Activity for Rene Hansen

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen modified a comment on ticket #4306

    Hi Robert Yes, it was not a bug or change in maxima. The only change is wxMaxima not displaying ascii(9) ascii(11) etc anymore - but that it another forum.. Thanks for your time/help. /Rene'

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #4306

    Hi Robert Yes, it was not a bug or change in maxima. The only change is wxMaxima not displaying ascii(9) ascii(11) etc anymore. Thanks for your time/help. /Rene'

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen modified a comment on ticket #4306

    Arghh... my colleague has apparently decided to change "Vertical tab" (ascii 11) with "Horizontal tab" (ascii 9) in the data files Also, the previous versions of maxima/wxMaxima has chaged the display of the string from: "Old" maxima/wxMaxima: headerLine : readline(Stream); "189.184875�22.000000" map(cint, charlist(headerLine)); [49,56,57,46,49,56,52,56,55,53,9,50,50,46,48,48,48,48,48,48,13] "New maxima/wxMaxima : headerLine : readline(Stream); "189.18487522.000000" map(cint, charlist(headerLine));...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #4306

    Arghh... my colleague has apparently decided to change "Vertical tab" (ascii 11) with "Horizontal tab" (ascii 9) Also, the previous versions of maxima/wxMaxima has chaged the display of the string from: "Old" maxima/wxMaxima: headerLine : readline(Stream); "189.184875�22.000000" map(cint, charlist(headerLine)); [49,56,57,46,49,56,52,56,55,53,9,50,50,46,48,48,48,48,48,48,13] "New maxima/wxMaxima : headerLine : readline(Stream); "189.18487522.000000" map(cint, charlist(headerLine)); [49,56,57,46,49,56,52,56,55,53,9,50,50,46,48,48,48,48,48,48,13]...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen modified a comment on ticket #4306

    Hi Robert There is no error message, the readline() reads the lines from my csv-file without any complains. However when the data in the csv-file are separated by tabs = ascii(11) the readline() removes the tab character. For example : If a line in the csv is 189.443924 {tab} 0.427444 readline reads it as 189.4439240.427444 which makes it impossible to separate the two numbers. Previously this as worked like a charm - readline() reads 189.443924 {tab} 0.427444 so I could use split( dataLine, ascii(11)...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #4306

    Hi Robert There is no error message, the readline() reads the lines from my csv-file without any complains. However when the data in the csv-file are separated by tabs = ascii(11) the readline() removes the tab character. For example : If a line in the csv is 189.443924 {tab} 0.427444 readline reads it as 189.4439240.427444 which makes it impossible to separate the two numbers. Previously this as worked like a charm - readline() reads 189.443924 {tab} 0.427444 so I could use split( dataLine, ascii(11)...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen created ticket #4306

    Reading tab-delimited datafiles

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen modified a comment on ticket #4056

    Hi Robert Sorry for my delay. I am doing some mathematical work with the data afterwards :-) I am trying to increase the memory available to Maxima, it does not seem to work. I am probably doing something wrong: -X " --dynamic-space-size 2000"

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #4056

    Hi Robert Sorry for my delay. I am doing some mathematical work with the data afterwards :-) I am trying to increase the memory available to Maxima, it does not seem to work. I am probably doing something wrong: -X " --dynamic-space-size 2000"

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #4056

    Hi Robert Sorry for my delay. I am doing some mathematical work with the data afterwards :-) I am trying to increase the memory available to Maxima, it does not seem to work. I am probably doing something wrong: [image: image.png] /Rene' Den tors. 9. feb. 2023 kl. 21.11 skrev Robert Dodier Rene, thanks for your interest in Maxima. Unfortunately Maxima is not the best tool for handling large arrays of data. In the interest of helping you get to a working solution...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #4056

    My task is that I have a data file containing 933252 lines of data like this: 2022.03.29 20:57:13 nan nan nan nan 210 nan 1 nan 233 2 6.6703 1.00677 19.187 100 0 3 Where each cell is a measurement result of a certain quantity e.g. pressure, temperature etc I would like to plot the 933252 measurements of each quantity e,g, the temperature. I have made my own function to read in the raw data from the csv-file which works quite well. the individual data is easily separated: ["2022.03.26","19:35:57","nan","nan","nan","nan","120","nan","0","nan","153","0","6.78323","1.02828","27.312","100","0","3",""]...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen created ticket #4056

    Cannot create wery large data array

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #3663

    I tried to run the above code on the latest nightly build version="branch_5_44_base_372_g042a6e8a7",timestamp="2021-04-06 23:55:46",host="x86_64-w64-mingw32",lisp_name="SBCL",lisp_version="2.0.0" I could not get it to fail either. I will see if I can create a test that reproduces the failure. Your suggestion to rethink linearinterpol sounds quite interesting - also possibility of a speed-up.

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #3663

    I am running win10 64bit (%i1) build_info(); (%o1) build_info(version="branch_5_44_base_276_gb168ff881",timestamp="2021-02-23 23:54:35",host="x86_64-w64-mingw32",lisp_name="SBCL",lisp_version="2.0.0", maxima_userdir="C:/Users/U265227/maxima",maxima_tempdir="C:/Users/xxxx/AppData/Local/Temp",maxima_objdir= "C:/Users/xxxxx/maxima/binary/branch_5_44_base_276_gb168ff881/sbcl/2_0_0",maxima_frontend="wxMaxima",maxima_frontend_version="21.01.0-DevelopmentSnapshot_MSW") (%i1) :lisp (/ (sb-ext:dynamic-space-size)...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #3663

    Unfortunately, there is some time gab until the next version I have stored - with this one the above bug is present (= it dosen't work): - Hope it make sense ! wxMaxima version: 19.04.1-DevelopmentSnapshot using wxWidgets version: wxWidgets 3.1.0 Maxima version: branch_5_44_base_42_ga518fbd55 Maxima build date: 2020-08-03 00:05:51 Host type: x86_64-w64-mingw32 System type: Win32 6.2.9200 X86-64 Lisp implementation type: SBCL Lisp implementation version: 2.0.0 wxMaxima's idea of the directory layout...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #3663

    Tried to revert back to this version - and the very same worksheet did the job without errors wxMaxima version: 19.04.1-DevelopmentSnapshot using wxWidgets version: wxWidgets 3.1.0 Maxima version: branch_5_42_base_530_g996294ac0 Maxima build date: 2019-04-03 23:46:39 Host type: x86_64-w64-mingw32 System type: Win32 10.0.18363 X86-64 Lisp implementation type: SBCL Lisp implementation version: 1.4.14 wxMaxima's idea of the directory layout is: User configuration dir: C:\Users\xxxxxxx/maxima/ Help dir:...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #3663

    For some years ago, I have been using this function a lot without having this problem - it seem like this might be due to some changes in maxima in the meantime. Unfortunately I can not tell exactly when this error has occurred because I haven't been using this function for while... The each set of data "Data[n]" is an array of [x, y] data with 2068 data points.... The dataset "ActualSpectrometer" is also an array with 2068 [x, y] data. for GasNumb : 1 thru NumberOfDatafiles do ( kill(SplinesFit,...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen created ticket #3670

    Binding stack guard page temporarily disabled: proceed with caution

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen created ticket #3663

    Binding stack guard page temporarily disabled: proceed with caution

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen created ticket #66

    Use multible possible separator for "separator_flag" in numericalio

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #2921

    I am struggeling with the same bug at the moment e.g. : errcatch(parse_string("Heading=")); Does not give []

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Another (bug): In my worksheet I have have the definition below TimeDateNumber(YY,...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #3025

    I downloaded yesterday's daily build of wxMaxima for a test (works fine by the way)...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #3025

    Yes - as variables it goes ok, but not anymore as labels on the axis on a plot. ...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #3025

    As far as I remember this one also worked previusly: I: string : "Text with Greek...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #3025

    Yes, please see the attached gif's Using greek letters in equations by using eg %lambda...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen created ticket #3025

    Version 5.37.x - where did the Greek font go ?

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Have anybody else seen this behaivour/error - or am I doing anything wrong ? Are...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The error is still present in the new version 5.37.1 1. I have done a little more...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    First: Glad to see that the xwMaxima/Maxima is constantly being developed ! My OS:...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The newest version 15.4.0 seems to be very good - although [pg up] and [pg dn] still...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Only gives an empty plot image c:/users/myself/maxout3100_1.png wxMaxima version:...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Would it be possible to make the drawbar/slider for the slider plot longer/dynamic...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Are any of you able to tell me if it is possible to make plot of XY-data where...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The two buttons [Page Up] and [page down] dosen't seem to work anymore Windows 7...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Would it be possible to include the possibility to make groups collecting a number...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks a lot ! Where can I find info on all these useful wxfilename, wxchangedir,...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is there a function one can use to get info about the directory where the *.wxmx...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Tried to put wxchangedir : true; as the first cell in a worksheet Loading packages...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Wery glad to see a new version of wxMaxima/Maxima ! Just a quick test: Can handle...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #2883

    Thanks Just curious: do you know when a new release (Windows) is expected ? /Rene'...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #2886

    Back to wxdraw2d(points(..)) When I try to save an existing wxmx fie as an xmx file...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #2885

    hmmm... now I have installed it in the default directory... Then it dosen't make...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #2886

    The above seems to be true with all the packages I have been using: load(fmin_cobyla);...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #2886

    When I enter it manually - it works When I try load (lsquares) two times - it seems...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #2885

    Also tried to install in the default directory - same history... I haven't tried...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #2885

    It was from a *.wxmx file Just tried to enter it manually in a new wxMaxima worksheet...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #2886

    The above commands where keyed in manually In the other bug reports, the commands...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #2885

    I always use: C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxima It has been ok with all previous ver...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    data : makelist([x, random(1)], x, 1, 10, 1); draw2d(points(data)); gives no graph,...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen created ticket #2886

    draw2d(points(data)); - Error

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen created ticket #2885

    load("fft"); - Error

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen created ticket #2884

    load (graphs); - Error

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen created ticket #2883

    load (lsquares); Error

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen created ticket #2882

    load(fmin_cobyla) - Error

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry for the large test above, the typo went somehow wring for me...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Creating an .wxmx file containing an "with_slider_draw" - plot - seems to work fine....

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #2841

    I'm very happy that someone (singerk) will spend time and effort to compilers Maxima...

  • Rene Hansen Rene Hansen posted a comment on ticket #2637

    I am running Windows: wxMaxima version: 13.4.0 Maxima version: 5.31.2 Maxima build...