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  • Posted a comment on discussion Discussions on UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java

    Thanks Neil. I will check server configuration for why ModifyRequest not doing password validations. But for PasswordModifyExtendedRequest , when i try to add proxy control, it is throwing an exception. "Unable to process the request for extended operation because it contained an unsupported critical control with OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.18" Does this also due to server configuration?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Discussions on UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java

    We have a password policy which has password quality requirements (min.length , valid characters etc). And we attach that to users to enforce password validation. When i hit with ModifyRequest to change password, it is not enforcing the password validations. However, the PasswordModifyExtendedRequest does. In both cases, i am using same account to get the connection and the account doesn't have 'bypass-pwd-policy' privilege. The PasswordModifyExtendedRequest , doesn't support 'proxy as' (ProxiedAuthorizationV2RequestControl)...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Discussions on UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java

    Thank you very much for quick fix . :)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Discussions on UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java

    I am getting timeouts (Response Code 85) for some operations intermittently. Because of that reason debug mode is enabled and saw these exceptions. As we can see above, the timeout setting configured by me was 10sec . now the ldap sets it to 1millsec for some internal operation. Is that interfering with the currently running operations and excepts a response in 1 millisec and causing timeouts. Just a guess, we can leave if the these two are completely independent.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Discussions on UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java

    just before that, it is printing about, timeout values. INFO: { "timestamp":"2021-08-03T14:59:34.265Z", "debug-type":"connect", "level":"INFO", "thread-id":34, "thread-name":"Health Check Thread for LDAPConnectionPool(serverSet=SingleServerSet(server=localhost:636, includesAuthentication=false, includesPostConnectProcessing=false), maxConnections=100)", "message":"Setting the SO_TIMEOUT value for connection LDAPConnection(poolName='PD - SSOA Connection Pool', connected to localhost:636) to 10000ms.",...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Discussions on UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java

    WARNING: { "timestamp":"2021-08-03T14:59:34.280Z", "debug-type":"exception", "level":"WARNING", "thread-id":34, "thread-name":"Health Check Thread for LDAPConnectionPool(serverSet=SingleServerSet(server=localhost:636, includesAuthentication=false, includesPostConnectProcessing=false), maxConnections=100)", "caught-exception":{ "message":"An I/O error occurred while trying to read the response from the server: SocketTimeoutException(Read timed out), ldapSDKVersion=6.0.0, revision=524c20f3bbcc0d83fb56b9e136a2fd3a7f60437d",...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Discussions on UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java

    Thanks Neil. I tried with both FINEST, INFO. in both the cases, the exception is thrown with "WARNING:{ debug-type:exception" Result code: 81, server down. I did set the ResponseTimeoutmillisec as 5sec.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Discussions on UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java

    I am using the LDAPConnectionPool in a synchronous mode. The pool currently has only default health check. After the pool started, the health check thread throwing Result code 81 with Socket timeout exception for all the connections. The exception says server down, but it is not really. Upon analysis, i got to know because of trySynchronousReadDuringHealthCheck set to true by default, the thread try to connect with very short timeout(1millisec) and eventually fails. I verified in couple of environments...

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2021-08-03 05:49:15


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