Thanks, It helped. May the force be with you :))
Ok Bruce, I got the error. Cb2XMl generates XML with follwing header <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -<copybook cb2xml-format="2017" dialect="Mainframe" filename="oip_ioice_ci_f_cioicci_181102.cpy"> -<item display-length="1000" storage-length="1000" position="1" name="CI-CUSTOMER-PLAN-ACCOUNT-INFO" level="01"> <item display-length="15" storage-length="15" position="1" name="CI-PLAN-ACCOUNT-NO" level="05" picture="X(15)"/> But, Your code wants to parse XML in following format : <?xml version="1.0"...
Thanks Bruce so much. I was using older version of Java. I have one query. I'm able to convert EBCDIC data using copybook (.cbl format) Now, If we use .cbl format ,then we have to manuall enter the field names in our code to get data. I was thinking, whether you have any utility which take copybook data in XML format and EBCDIC data and automatically extract the field name and process the data. I have tried cbl2xml and it works well, I'm able to get Copybook data in XML format. But when i try to...
Thanks Bruce so much. I was using older version of Java. I have one query. I'm able to convert EBCDIC data using copybook (.cbl format) Now, If we use .cbl format ,then we have to manuall enter the filed names in our code to get data. I was thinking, whether you have any utility which take copybook data in XML format and EBCDIC data and automatically extract the filed name and process the data. I have tried cbl2xml and it works well, I'm able to get Copybook data in XML format. But when i try to...
Hello Bruce, I;m getting the flollowing error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.sf.cb2xml.CobolPreprocessor.preProcess(Ljava/io/Reader;II)Ljava/lang/String; at net.sf.cb2xml.DoCobolAnalyse.doAnalysis(Unknown Source) at net.sf.cb2xml.Cb2Xml3$BldrImp.getCopybook(Unknown Source) at net.sf.cb2xml.Cb2Xml3$BldrImp.asCobolItemTree(Unknown Source) at net.sf.JRecord.External.Def.Cb2Xml.getCopybook( at net.sf.JRecord.External.base.BaseCobolItemLoader.loadCopyBook(
Hello Bruce, I;m getting the flollowing error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.sf.cb2xml.CobolPreprocessor.preProcess(Ljava/io/Reader;II)Ljava/lang/String; at net.sf.cb2xml.DoCobolAnalyse.doAnalysis(Unknown Source) at net.sf.cb2xml.Cb2Xml3$BldrImp.getCopybook(Unknown Source) at net.sf.cb2xml.Cb2Xml3$BldrImp.asCobolItemTree(Unknown Source) at net.sf.JRecord.External.Def.Cb2Xml.getCopybook( at net.sf.JRecord.External.base.BaseCobolItemLoader.loadCopyBook(