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    Hi Bruce, We went throu the code and the copybook files again, and you were right in pointing out that this issue might be due to mismatch between data fie and copybook. It turns out there are a few fields added to the file by upstream teams, but they failed to update the changes in copybook. After the updation we were able to read the files correctly. One more thing we are considering is reading the EBCDIC files that are present on HDFS. Our use case would be to Read EBCDIC file present on HDFS...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on JRecord

    Hi Bruce An update on the issue. We moved the .java file to linux and compiled it on the server and ran the class files. it runs without any issue :) But if we package the jar in eclipse and use it on Linux the issue turns up. Looks like we'll have to proceed with the .class files we have generated, instead of using the jar. Thanks for all your support!

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on JRecord

    Hi Bruce Thanks for the inputs. I have tried out the mentioned code above and it runs fine without throwing any errors oon linux box. However, when I was looking at the data, i could see that the first line is converted perfectly, but few fields from the 2nd line are being concated at the end of 1st line and the fields starting from 2nd line are not correctly extracted. As I cant give the actual data, PFB an example of how the data appears in Linux output. Eg: row1: line1field1 |line1field2 |line1field3...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on JRecord

    Hi bruce Thanks for your input! Below is the partial code we are using, to create a IOBuilder and reader : ICobolIOBuilder iob = JRecordInterface1.COBOL.newIOBuilder(copyBook) .setFont("cp037").setFileOrganization(Constants.IO_FIXED_LENGTH) .setSplitCopybook(CopybookLoader.SPLIT_NONE); AbstractLineReader reader = iob.newReader(ebcdicFile); AbstractLine line; while(fieldCounter<totalFieldCount){ printStmnt=printStmnt + line.getFieldValue(fieldsArray[fieldCounter]).asString().trim() +"\t\t |" ; fieldCounter++;...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on JRecord

    Hello, I am currently facing a weird issue. I have a working program which uses Jrecord to read an ebcdic file and displays the contents in ascii. This is working correctly as expected in Eclipse. But when the program is packaged as a Runnable jar and executed on Linux server. the output is having special chars, and comp-3 fields are not correctly converted. But the same jar when run in windows command prompt will produce proper output. Has anyone faced this issue earlier? Appreciate your guidance....

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2018-09-27 09:52:57


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