <7><8><9> I just don't quite get the R=0 and R=R situation of the program, so I can reprogram my hiroller.bas. I managed...

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Marc, I did a little tweeting with this program to help me further the run program: 10 RANDOMIZE:NC=9:RC=0:DIM B(NC):FOR I=1 TO NC:B(I)=-1:NEXT 20 R=0:FOR I=1 TO NC:R=R OR B(I):NEXT:IF NOT R THEN GOTO 130 30 PRINT"Board":FOR I=1 TO 5:IF B(I) THEN PRINT USING "<#>";I; 40 NEXT:PRINT 50 FOR I=6 TO 9:IF B(I) THEN PRINT USING "<#>";I; 60 NEXT:PRINT:PRINT 70 RC=RC+1:IF RC=1 THEN NTH$(RC)="st" ELSE IF RC=2 THEN NTH$(RC)="nd" ELSE IF RC=3 THEN NTH$(RC)="rd" ELSE IF RC>3 THEN NTH$(RC)="th" 80 PRINT"Press...

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Marc, I did a little tweeting with this program to help me further the run program: 10 RANDOMIZE:NC=9:RC=0:DIM B(NC):FOR I=1 TO NC:B(I)=-1:NEXT 20 R=0:FOR I=1 TO NC:R=R OR B(I):NEXT:IF NOT R THEN GOTO 130 30 PRINT"Board":FOR I=1 TO 5:IF B(I) THEN PRINT USING "<#>";I; 40 NEXT:PRINT 50 FOR I=6 TO 9:IF B(I) THEN PRINT USING "<#>";I; 60 NEXT:PRINT:PRINT 70 RC=RC+1:IF RC=1 THEN NTH$(RC)="st" ELSE IF RC=2 THEN NTH$(RC)="nd" ELSE IF RC=3 THEN NTH$(RC)="rd" ELSE IF RC>3 THEN NTH$(RC)="th" 80 PRINT"Press...

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Wow only 10 lines of code. I'm shocked!!! I was trying set up this program so I can eventually do the high rollers game by using two dices and give the user an option to eliminate a single number or multiple numbers at a time. Then the user can roll a second time. As long the number(s) are not previously chosen, the user can eliminate more number(s) on the board. Otherwise the game is over. Thank you Marc.

  • Cedric T Jemison Cedric T Jemison posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm marking a program that suppose to eliminate a number at a time, but when I run this program, it says: LIST 1-100 10 RANDOMIZE 20 LET A=1: B=2: C=3: D=4: E=5: F=6: G=7: H=8: I=9 30 PRINT 40 PRINT "ROLLER BOARD" 50 PRINT USING " # # # # #";A;B;C;D;E 60 PRINT USING " # # # # ";F;G;H;I 70 PRINT 80 LET D1=INT(9*RND(1))+1 90 PRINT "YOU ROLLED A ";D1 100 PRINT Ok RUN Random number seed (-32768 to 32767)? 489 Out of memory in 20 (I can't continue writing this program after line 6690) Ok It's a long program...