It should be considered to use, esp. for discovery of locations where you want to have not one specific bed, but a ward. strcmp0 will not work. As far as I know, prefix always includes S1==S2.
Please provide more specific examples.
I second David. This would be a useful extension. Maybe model it similar to SystemErrorReport/ReportPart/ErrorCode as a CodedValue so that you can use public and private codes for the error.
Add an operation to clear a program
Can you explain the problem with the references?
Can you please provide the arguments for both pm:AbstractMetricValue and @Value. The text should always be read as "there is no new determined value available". For measurements or calculation there can be a situations where there may be no pm:AbstractMetricValue esp. after a new start.
Can you please provide the arguments for both pm:AbstractMetricValue and pm:AbstractMetricValue/@Value
Please check how this ticket relates to the DerivationMethod attribute of metrics.