Activity for Samael

  • Samael Samael posted a comment on ticket #16

    I've put this on my backlog but I'll need the latest edition of the ISO spec

  • Samael Samael posted a comment on ticket #17

    This has been done on my fork also with other improvements. Releases are available in maven central:

  • Samael Samael posted a comment on ticket #37

    I've done some testing of this on my fork: The will add brackets itself by default unless you use <barcode:omit-brackets>true</barcode:omit-brackets> so perhaps what's needed here is: <fo:instream-foreign-object> <barcode:barcode xmlns:barcode="" message="{$message}" orientation="0"> <barcode:ean-128> <barcode:height>18mm</barcode:height> <barcode:module-width>0.43mm</barcode:module-width> <barcode:human-readable>...

  • Samael Samael posted a comment on ticket #6

    great thanks. Will the 2.0 tag be published to maven central?

  • Samael Samael created ticket #6

    fix test in trunk and update pom

  • Samael Samael posted a comment on ticket #68

    just wanted to clarify, with this patch Java 1.8 is still supported. It should be built with a later JDK such as Java 11 but the bulk of the source will compile to Java 1.8 byte code, only the file will be compiled with the newer JDK. It is a multi-release jar.

  • Samael Samael created ticket #68

    update to properly support Java modules

  • Samael Samael posted a comment on ticket #93

    Attaching an updated script that will also compile test sources and run unit tests

  • Samael Samael posted a comment on ticket #93

    Sorry for the delay in looking into this. I ended up using standard Java instead of relying on Jericho. However I did checkout the source code and take a look. First off I was surprised to find it's using bazaar, if you do intend to migrate to git it should be as simple as initialising a git repo in the same directory and running brz fast-export -b main | git fast-import assuming the branch is called main. See for details. As...

  • Samael Samael modified a comment on ticket #93

    It's possible to have multi release jars but it's not trivial. You'd need to compile the existing source with JDK 7 and use JDK 9 or above to compile the and bundle it into the same jar. See here for some info about multi-release jars: I don't really get the desire to support JDK 7 these days, or anything below Java 11 tbh, but if it's needed perhaps it's worth continuing a 3.* branch for JDK 7/8 support and starting a...

  • Samael Samael posted a comment on ticket #93

    It's possible to have multi release jars but it's not trivial. You'd need to compile the existing source with JDK 7 and use JDK 9 or above to compile the and bundle it into the same jar. See here for some info about multi-release jars: I don't really get the desire to support JDK 7 these days, or anything below Java 11 tbh, but if it's needed perhaps it's worth continuing a 3. branch for JDK 7/8 support and starting a...

  • Samael Samael posted a comment on ticket #3

    I exported the code along with commit history to as it'll be a lot easier to setup a CI process.

  • Samael Samael committed [r154]

    update junit

  • Samael Samael posted a comment on ticket #3

    thanks Vlad, I've pushed those changes as r153. Is there an automated build process that will allow tags to be published to maven central? In the long term, it may be easier to maintain this project if it get's moved to github. The integrated build pipelines and publishing of artifacts makes things a lot easier.

  • Samael Samael committed [r153]

    updated to work with Java 1.8

  • Samael Samael posted a comment on ticket #3

    I've attached a patch that updates a bunch of dependencies and maven plugins and gets the codebase working with some newer JDK versions (I used JDK 1.8 locally, updating for current versions of Java will require further changes due to JPMS). If there's no intention of supporting the project moving forward then please consider giving me write access as I'd be interested in continuing with this and getting it working with the more recent versions of Java. Perhaps making a new major version that supports...

  • Samael Samael created ticket #3

    will there be another release?

  • Samael Samael created ticket #93

    please support java modules in the next release

  • Samael Samael posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is there chance of this still happening? Occasionally there's a need to work on legacy...

  • Samael Samael created ticket #434

    osx crash on closing window