Activity for Simon

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    You've edited the meta data - not the document. The title that appears on the page is set here: $pdf->SetHeaderData(PDF_HEADER_LOGO, PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH, PDF_HEADER_TITLE.' 001', PDF_HEADER_STRING, array(0,64,255), array(0,64,128));

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Conversion from what? If this is html you could perform a regex relace using php.

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on ticket #2227

    ts was added as a file extension in WinMerge 2.16.7

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Try using the absolute url including http

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    The booklet mode demo is for demoing margins that are different depending on whether it is a right or left hand page. I don't think there is a way to set booklet mode as the default print option. When I do booklets I create a source pdf and then create a booklet pdf from it by reimporting the pages and creating the layout.

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    You have the line return $output; You should only do this if the PDF is not being created. On 26 Dec 2017 10:13, "Ndayishimiye Muhamudu" wrote: Please How can I resolve this problem, I'm usinf PHP5. Here is my Codes. $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM student_tb ORDER BY firstname ASC"); $count = 0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $count++; $output .= " <tbody> <tr> <td>$count</td> <td><img src='student_img/".$row['profile_picture']."' style='height:50px; width:50px;'></td>...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    What printers have you tried? What is the error you get? Are you using PCL or Postcript print drivers? Can you share a PDF that won't print?

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    You need to use code tags every time you post code else I can't see it. You also need to post code I can run that shows your problem. Try writing a basic page that doesn't do anything with your database, that runs standalone and demonstrates your problem. Then share this page and pdf and people can use it to help you.

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    I was suggesting your provide code that shows your fault, that I can run. I can't see your generated code when you use db variables. However it seems you have a field with html that ruins your layout? Have you tried using PHPs strip_tags()?

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    The html has been stripped by the message board so we don't even know what your problem is. Please provide the minimum amount of code to demonstrate your problem. And please use the code tags

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Have a look at this example: You can start a transaction, then at the end of your operations, count the pages (or check to see if the current page is blank) and then work out if the current page or the previous page needs the end footer. If it is the previous page you can rollback the transaction and run it again specifying the page number that requires the footer.

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes it will. This line has the effect of removing the last page if it is blank (such as when added by autopagebreak).

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Or you could run it as a transaction to find out how many pages there will be, then set a flag that makes the footer appear on the specific page number and run it again.

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    The correct-footer.png attachment is missing so I can't see what it is supposed to look like. Have a look in TCPDF.php and search for this section: if ($plendiff == 0) { // remove last blank page $this->deletePage($this->numpages); } Commenting it out may accomplish what you want.

  • Simon Simon modified a comment on discussion Help

    I've not looked at your specific example, but if I recall correctly, it will have created a new page when it met the page break, and then the new empty page will have been removed when the pdf closed.

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    I've not looked at your specific example, but if I recall correctly, it will have created a new page when it met the page break, and then the new empty page will have been removed when the pdf closed. On 25 July 2017 at 03:45, Abrar Sheikh wrote: Can someone help me? Strange behaviour defining a footer for the last page when using AutoPageBreak and writeHTML Sent from because...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    See this thread:

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    In my code I use GetStringWidth to check the string will fit, or make changes based...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Not that I know.

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    A browser is more forgiving to bad html than TCPDF. Try the HTML here: https://v...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Are error messages turned on in PHP? Can you validate your HTML table? Eg. is it...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    I notice none of your images have any alignment information. Have a look at this...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can you put it in code tags?

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can you post the HTML that has been generated?

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Why not create a parent table to put them in? (You wouldn't do that for a webpage,...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    It will be something like: $a = $imageWidth/300; //Gives image width in inches; $x...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry. I only just read the subject line. I would do some regular PHP to find the...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    See GetX() and GetAbsX() in the documentation.

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here is an example of what I use when creating booklets: $preferences = array( 'FitWindow'...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    I think it may in part be because you are using a font that you haven't embedded....

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Please share the PDF and the code.

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    This element is some invisible text that reads: Powered by TCPDF (

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Are you able to post your code? For example what values have you set your margins...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Do you have some code to show what you are doing? You could put your images in d...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Your images look to localhost so I can't see them. And can you include your code...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Have you tried setting the font like this: $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', 'BI', 20, '',...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes you can. See

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    You have a space in your class name on the table cell. Does it work when you remove...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    I hardcode.

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    I do this but I do all my measurements in mm. eg. <table width="150mm">

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    are your pdfs actually multipage? or are they a series of single page pdfs?

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    You'll need to specify where to import the page, so something like this: foreach...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    It is very difficult to say without seeing your code, it may not require much to...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    You could either use columns to split over the pages, or create an A4 pdf, then import...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Have a look at this section of the docs:

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    I've tested it on my install and it displayed some fractions. <table> <tr> <th>Fraction</th><th>Decimal</th><th>Hexadecimal</th><th>HTML...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Another option is to create each label as a separate PDF then import them back onto...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Have you tried using css, "overflow: hidden;". I don't know if that is supported...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'd check the text using getNumLines() to get the height of the text before drawing...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am glad you found a solution. I don't have Verdana font for TCPDF so I used Helvetica...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    If you share enough to reproduce the problem we may be able to help you.

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Are you saying the text is too big for the cell and you need it to auto resize the...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    are you able to share your code so we can see what you are doing?

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Inkscape can open PDF and save as SVG or you can try FPDI with TCPDF to import P...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Inkscape can open PDF and save as SVG or you can try FPDI with TCPDF to import P...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'd use something like GetStringWidth() to find the length of the text, then manually...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    It exists in mine. Are you sure you extracted the whole zip file?

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    I think this is a genuine bug. The span tags in Example 61 don't work in recent releases...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Are you encoding them as HTML? Eg &lt;

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm enjoying your conversation. I've not tried to do this myself but I know tcpdf...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    You will probably want to use htmlentities() to encode your text.

  • Simon Simon modified a comment on discussion Help

    Have you tried using the font tag rather than span.

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Have you tried using the tag rather than .

  • Simon Simon modified a comment on discussion Help

    You can do it using FPDI. See this thread:

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    You can do it using FPDI. See this thread:

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Are you running this on a webserver? If so you may want to change the output from...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    This definitely produced something so try this and see how you get on: <?php ini_set('display_errors','On');...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'd do something like this: <?php class MYPDF extends TCPDF { public function Header()...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ah - I didn't even notice it there. That isn't accessible inside the function. The...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Where is $something being set?

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    For this I'd override the header function. You could add a check for an array and...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    If you get an internal server error can you check your web server error log for more...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hmm. Don't know what to say. It worked for me using file_get_contents.

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is it a public url I can try?

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Does it work with file_get_contents() rather than curl? Do you need it to keep a...

  • Simon Simon modified a comment on discussion Help

    In fact having now tried it, it is easier to do this: <?php $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->StartTransform();...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    In fact having now tried it, it is easier to do this: wzxhzdk:0 You are right that...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    MirrorH should be fine and if you combine with translate should not require any further...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Are you looking for someone to do this for you, as a project, or do you just want...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    What is it you want to accomplish? You can import PDFs into TCPDF using the FPDI...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Have a look at examples 27 and 13. You should combine these to get the effect you...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Something like this: <?php require_once "tcpdf/tcpdf.php"; require_once "FPDI/fpdi.php";...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Have you looked at the source of importPDF() ? I don't think it does anything yet....

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Also you seem to create the text twice. Once for screen and once for print rather...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    If you open the pdf in notepad, on line 1013 you can see there is a linefeed missing...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    You should provide your code and/or the pdf for more advice.

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    I usually specify cell sizes in mm to ensure it draws how I expect.

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'd save the PDF to file and then do an AJAX check in the browser to see if the file...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    By default writeHTML adds a new line following the HTML. See:

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Have a look at this for ideas:

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Start by turning on all php error messages. I suspect you'll get an error that will...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    This isn't a TCPDF question but if you'd like help can you provide an example of...

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    Look at the docs:

  • Simon Simon posted a comment on discussion Help

    You should turn on your PHP error messages and see what errors you get.