TGLCylinder and TGLAnnulus are in GLS.GeomObjects.pas
You simply add a new field Stings: TStringList to base object TGLBaseSceneObject. Remember to add it to Assign method. If you use it only via code (not IDE designer) you can leave the original GLS.Scene.pas in libarry sources, copy the file in your project folder, add new property Strings to TGLBaseSceneObject end add property, Assign, etc and add the GLS.Scene in your project sources. In this way you don't touch original source code but your project will use a "fucked" code sources with new Strings...
You simply add a new field Stings: TStringList to base object TGLBaseSceneObject. Remember to add it to Assign method. If you use it only via code (not IDE designer) you can leave the original GLS.Scene.pas in libarry sources, copy the file in your project folder, add new property Strings to TGLBaseSceneObject end add property, Assign, etc and add the GLS.Scene in your project sources. In this way you don't touch original source code but your project will use a "fucked" code sources with new Strings...
You simply add a new field Stings: TStringList to base object TGLBaseSceneObject. Remember to add it to Assign method. If you use it only via code (not IDE designer) you can leave the original GLS.Scene.pas in libarry sources, copy the file in your project folder, add new property Strings to TGLBaseSceneObject end add property, Assign, etc and add the GLS.Scene in your project sources. In this way you don't touch original source code but your project will use a "fucked" code sources with new Strings...
You simply add a new field Stings: TStringList to base object TGLBaseSceneObject. Remember to add it to Assign method. If you use it only via code (not IDE designer) you can leave the original GLS.Scene.pas in libarry sources, copy the file in your project folder, add new property Strings to TGLBaseSceneObject end add property, Assign, etc and add the GLS.Scene in your project sources. In this way you don't touch original source code but your project will use a "fucked" code sources with new Strings...
You simply add a new field Stings: TStringList to base object TGLBaseSceneObject. Remember to add it to Assign method. If you use it only via code (not IDE designer) you can leave the original GLS.Scene.pas in libarry sources, copy the file in your project folder, add new property Strings to TGLBaseSceneObject end add property, Assign, etc.
At moment I've canibalized the changes and add to GLScene code, because run on my system and I know how to manage it, but I need to follow the rules and place changes in main glscene root. The core code of TGLFreeFormSharpEdges is in attachment. The way to recreate a mesh, in my case from STL file, edges is simple. Just create a list of adiacent surfaces with a side shared. If angle between normals of two surfaces is greather than an programmed angle this side will have a edge (line). An angle of...
At moment I've canibalized the code, because run on my system and I know how to manage them, but I need to follow the rules. The core code of TGLFreeFormSharpEdges is in attachment. I've to finish a project, for yesterday we say, and then I will try to do the changes following the glscene rules.