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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GeographicLib

    Completely understand. I took the specific problem of a range circle and tried to generalize it to a range ellipse. I tried to incorporate geodesics to come up with a suitable definition. For my purposes I am trying to minimize the points used in a path finding algorithm. The flatness of the ellipse will determine how "far out" we will search for connection points. Many thanks for your help.

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on GeographicLib

    Here are a couple of samples: MIA to ORD BNA to CUN LAX to YYZ

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on GeographicLib

    Here are a couple of samples: MIA to ORD BNA to CUN LAX to YYZ

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on GeographicLib

    Here are a couple of samples: MIA to ORD BNA to CUN LAX to YYZ

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GeographicLib

    Here are a couple of samples: MIA to ORD BNA to CUN LAX to YYZ

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GeographicLib

    Here is where I am with this challenge. I assume all my coordinates are in WGS84 and the input is ptStart and ptEnd. The I proceed as follows in .NET using the wrapper classes: 'assume a WGS84 datum Dim geod As Geodesic = New Geodesic 'WGS84 Dim s12 As Double, azi1 As Double, azi2 As Double Dim a12 As Double = geod.Inverse(ptStart.Y, ptStart.X, ptEnd.Y, ptEnd.X, s12, azi1, azi2) Dim geoLine As GeodesicLine = New GeodesicLine(geod, ptStart.Y, ptStart.X, azi1, Mask.ALL) 'calculate geodesic distance...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GeographicLib

    OK let me give this some thought and i will see what I can do with it.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GeographicLib

    Based on the discussion on range rings from this post I have been able to recreate geodesic circles that are dead-on when compared to ArcGIS. What I am researching now is how to extend that to "range ellipses". A description here If we take this geodetic ellipse on the surface of the earth and generalize it to have a constant radius...

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2003-09-16 18:04:40


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