Activity for Crashy

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Quick update on this issue on the Surface Book 2: USB Selective Suspend can only be managed by changing the Power Management Options in USB Devices and Hubs in Device Manager. Untick the "Allow the Computer to turn off this device to save power" option there. It seems I now only have the issue when the device goes into suspend which is fairly acceptable. However, this obviously has some negative effect to power consumption.

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Ben, honestly my post is a bit delayed. The only solution that worked for me on the Surface Book was to move the VC file container to the internal HDD. Up until recently when the HDD became almost full, I moved the container back to the USB stick where it seems to be more stable now. In the meantime I had done whatever I could to prohibit the computer from going into standby as I had lost some data on multiple occasions where the computer decided that I was not using it, installed an update and...

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion Feature requests

    Hi Yousuf, have you tried the Restore Volumen Header function in the Tools menu and restore from the backup embedded in the volume? The quick format should not have touched that. With the header restored, you should be able to mount your VC partition again. Then it depends if the quick format has not destroyed the file table inside the partition, you should be able to readily access your data. If not, you should still be able to mount the volume and access your files using file recovery tools. Some...

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion Feature requests

    Hi there, I would like to suggest an improvement to the Force Dismount warning message box: add a Retry option and button, please. Great to have this warning message when I want to dismount and have something left open (e.g. PortableApps menu, an app, file explorer etc.). However, always having to click no, close what I can think of and then having to right-click the tray icon again to start another attempt is time consuming. E.g.:

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion Feature requests

    Nice work, Graphys! I was here to search for something else, but this tray icon thread caught my attention. Like others above, I also have difficulties to easily spot the VC tray icon and interprete the status correctly. Let's keep asking for this. Still thanks to all who contribute. This is a great piece of software and I am so happy that TrueCrypt was revived in VC.

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on ticket #722

    It's 2022 and I confirm some would still benefit from that option. :-) By the way, my files differ by the one hour DST difference and the 3 seconds FAT difference. So both compare options would be useful to be selected individually.

  • Crashy Crashy modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry, I thought it is a question. This post can be deleted.

  • Crashy Crashy modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry, I thought it is a question.

  • Crashy Crashy modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Edo, I still use the following settings and it works with Freeplane 1.8.8 [Activate] #Java=require [Environment] FREEPLANE_JAVA_HOME=%PAL:PortableAppsDir%\CommonFiles\OpenJDKJRE64 JAVA_HOME=%PAL:PortableAppsDir%\CommonFiles\OpenJDKJRE64

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Edo, I still use the following settings and it works with Freeplan 1.8.8 [Activate] #Java=require [Environment] FREEPLANE_JAVA_HOME=%PAL:PortableAppsDir%\CommonFiles\OpenJDKJRE64 JAVA_HOME=%PAL:PortableAppsDir%\CommonFiles\OpenJDKJRE64

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Working now. SOLVED! I can't find a way to update the title of thread accordingly. So if an admin comes across this, feel free to do so.

  • Crashy Crashy modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi K.C., that's what's written on the button in VC. And it was also the case in TC if I remember correctly. So even if there is no dismount in IT, there is in VC ;-)

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Helmut, that's what's written on the button in VC. And it was also the case in TC if I remember correctly. So even if there is no dismount in IT, there is in VC ;-)

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Henk, Indeed, it never worked when I started it from the PA launcher. I always get the error message: Freeplane requires a Java Runtime Environment. Please install jPortable... I only got it to start from command line with JAVA_HOME being defined as an environment variable. Your comment above and the fact that the error message did appear immediately, i.e. most likely from the launcher and not Freeplane itself, made me think that the launcher may have difficulties to find Java. I have now changed...

  • Crashy Crashy modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Correct, I'm trying to use a portable Java installatin as I don't have Java installed. After finding the file \FreeplanePortable\App\AppInfo\Launcher\FreeplanePortable.ini Which has an entry FREEPLANE_JAVA_HOME=%JAVA_HOME% I concluded I have to set %JAVA_HOME% instead and now FreePlane starts!! However, I can only do this from a Command Prompt. Changing this FreeplanePortable.ini does not work. I tried: FREEPLANE_JAVA_HOME=%PAL:PortableAppsDir%\CommonFiles\OpenJDKJRE64 JAVA_HOME=%PAL:PortableAppsDir%\CommonFiles\OpenJDKJRE64...

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Correct, I'm trying to use a portable Java installatin as I don't have Java installed. After finding the file \FreeplanePortable\App\AppInfo\Launcher\FreeplanePortable.ini Which has an entry FREEPLANE_JAVA_HOME=%JAVA_HOME% I concluded I have to set %JAVA_HOME% instead and now FreePlane starts!! However, I can only do this from a Command Prompt. Changing this FreeplanePortable.ini in this location or in the FreeplanPortable root directory does not work. I would thus have to configure %JAVA_HOME% globally...

  • Crashy Crashy modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have issues installing Freeplane in Portable Mode in Win10. Does someone have some recent experience or hints? Here is what I have tried already: Downloaded FreeplanePortable-1.8.8.paf.exe Installed it in with the PortableApps launcher Installed jPortable in PortableApps Meanwhile also installed OpenJDK and the 64 bit Versions of both In a command prompt, set the FREEPLANE_JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the jPortable dir Started FreeplanePortable.exe from within the same command prompt...

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have issues installing Freeplane in Portable Mode in Win10. Does someone have some recent experience or hints? Here is what I have tried already: Downloaded FreeplanePortable-1.8.8.paf.exe Installed it in with the PortableApps launcher Installed jPortable in PortableApps Meanwhile also installed OpenJDK and the 64 bit Versions of both In a command prompt, set the FREEPLANE_JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the jPortable dir Started FreeplanePortable.exe from within the same command prompt...

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Philip, I believe not, as the same would apply to the USB 2.0 cable hanging out of the computer, now. Also be aware, that this is the 2nd computer where I have this problem. Initially I thought it was due to upgrading to USB 3.x in the Thinkpad and the Surface. But I just checked and noticed that at least the Dells I had before (Latitude E7440 and E7450) did also have USB 3.0.

  • Crashy Crashy modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Meanwhile I found a workaround: I use a USB 2.0 cable to connect the USB drive. No more disconnects. Not a nice solution as I have a cable hanging out of my Surface Book, now. But at least the random disconnects have stopped. Not to mention that it's approximately 1/4 as fast as USB 3.

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Meanwhile I found a workaround: I use a USB 2.0 cable to connect the USB drive. No more disconnects. Not a nice solution as I have a cable hanging out of my Surface Book, now. But at least the random disconnects have stopped.

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well folks, I moved to a Microsoft Surface Book 2 now. And it's even worse there. Sometimes it only takes 10 minutes while I've been actively using the device and I get a message that the Veracrypt volume (on the same USB 3 Sandisk Ultrafit) was forcefully dismounted. Sometimes I lose the volume without a notification as described above. I don't dare to use my encrypted software anymore as I do not want to risk to corrupt my data. Any ideas on this, meanwhile? I have set the USB device to not switch...

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    OK same problem again. This time the computer went into hibernation with very low power. Maybe it cut off power from the always-on USB port. After resume, VeraCrypt still shows the drive as mounted but it is no longer accessible. After 30 minutes of me looking at the event log for what happened, the same message in the Windows 10 message pane as above appeared and the drive was no longer shown as mounted. The VeraCrypt behavior seems to be unreliable regaring USB Power in the combination of Windows...

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Kurt, thanks for spending some thoughts on this: Just to be clear: VeraCrypt did not unmount the volume. It is still listed in the VC main window. Just the contents of the volume are no longer accessible: open file handles are defunct. Browsing the drive in explorer is still possible, at least to a certain depth that is probably cached. I checked: 1) USB ports powered in BIOS 2) USB ports powered in Lenovo Vantage settings 3) USB selective suspend disabled However, I found that my Laptop, a Thinkpad...

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sorry for pushing, but this is becoming annoying. I just lost my Thunderbird address book after TB on the VC volume crashed after a suspend.

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It happened again. The laptop went into standby for 40 minutes and the encrypted drive was defunctional after wake-up. This can be seen in the system events: 1. Kernel Power - System goes into standby 2. Disk - controller error on on \Device\Harddisk1\DR5 (HDD1 is the hosting thumbdrive) 3. Kernel Power - Resume from S3 4. fastfat - warning (no description available) 5. Application Popup - error on delayed write

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    After a reboot, it seems to work. Maybe this was needed to get the "USB selective suspend" to work. Still quite weird: the file handles to the hosting USB stick were not affected. Only the VC drive in a file container on the USB stick got into an undefined state. I'll continue to monitor.

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi... I'm using VeraCrypt on a USB ThumbDrive in a mobile setting. When the computer resumes from suspend VeraCrypt still shows the volume as mounted, but all open handles are dead and explorer can no longer browse the directory. All other files on the USB drive are still accessible. A remount in VC makes the encrypted drive usable again. Until recently everything was working fine. Now I moved from Win7 on Dell Latitude to Win10 on Lenovo Thinkpad. Due to the double change I can't tell which one...

  • Crashy Crashy posted a comment on ticket #1863

    Would you mind to re-open this, please? This is still an issue in I help...