User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1 on Mesh2HRTF-tools

    Hello, sorry for missing the issue previously, When I see this my first guesses are: If you are playing with multiple overlapping grids (multiple points for the same angle where only radius differs) all of this is untested preview. Basically I made the scripts to show how to simulate the raw data, but as I have no use for multi-radius SOFA files I did not test if all post processing scripts can handle such data, Nor I know how will your software expect multi-radius SOFA file to look like. You just...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2 on Mesh2HRTF-tools

    Hi, Can't say these are your main problems, but: 1. Warning around PyFar version conflict has a workaround - as explained in this ticket: 2. Non Convergence may actually be critical here - because it affects frequencies below 22.05 kHz - you need at least enough data to export 44.1 kHz SOFA file. If you see something else, please printout which sounds unusual. Also, everything is quite simple, commented Python code - no coding wizzardry. It is often...

  • Posted a comment on merge request #1 on Mesh2HRTF-tools

    thank you!

  • Merged merge request #1 on Code on Mesh2HRTF-tools

    Sofa file names in AllSofaFiles1 and AllSofaFiles2 sorted alphabetically

  • Posted a comment on merge request #1 on Mesh2HRTF-tools

    Hi, looks good - I assume it works. Could you please add a version information to the file itself? something like # v3.02 20xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (by xxxxxxxx) version = 'v3.02' # <<< for printouts. then I will merge it.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on HeSuVi

    Hi, in case you want a more simple and robust HeSuVi setup, you can try this approach: In my experience the latency is not much worse at all.

  • Modified a wiki page on Mesh2HRTF-tools


  • Committed [db0001] on Code

    added wip version of Smoothing for Sofa HRTFs

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Personal Data

2021-08-05 13:28:33


This is a list of open source software projects that Sergejs is associated with:

  • HRTF-examples   Last Updated:
  • Project Logo Mesh2HRTF   Last Updated:
  • Mesh2HRTF-tools Individual SOFA HRTF related code, tutorials and helpful files. Last Updated: