Activity for Sven Verdoolaege

  • Sven Verdoolaege Sven Verdoolaege posted a comment on ticket #23956

    I actually published my releases on the web site hosted by sourceforge, but I guess you want me to put them in files as well. I'l try that.

  • Sven Verdoolaege Sven Verdoolaege created ticket #23956

    dropped projects

  • Sven Verdoolaege Sven Verdoolaege posted a comment on ticket #23666

    The link didn't work for me, even after your reply, redirecting to instead, but perhaps it was a local problem, because now it does seem to work. Still, do you have any idea why the project had disappeared before I recreated it? Thanks

  • Sven Verdoolaege Sven Verdoolaege created ticket #23666

    missing pet project