Activity for Scott DiGiulio

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #170

    Revise GL on subaudible

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2854]

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified a comment on ticket #151

    @ellimylonas and I will add a sentence or two into either supp-history.xml or supp-histmodern.xml to describe the use of <custodialhist> for specific custodial events like conservation or loans at the holding institution. @paregorios, if you feel that a more detailed description needs to be added to the EpiDoc guidelines beyond what the TEI provides, please share a couple of examples with us. We did find the following (, but we'd probably...

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #151

    @ellimylonas and I will add a sentence or two into either supp-history.xml or supp-histmodern.xml to describe the use of <custodialhist> for specific custodial events like conservation or loans at the holding institution. @paregorios, if you feel that a more detailed description needs to be added to the EpiDoc guidelines beyond what the TEI provides, please share a couple of examples with us (we tried finding some in DCLP and couldn't find anything relevant).</custodialhist>

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #154

    Marking transitions in language and/or script in the text

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #154

    Perfect, thanks; copied into the file and will commit. If anything else needs tweaking, please feel free to clarify.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #159

    PR for space/gap

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #159

    HC merged this in after testing, and all seemed to work well.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #85

    Re-engineer guidelines process to use tunnel parameters for examples

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #139

    Update, format, correct, supplement examples in GL

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #147

    page on EpiDoc and Linked Data

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #146

    Incorporate EFES updates into EpiDoc release process

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #159

    PR for space/gap

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #159

    Will proof/test, and merge in if all seems well.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #179

    Text direction: GL and XSL need improving

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #183

    Stylesheets default handling of tei:milestone not very useful

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #79

    I can take a look at what Tom added above and then try to integrate them into what's already been worked up; this should be doable before 9.4.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #184

    tei:tag element not correctly displayed

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #184

    After discussion, EDAG is happy to implement this fix as it stands.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #158

    Consider wrapping lines or line groups in HTML output

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #154

    Wrote further guidance on handling languages and scripts in and added a number of examples from the US Epigraphy Project; can use a look over from someone other than me to confirm that everything appears to be in order and that nothing is untoward, but should otherwise be ready to go for the upcoming release.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2817]

    Revisions to address

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #79

    Looking at, I think I've already written some of this in as part of one of the other tickets I had been responsible for previously (in rev. 2739); I think we can consider this complete, but I'd appreciate it if someone could double-check the work to make sure that we're happy with what's there.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #183

    For the short term, will apply the provisional fix and will consider bigger picture changes in the future.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #183

    Stylesheets default handling of tei:milestone not very useful

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #183

    Stylesheets default handling of tei:milestone not very useful

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #183

    Stylesheets default handling of tei:milestone not very useful

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #183

    I'll send an email to Markup to survey the needs of the community; once we have a sense of what kinds of values would be desirable, we can come back around to implementing all of the relevant changes at one time (rather than ad hoc).

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified a wiki page


  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #79

    We agreed that the recommended solution is to use <space> with a type attribute that indicates what the formatting element is; all that needs to be done is to add this to the documentation in the guidelines. I'll try to implement this in time for the next release.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #79

    Clarify and complete guidance on line placement/formatting

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #79

    Clarify and complete guidance on line placement/formatting

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #79

    Per discussion on 9/15, I feel like some of this may have been addressed in other conversations/tickets. I'll go back through briefly to see what, if anything, has been handled already and report back.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #170

    issues with release process

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #170

    Added a couple of sentences addressing the html documentation, but I think the revisions to the release process should now be all set, unless there is something that stands out to others.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified a wiki page


  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2739]

    update to address questions of <space> and possible values for @types; added some prose to illustrate use.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #174

    Thinking quickly about the BM inscription that was raised as the example, and the ways in which <trailer> gets used in TEI, I'm not sure it actually carries the same semantic meaning as what we have on the stone. Based on the examples I've seen, <trailer> suggests a very particular convention of (especially) print and manuscript books, as opposed to the way that we conceptualize epigraphic texts and editorially present them. My instinct, then, is that we normally would not want <trailer> in the main...

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #136

    Improve and consolidate GLs on verse and metre

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #108

    Will add a little more prose to make this clearer, re-paragraph a bit more to help clarify what we actually mean by <space> in EpiDoc

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #108

    Guidelines for space avoiding hole in support, etc.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #108

    General consensus, at Feb. 20 EDAG, is that having at least some suggested values would be valuable. Addtionally these values would help to resolve questions raisedabout how to indicate indentation, etc., at FR79, since <space> allows for a number of attributes that cannot be placed on <lb>.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #79

    Per EDAG discussion on Feb. 20 about the question of indenting, we generally agreed that the challenge of using <lb> for indent is the limitations on attributes (can't mark extent, e.g.), and <space> would be better to use for here. See related discussion at FR108.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #126

    Made slight tweaks, including removing the allowable TEI elements for clarity, as discussed at the Feb. 20 EDAG meeting, with commit r2721.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2721]

    Minor modifications to discussion of unclear, per EDAG discussion on Feb. 20.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified a comment on ticket #170

    Only remaining points are documenting analytics (I'll handle this week), and documenting the HTML choice FR125, which is now closed.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #170

    Only remaining points are documenting analytics (I'll handle this week), and documenting the HTML choice [FR125]((, which is now closed.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified a wiki page


  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified a wiki page


  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #125

    I think points 1, 2, and 3 are (at least partially) addressed by the changes made to address bugs:#170; still need to document the choice for 2.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified a comment on ticket #170

    Addressed points 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 above; made relevant changes to release process guidelines page on sourceforge. Didn't address FR125 yet.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #170

    issues with release process

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #170

    Addressed points 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 above.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified a wiki page


  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio created ticket #170

    issues with release process

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2720]

    last updates to driver.xml and ReleaseNotes.txt for 9.0 release.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified a wiki page


  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified a wiki page


  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified a wiki page


  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified a wiki page


  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified a wiki page


  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2717]

    release notes to 9.0

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2716]

    remove folder

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2715]

    new folder for 9.0 xslt

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2714]

    tagging as 9.0

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2713]

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2712]

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2710]

    upload final 9.0 schemata

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2704]

    update driver.xml for candidate release

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2703]

    9.0 candidate schema materials

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2700]

    release update

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2699]

    updated 9.0 ReleaseNotes.txt

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2697]

    Continued drafting 9.0 ReleaseNotes.txt

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2690]

    Updated the prose on <lb> to reflect our customized use of the element, per FR #87.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #87

    EpiDoc guidance on text direction is not TEI-conformant

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #87

    Reassigning this back to Tom for the XSLT updates; I've also updated the prose of the guidelines to reflect the TEI usage of <lb> better.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio committed [r2688]

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #87

    Updated guidelines xml from @rend to @style as previously discussed to bring into conformity with TEI; I think there needs to be a corresponding change made in the XSLT, though I'm not sure precisely which files need changing.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #108

    (Very) short prose added to the Guidelines page for vacat (other), along with several suggested values there.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #113

    Inline editorial correction of previous edition

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #126

    Consider and document EpiDoc customization of unclear

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #127

    Improve handling for ligatured characters

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #87

    EpiDoc guidance on text direction is not TEI-conformant

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #108

    Guidelines for space avoiding hole in support, etc.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #87

    EpiDoc guidance on text direction is not TEI-conformant

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified ticket #108

    Guidelines for space avoiding hole in support, etc.

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #108

    As we discussed in the previous EDAG meeting, we're generally all in agreement that...

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #87

    Based on our meeting last week, we agreed that changing the way we handle direction...

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified a comment on ticket #87

    a) Generally speaking, the current TEI guidelines suggest (5.6) that the directionality...

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio modified a comment on ticket #87

    a) Generally speaking, the current TEI guidelines suggest (5.6) that the directionality...

  • Scott DiGiulio Scott DiGiulio posted a comment on ticket #87

    a) Generally speaking, the current TEI guidelines suggest (5.6) that the directionality...