Activity for simpletk

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on ticket #661

    remcirc solved the issue, thanks.

  • simpletk simpletk created ticket #661

    sharedspice - gradual slowdown of ngSpice_Command() despite using destroy all

  • simpletk simpletk created ticket #658

    Documentation says JFET2 supports AFAC parameter but it is not in source code

  • simpletk simpletk created ticket #657

    pdf VDMOS params table is cut off

  • simpletk simpletk created ticket #654

    I see the vector in "Initial transient solution" but linearize don't see such vector

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Let's measure RMS value of 10V sinewave: * this prints 7.07 rms value VU1 1 0 DC 0 AC 1 0 SIN (0 10 200 0 0 0) .control tran 10u 20m 0 meas tran rms v(1) from=0 to=20m .endc .end Meas shows 7.07, when I print tran values and calculate RMS myself I get 7.05, ok, close enough. But when I use larger tran step, e.g. 50u, the accurracy goes down and I calculate RMS value 7.00, but the meas command still prints 7.07: * this also prints 7.07 rms value even tho step is larger VU1 1 0 DC 0 AC 1 0 SIN (0 10...

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on ticket #642

    It is caused by having "VDMOS" in the model name, if I change it to QMY_VDMO it works.

  • simpletk simpletk created ticket #642

    If I add VDMOS model "source file.cir" freezes.

  • simpletk simpletk created ticket #640

    doAnalyses: impossible error - can't occur

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on ticket #638

    It has to be something with the way it was compilled, since recompiled version works you can close it.

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on ticket #638

    I've added exit I've added NULL still freezes // gcc -o test test.c -lngspice -lpthread -Wall -ggdb #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <ngspice/sharedspice.h> int myControlledExit(int exitstatus, bool immediate, bool quitexit, int ident, void *userdata) { printf("simple_ngspice_init_exit: es=%d im=%d qe=%d\n", exitstatus, immediate, quitexit); return exitstatus; } int main() { ngSpice_Init(NULL, NULL, myControlledExit, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); char *netlist[] = { "* first line is ignored",...

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on ticket #638

    I downloaded ngspice src (via apt-src install ngspice), I did not applied any patches and compiled it as is with: (./; ./configure --with-ngshared --enable-debug; make), I also haven't made your change yet, and it passes as is (prints both AAA and BBB). Then I studied ruleset in made a quick guess of what parameters debian uses by default and arrived at these parameters: ./configure --enable-cider --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-openmp --enable-pss --enable-xspice --disable-adms --with-editline=yes...

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on ticket #638

    It has to be something else, when I add controlled exit callback the myControlledExit is not called. BBB is also not printed so I can't send more commands. // gcc -o test test.c -lngspice -lpthread -Wall -ggdb #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <ngspice/sharedspice.h> int myControlledExit(int exitstatus, bool immediate, bool quitexit, int ident, void *userdata) { printf("simple_ngspice_init_exit: es=%d im=%d qe=%d\n", exitstatus, immediate, quitexit); return exitstatus; } int main()...

  • simpletk simpletk created ticket #638

    ngSpice_Circ() never ends if subcircuit does not have all parameters specified

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    It is IRLZ44N in this file

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I've downloaded thousands of spice models from various websites. You know you search for model for BC547 and on the website is zip with 50 other models so I took it. Few years and 100MB later, I have collected 4000 random VDMOS models. The one I was actually using (IRLZ44N) had negative Rd which cought my attention. So I analyzed them all and found that 4000 have positive Rd, between 0-1ohm, but 63 of those 4000+ have negative. Now I want to know if it is error or if it is possible to be negative....

  • simpletk simpletk modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I've analyzed 4291 VDMOS models used in the wild (found on the internet over the years) and I found that 63 of them have negative Rd, 25 have Rd=0 and 4185 have positive Rd, the actual distribution is in the attachment. Is the negative Rd error or is it possible for it to be negative?

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I've analyzed 4291 VDMOS models used in the wild (found on the internet over the years) and I found that 63 of them have negative Rd, 25 have Rd=0 and 4185 have positive Rd, the actual distribution is in the attachment. Is the negative Rd error or is it possible for it to be negative?

  • simpletk simpletk modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I'm using subcircuit, in AC analysis I need to specify the amplitude e.g. 0.5 in this case it works (I see amplitude approaching 0.5 as that's the fixed value I used for ACMAG): * first line is ignored .subckt MYSOURCE pos neg PARAMS: v=0.2 f=200 V1 pos neg DC 0 AC 0.5 SIN (0 {v} {f} 0 0 0) .ends X1 1 0 MYSOURCE PARAMS: v=0.7 f=400 C1 1 2 10n R1 2 0 50k .print ac vm(2) .ac oct 40 16 2000 .end But if I try to put {v} in place of ACMAG, it does not work: * this does not work .subckt MYSOURCE pos neg...

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I'm using subcircuit, in AC analysis I need to specify the amplitude e.g. 0.3 in this case it works (I see amplitude approaching 0.5 as that's the fixed value I used for ACMAG): * first line is ignored .subckt MYSOURCE pos neg PARAMS: v=0.2 f=200 V1 pos neg DC 0 AC 0.5 SIN (0 {v} {f} 0 0 0) .ends X1 1 0 MYSOURCE PARAMS: v=0.7 f=400 C1 1 2 10n R1 2 0 50k .print ac vm(2) .ac oct 40 16 2000 .end But if I try to put {v} in place of ACMAG, it does not work: * this does not work .subckt MYSOURCE pos neg...

  • simpletk simpletk created ticket #631

    resistor with r = pwl ignores last point

  • simpletk simpletk created ticket #630

    pwl if r=last time, simulation never ends

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users


  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I'm trying to use PULSE voltage supply with just two pulses. I can either have 1 pulse or infinetely many pulses: * two 5V pulses, 0.1s wide, 0.2s period .control unset ngbehavior .endc * V1 V2 D Raise Fall PW Per N V1 1 0 DC 0 PULSE(1 5 0 0.0001 0.0001 0.1 0.2 2) R1 1 0 1000 .tran 0.01 1.0 0 .print tran v(1) .end I'm using ngspice-36 from ubuntu 22.04

  • simpletk simpletk modified a comment on discussion ngspice-devel

    Ok, this helped. So before calling ngSpice_AllVecs("ac1") I need to call: ngSpice_Command("setplot ac1"); Thanks.

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-devel

    Ok, this helped. So before calling ngSpice_AllVecs("ac1") I need to call: ngSpice_Command("setplot ac1");

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-devel

    It doesn't help.

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-devel

    That's exactly what I'm doing in demo and it doesn't work.

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-devel

    I have following circuit: char *netlist[] = { "* voltage divider", "V1 1 0 9", "R1 1 2 1k", "R2 2 0 1k", ".control", "ac dec 10 16 20k", "tran 300u 20m 0", ".endc", ".end" } I'm using ngSpice_AllPlots(), then ngSpice_AllVecs("ac1") then ngGet_Vec_Info(..) then finally reading v_realdata or v_compdata. If I only use "ac" only or "tran" only, it works. But when I want both, the older one gets somehow rewriten and data is no longer available. Attached is minimal demo. When you only use one characteristic...

  • simpletk simpletk created ticket #604

    Subcircuit parameter not working in sine voltage source AC amplitude

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    ok it works

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    ok it works

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    It doesn't work like that, even if I destroy fourier11 the fourier21 will be used: * first line V1 1 0 DC 0 AC 100m 0 SIN(0 100m 196 0 0 0) R1 1 0 50k .options NOACCT NOPAGE .control tran 40u 580m 0 fourier 196 v(1) print fourier11[1][0] print fourier11[1][1] print fourier11[1][2] destroy fourier11 tran 40u 580m 0 fourier 222 v(1) print fourier21[1][0] print fourier21[1][1] print fourier21[1][2] .endc .end

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I'm running fourier 123 v(out) in a loop and calculating THD from fourier11 vector. But because I do it in the loop, the second call will store the output in fourier21, third call in fourier31 and so on. I don't know how to change the code to read from different variable each time the loop runs. The variable that is increasing in the name of the vector is "static int callstof = 1;" in fourier.c: int fourier(wordlist *wl, struct plot *current_plot) { ... static int callstof = 1; ... /* create and...

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    "destroy all" worked

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I do a lot of transient and ac analysis and only use measure command, I don't need to print these so I am not printing them, I do about 10 transients and 10 ac. After I'm done, at the end of the file I do one last ac and tran with altered values and I do want to print this ac and tran, but when I use print command, it prints everything and I have 11 transients and 11 ac in the output. Can I somehow clear data before final print so that it is printed only once? ac meas tran meas ac. meas tran mess...

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users


  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I tried this but amplitude is still 0.1 and I got error: Error: Only a single param - value pair supported. changing amplitude and freq of sine voltage source V1 1 0 DC 0 AC 1 0 SIN(0 0.1 192 0 0 0) R1 1 0 1k2 .control set nobreak set nopage let newamp = 5 let newfreq = 440 alter @v1[sin] [0 $&newamp $&newfreq] set newamp = 6 set newfreq = 1234 .endc .tran 10u 10m 0 .print tran v(1) .end

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I have this netlist: first line is ignored V1 1 0 DC 0 AC 0 0 SIN(0 1 440 0 0 0) R1 1 0 1k2 I can change "AC 0" using alter command like this: .control alter V1 AC = 5 .endc But is it possible to change VA and FREQ of SIN (...)? Something like: .control alter V1 VA = 5 alter V1 FREQ = 1234 .endc ngspice-36

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I wanted to change all values in voltage source using parameters: .param aaa=0.9 bbb=0.8 this works V1 1 0 DC 0 AC (0.9 0) SIN(0 {bbb} 192 0 0 0) this does not work V1 1 0 DC 0 AC ({aaa} 0) SIN(0 {bbb} 192 0 0 0) Error on line 12 : v1 1 0 dc 0 ac ( 1 0 ) ( 9.000000000000000e-01 0) sin(0 8.000000000000000e-01 192 0 0 0) no such parameter on this device In ngspice manual is this example: Param-example .param amplitude= 1V * .subckt myfilter in out rval=100k cval=100nF Ra in p1 {2rval} Rb p1 out {2rval}...

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    It works, thanks.

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    When I use transient or FFT with single node, e.g. v(5) it works. When I print transient between 2 nodes it also work: * first line is ignored * 1V sine 100Hz VU1 1 0 DC 0 AC 0 0 SIN(0 1 100 0 0 0) * three series resistors 1k RR1 2 1 1000 RR2 3 2 1000 RR3 0 3 1000 .options NOACCT NOPAGE .print tran v(2,1) v(3,0) .tran 0.0001 0.02 0 .end But when I try to do FFT between two nodes: * first line is ignored * 1V sine 100Hz VU1 1 0 DC 0 AC 0 0 SIN(0 1 100 0 0 0) * three series resistors 1k RR1 2 1 1000...

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    It works, thanks

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Here is simple FFT demo: * first line is ignored VU1 1 0 DC 0 AC 0.9 0 SIN(0 0.1 50 0 0 0) RR1 1 0 1000 .control tran 100u 100m 0 linearize v(1) set specwindow=blackman fft v(1) print vdb(1) .endc .end I run it from command line: "ngspice -b demo.src" and the output is: ... first 20 or so lines omitted Index vdb(1) 0<->-2.93591e+02<--> 1<->-9.77563e+01<--> 2<->-1.06951e+02<--> 3<->-4.24296e+01<--> 4<->-2.56337e+01<--> .... some lines omitted 124>-1.85311e+02<--> 125>-1.88034e+02<--> 126>-1.91794e+02<-->...

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on ticket #568

    Ok, thanks for explanation.

  • simpletk simpletk created ticket #568

    Diode current is M times larger than it should be

  • simpletk simpletk posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    How can I have column names in print longer than 15 characters? When I print: .print tran v(net0) 1000*i(V_AMMETER_A1) It shows: Index time v(net0) 1000*i(v_ammete 0<->0.000000e+00<-->0.000000e+00<-->3.389475e-23<--> 1<->1.000000e-06<-->5.654866e-03<-->-2.34322e-05<--> It is truncated to "1000*i(v_ammete". Is it possible to get whole name?