Activity for sgerwk

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r45]

    print inactivity time

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r44]

    add script to remove old at jobs

  • sgerwk sgerwk posted a comment on ticket #54

    No problem with commenting out XUnloadFont(): I have tested it in the original xfig version, the one with XSync and the one with a modified main loop, an none showed any error. The original version still does not close in powersave mode, as expected. According to XCloseDisplay(3), the fonts are unloaded anyway on close (when no other program uses them) unless specified otherwise by XSetCloseDownMode(3), but this seems not to be called anywhere in xfig.

  • sgerwk sgerwk posted a comment on ticket #54

    This is in part a related issue: free_Fonts() in u_free.c unloads fonts using nf->fid, but I do not see where this field is set. I tried to add canary values to every struct xfont right after every malloc(sizeof(struct xfont)), and it seems that they are still there when the fonts are freed by free_Fonts(); see attached file. Perhaps nf->fid is not needed after all, and one may rather use nf->fstruct->fid if nf->fstruct is not NULL? This is related to the ticket because I believe the error is not...

  • sgerwk sgerwk posted a comment on ticket #54

    With XSync(tool_d, False) above free_GC() the xfig window closes properly every time now. Thanks!

  • sgerwk sgerwk posted a comment on ticket #54

    You mean, xfig should stay open, but it vanishes under your eyes when doing something unrelated? No, I was still talking about the situation after I click on file, then exit. The window is still open, but it shouldn't. In this particular situation, "xwininfo -root" causes it it to close. This happens on debian. I will test the problem and the patch under archlinux.

  • sgerwk sgerwk posted a comment on ticket #54

    Also: the window closes even if XSync() is replaced by sleep(2) (of course that's not a viable solution since termination is delayes by two seconds). Do you get the same errors with this change?

  • sgerwk sgerwk posted a comment on ticket #54

    Could you confirm, that there is not a pop-up window, well, not popped up but hidden behind the window? If a figure is modified within xfig and not yet saved, on pressing File -> Exit a window pops up, "The current figure is modified. Do you want to save it before quitting?" That window may be hidden behind the main window. Hi, thanks for checking this. Iconifying the xfig window, the menu remains on screen but there is no confirmation window around. Also, the xfig program already terminated at this...

  • sgerwk sgerwk created ticket #54

    window does not always close by the exit entry in the file menu

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r43]

    new immediate modes: forced and wakeup-only

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r42]

    systemd service files

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r41]

    print message when cron or cronie sources cannot be found

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r40]

    compile against the new non-recursive makefile of cronie

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r39]

    print timestamp before time

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r38]

    fix syntax

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r11]

    more code reformatting

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r10]

    code reformatting

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r9]

    avoid warning on unused variables

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r8]

    fix sony protocol for 12 and 15 bits

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r3]

    moved to github

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r37]

    install waiting and manual

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r36]

    fix argument order

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r35]

    man page

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r34]

    option for waking up only for some crontab entries

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r33]

    simplify cronqueue.c

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r32]

    turn README of waiting into a man page

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r31]

    delete old README

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r30]

    fix comment

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r29]

    fix comments, parentheses and spaces

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r28]

    document timeout in waiting

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r27]

    file is now names Makefile.local

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r26]

    document rtcidle-nowakeup

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r25]

    change name of Makefile.local and fix it

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r24]

    simplify code

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r23]

    run with the same parameters

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r22]

    explain new parameters of cronnext

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r21]

    print the name of the running program

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r20]

    read the same list as rtcidle

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r19]

    printing the list of program already done in readList()

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r18]

    timeout is in seconds

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r17]

    allow excluding some programs from wakeup

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r16]

    waiting may run with -i alone

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r15]

    code formatting

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r14]

    make at spool directory parametric

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r13]

    include time.h

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r12]

    separate the Makefile part that depends on the cron source

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r11]

    support debian version of cron

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r10]

    fix comparison of interrupt numbers, print difference

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r9]

    skip system crontab, not useful in this case

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r8]

    add include

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r2]

    html docs

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r1]

    upload code

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r7]

    fixed used of arduino_read in uart.c

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r6]

    updated index.html

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r5]

    updated index.html

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r4]

    delete temp file

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r3]

    moved functions to runlengthgpio.{h,c}; other c...

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r2]

    added documentation page

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r1]

    first release

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r7]

    update README: allow compiling with cronie

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r6]

    allow compiling with cronie, instead of vixie cron

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r5]

    check if /dev/rtc is a link, enable wakeup in /sys

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r4]

    fixed acpi sleep/suspend swap for /proc

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r3]

    updated index.html

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r2]

    updated README

  • sgerwk sgerwk created a blog post

    USB input devices, new command line options

  • sgerwk sgerwk committed [r1]

    generic input device via /dev/input (including ...