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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    Dmitri wants to know what he should prioritise, and of course the answer that everyone gives him is either "Me! Me! The thing I care about!" or "There must be some piece of software that will solve the problem". Neither answer is satisfactory. There is another problem, too: not only does he not know what to start on, he doesn't know how to measure afterwards whether he had made the right choice. In commercial software, that's easy. You can tell if you've made something people want because they pay...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    [a very nerdy question] I currently use a windows desktop and a mac laptop, with freeplane on both. It is relatively easy to keep mindmaps in synch using onedrive, dropbox, or similar services. But what about templates and macros, which I can fiddle with on either machine? They are kept in very different subdirectories on the two architectures and there is no obvious way to keep them in synch. When I set up the macbook, I simply copied over the relevant directories from Windows to the right place...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    Thank you! It looks to me from a quick glance at the code as if this copies the whole node, and not just the connector style -- which is what I want for all sorts of other reasons: I would prefer it if copying the syle of a node also copied its attributes. And I second your request to expose these properties through the API.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    I have been fooling around to produce a default template for taking notes in conferences and seminars. The content notes I take have attributes to say who is talking and on what broad topic; the speaker notes have attributes for contact details and scurrilous remarks about their personalities; there is a style for notes to self and another one for questions to ask. I may add timestamps, but at the moment this looks unnecessary. I have been able to do most of what I want but I can't see how to store...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    I think I'd sooner live with it than buy you a new mac :-)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    For what it's worth, I am also in favour of a mass purge of old feature requests. The people who made them and had them ignored have either come to terms with their absence or stopped using the project by now. Either way, efforts should be concentrated on the needs and suggestions of current users. (I was active in this community in about 2011, writing a bunch of scripts to help myself and other use Freeplane for writing. Then I moved on to other tools for note taking and brainstorming. Now I'm coming...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    The fix for opening files from the finder now works. Thanks, Dimitry. But the files open in a tiny, almost invisible window, which is minimised to the title bar and only long enough to contain the three coloured buttons that every mac window has. This must be found on the desktop and then dragged open by hand. This is in 1.7.3 on OS X Mojave.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    The fix for opening files from the finder now works. Thanks, Dimitry. But the files open in a tiny, almost invisible window, which is minimised to the title bar and only long enough to contain the three coloured nuttons that every mac window has. This must be found on the desktop and then dragged open by hand. This is in 1.7.3 on OS X Mojave.

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2011-07-18 11:52:55


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