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  • Posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems on GCBASIC

    why? It shouldn't be. Like 12, 45, 123, 4323 etc, 00 it's only a number, it's zero, what's the difference when it is written 0x00 or 00 or 00000 or 0000000 etc.

  • Modified a comment on discussion Compiler Problems on GCBASIC

    Hello friends. Look please at the following pictures. When I pass a 00 as parameter in i2csend as plain decimal number i have a compiler error. When i pass it as a hex 0x00 all is ok.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems on GCBASIC

    Hello friends. Look please at the following pictures. When I pass a parameter in i2csend as plain decimal number i have a compiler error. When i pass it as a hex all is ok.

  • Posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides on GCBASIC

    Interesting. Thanks a lot

  • Posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems on GCBASIC

    And from me all well setup. Although I had to uninstall the old one

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    Yesterday tried this with a 12f675. It works! no need for pullups, just turn off the chip's option_reg.7 ! ;Chip Settings #chip 12F675,4 #option explicit dim p_w as byte ' Define I2C settings #define I2C_MODE master #define I2C_DATA GPIO.4 #define I2C_CLOCK GPIO.5 #define I2C_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS ON #define I2C_BIT_DELAY 20 us #define I2C_CLOCK_DELAY 30 us **OPTIONREG.7 = 0** Do Forever for p_w = 0 to 255 repeat 100 I2CStart I2CSend p_w i2cstop wait 10 ms end repeat next Loop

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    Any support (libraries or code) for SX1278 Lora programming? Simple code please, as to make it transmit or receive mode in full power and how to reflect a pin ON or OFF from transmitter to receiver

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    Any libraries or code for SX1278 Lora programming? Simple code please, as to make it transmit or receive mode in full power and how to reflect a pin ON or OFF from transmitter to receiver

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Personal Data

2013-05-12 14:10:51
Lemnos / Greece / EEST


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This is a list of skills that sfyris possesses:

  • Win32 (MS Windows)
  • Command-line
  • MS-DOS
  • Windows Server
  • Android
  • Symbian OS
  • Assembly
  • C
  • Pascal
  • Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
  • Prolog
  • English
  • German
  • Greek

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