Hello Robert, Sorry for this late answer, I've been a lot busy lately. I tried the Boltwood safety monitor indeed, but I didn't find it corresponding to the need. Since the only piece of code I could have my hand on was the Arduino code, I did a slight modification in it, so that in case you don't have a rain bucket, but only a rain sensor, the rain rate value goes from 0mm/h (dry) to 1mm/h (wet), and it works quite well. Of course, the code also works when you have a rain bucket, but these values...
Hello Robert, Sorry for this late answer, I've been a lot busy lately. I tried the Boltwood sensor indeed, but I didn't find it corresponding to the need. Since the only piece of code I could have my hand on was the Arduino code, I did a slight modification in it, so that in case you don't have a rain bucket, but only a rain sensor, the rain rate value goes from 0mm/h (dry) to 1mm/h (wet), and it works quite well. Of course, the code also works when you have a rain bucket, but these values are overriden...
Hello Robert, Sorry for this late answer, I've been a lot busy lately. I tried the Boltwood sensor indeed, but I didn't find it corresponding to the need. Since the only piece of code I could have my hand on was the Arduino code, I did a slight modification in it, so that in case you don't have a rain bucket, but only a rain sensor, the rain rate value goes from 0mm/h (dry) to 1mm/h (wet), and it works quite well. Of course, the code also works when you have a rain bucket, but these values are overriden...
Thank you for your prompt answer Robert, and this precise information I didn't know. Since the ASCOM framework does not contain this type of information, but only a gauge information, I understand why it wasn't implemented. However, would there be a way, in case one does not have a Rain Bucket Gauge, but a simple detection sensor, to override the RainRate property with the sensor status (like 0 for dry and 1 for wet) ? I'll have a look at the CSII file format, but IMHO it looks like a workaround....
Hi, For the record, after a private discussion with Adrien, the "File not found" problem is due to the missing SPIFFS filesystem in his setup, due to the use of the 2.x version of Arduino IDE. I had the exact same issue, and after downgrading to 1.8 Arduino IDE, I could use the ESP32 Sketch Data Upload, which is still unavalaible in the 2.x version of Arduino IDE. Regards Sebastien
Hi, For the record, the "File not found" problem is due to the missing SPIFFS filesystem in Adrien's setup, due to the use of the 2.x version of Arduino IDE. I had the exact same issue, and after downgrading to 1.8 Arduino IDE, I could use the ESP32 Sketch Data Upload, which is still unavalaible in the 2.x version of Arduino IDE. Regards Sebastien
Hello team, First I'd like to thank you for the great job done on the MySQM+ project and the ASCOM driver that works really well with NINA. I'd like to suggest a little upgrade in the ASCOM Driver, by adding the rain presence information (0 dry, 1 rain) (not only the rainfall mm/h) to the driver so that this information can become usable in safety monitors and the safety reaction gets quicker in case of water presence detection. I do not have a rainfall sensor but only a rain/water presence detector,...