Activity for Franck Harry

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on ticket #1795

    More issues: - both replicate and merge cause duplicate of all contacts, so only fix is to manually delete all contacts on google before a sync, so really a no go - connection issues: reducing chunk size to 10 instead of 100 reduces the errors - is there any hope that google contacts is implemented again in the app as we can consider now that it is no longer working

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on ticket #1795

    update log and current errors, in addition to the merge -> duplicate

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry modified a comment on ticket #1795

    By the way, even replication fails regularily with error: CalDavSynchronizer.DataAccess.WebDavClientException: Response status code does not indicate success: '503' ('Service Unavailable'). Message: { "error": { "code": 503, "message": "The service is currently unavailable.", "status": "UNAVAILABLE" } } at CalDavSynchronizer.DataAccess.HttpClientBasedClient.WebDavClient.<EnsureSuccessStatusCode>d__10.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()...

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry modified a comment on ticket #1795

    By the way, replicate also fails if two contacts have same phone number !

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on ticket #1795

    By teh way, replicate also fails if two contacts have same phone number !

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry created ticket #1795

    google contacts: CarDAV merge is no longer working, only replicate

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on ticket #1639

    No need to switch. I posted the details to use carddav, which works perfectly with google while you work this out: Also, GOContactSyncMod has nothing to do with your app OCDS which supports more than just google, but a plethora of other services, include baikal, generic caldav... Thank you for the great work and support and hope you continue developing this app

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on ticket #1633

    Wired, yesterday it got me a 700 I think error code, but today it worked. I in fact get now an error 400 Bad Request in Test, but it properly works in sync I just did it like yesterday and like my old vcard way: - create a new "Generic Caldav/Carddav" profile - google url for carddav - login:email address - pass: application password - group maps: vCard with KIND Today it works, thank you for the confirmation that decided me to test again However, please note, this cannot be done if someone did not...

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on ticket #1633

    No, there is no fix that works except trying manually to sync for a few times, it will work about 3/10 times, that's how google decided to worsen it progressively until a final shutdown All other legacy methods mentioned here will not work, even if like me, you had a previous "legacy apps password". Note that new users can no longer even get this legacy password, only old users who already activated it in the past

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on ticket #1639

    Note: as a workaround, if like me, your contacts usually need to be sync less frequently than calendars: - disable the contacts sync profile (uncheck it in profiles) to disable the error popup - sync contacts manually from time to time, by hammering a repeated sync. Currently, Google server will let pass about 1/4 successive sync attempts

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry modified a comment on ticket #1643

    This is really bad news as the app no longer seems to be updated. I hope there is some work in progress behind the silence I just noticed that it is a same ticket as I see it i a big work in progress for free software Kudos and keep up the good work and best regards

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on ticket #1633

    Thank you and keep up the great work Best regards

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on ticket #1639

    thank you for the feedback and good work At least I understand now why those errors seem random, but getting worse every week/month Best regards

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on ticket #1643

    This is really bad news as the app no longer seems to be updated. I hope there is some work in progress behind the silence I just noticed that it is a same ticket as Hope the author makes a statement if it will or not be fixed. I think most of us understand the dev time required and all opensource projects come once to an end. But please just make it clear to the clients and not like many devs that just go silent and never give a point...

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on ticket #1643

    One side note: The task is set to only trigger once a day in CaldavSynchronizer options. However, it starts everytime with the other tasks at 10mn. I disabled "Trigger on Outlook start and on check mail". Maybe it is because Google sets a limit to sync frequency and clearly Caldav doesn't respect the 1/day setting I set

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry created ticket #1643

    GoogleAuth vcards: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I understand, thank you for your work and all the updates

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Maybe they made it simpler since you last looked at it ? Example. Let's assume you're developing two plugins: MyPlugin1 (version 1.5) and MyPlugin2 (version Then your version information file could look as follows: : MyPlugin1:1.5 MyPlugin2: : This can be even automated by a basic .bat script ! Surely even more options with ps1 or linux shell In anycase, many thanks for maintaining this amazing plugin. It is the best available GUI enhancement for KP. It is so less friendly without...

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Maybe they made it simpler since you last looked at it ? Example. Let's assume you're developing two plugins: MyPlugin1 (version 1.5) and MyPlugin2 (version Then your version information file could look as follows: : MyPlugin1:1.5 MyPlugin2: : This can be even automated by a basic .bat script ! Surely even more options with ps1 or linux shell In anycase, many thanks for maintaining this amazing plugin. It is the best available GUI enhancement for KP. It is so less friendly without...

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry modified a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    More info: from the event sync detail error, I could notice that the attendees giving an error don't have the mailto: field filled in the invitation details I receive: The field in these entries looks like: SCHEDULE-AGENT=CLIENT: without the mailto:usermail The user is in my outlook address book with a valid email address. If I click the "Scheduling" tab of the event, I can see the concerned attendee without an email address filled. Outlook...

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry modified a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    More info: from the event sync detail error, I could notice that the attendees giving an error don't have this field filled in the invitation details I receive: The field in these entries looks like: SCHEDULE-AGENT=CLIENT: without the mailto:usermail

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry modified a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    More info: from the event sync detail error, I could notice that the attendees giving an error don't have this field filled: The field in these entries looks like: SCHEDULE-AGENT=CLIENT: without the mailto:usermail

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    More info: from the event sync detail error, I could notice that the attendees giving an error don't have this field filled: The field in these entries looks like: SCHEDULE-AGENT=CLIENT: without teh mailto:usermail

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    The event is sent from Exchange users (Event Organizer). The attendees are on a GAL adressbook for sure, but they could also be duplicated on the outlook exchange contact list of the organizer. I have no way to know exactly if the organizer has the contact added from the GAL or from his exchange address book. On my side, the contacts are locally stored in outlook (manually added) and not synchronized through Caldav Synchronizer

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    Sure :-) I also found another solution: I disabled Caldav Synchronizer to send events to the windows Notifications and Actions. Now, once Caldav Synchronizer windows is minimized, it no longer takes the focus on next warnings I understand the priorities in developement, and many thanks for keeping it

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    I won't elaborate on your proposition, as my needs are different. I get your answer as "adapt your habits and uses to the application." Anyway, Android, Gmail and Exchange sync apps don't error each time the side server is down, be it in push, peak ou manual modes. Instead, they offer to warn if no sync could be done after a specified time. I still think that CalDav Synchronizer should follow this standard way to connect to a server. Good luck, and thank you for all your developement until now.

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    Hi, When synchronizing some invites sent from an outlook exchange account, I get on some events this warning: <?xml version="1.0"?> <SynchronizationReport xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <ProfileName> (Local)</ProfileName> <ProfileId>xxxxxxxx</ProfileId> <StartTime>2019-11-13T13:40:12.7720798Z</StartTime> <ADelta>Unchanged: 239 , Added: 2 , Deleted 0 , Changed 0</ADelta> <BDelta>Unchanged: 239 , Added: 0 , Deleted 0...

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    Hi, 1) is not an option as we won't be warned about sync issues and conflicts 2) same, we loose warning for sync and conflicts issues I really think that when server is down / not accessible, we should be able to customize the warning/error delay (up to 1-2 days for example). This is particularly true when using a local NAS server that is not always online. Else, CalDav pops up every 10 minutes (if sync interval is set to 10) with as many error reports as the number of accounts. I let you imagine...

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    Hi, any news about this ? It is really bothering because even when minimized, CalDav keeps adding notifications in win 10 and causing a loss of focus on active outlook windows. When you write a mail and have multiple accounts, CalDav sends notifications for every account which causes the active window to loose the focus. I am then interrupted during writing a mail for example when the CalDav server is down.

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    Unable to connect to the remote server: not same as if the socket/network connection is down, so could be possible. But is is judged useful for others than me ?

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    strange, post waiting for moderation message on my previous complete log: So, here's again, with just the first line: If a network connection is active while the Caldav server is offline, Caldav Synchronizer pops up with this error: CalDavSynchronizer.DataAccess.WebDavClientException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException:...

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    Hi, any news on this, if it is considered as a useul feature that could be implemented or ignored ? As I have many accounts in sync with the NAS, it always opo up with errros if NAS is turned off Best regards

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry modified a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    No, it doesn't work in this case as failure to connect to the server because it is offline is flagged as an error and not a warning. So, I have to disable all error an warning notifications which I don't want. For a sync with an online server, I guess it is fine as it is now. However, for a local sync with a NAS server, having this considered as an error is invading mainly when the app is setup to sync every 5 mn. It kinda forces me to turn on the NAS to make it shut-up :-) Many people would like...

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    No, it doesn't work in this case as failure to connect to the server because it is offline is flagged as an error and not a warning. So, I have to disable all error an warning notifications which I don't want. For a sync with an online server, I guess it is fine as it is now. However, for a local sync with a NAS server, having this considered as an error is invading mainly when the app is setup to sync every 5 mn. It kinda forces me to turn on the NAS to make it shut-up :-)

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry modified a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    Hi, First, many thanks for you great app which works perfectly for me. I mainly sync locally to a NAS which is not 24/24 turned on. Caldav Synchronizer will always popup a notification with the error connecting to the server when it is off. Is it possible to add an option to log the error but not notify for it with a popup ? Best regards

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket

    Hi, Firsr, many thanks for you great app which works perfectly for me. I mainly sync locally to a NAS which is not 24/24 on. Caldav Synchronizer will always popup a notification with the error connecting to the server when it is off. Is it possible to add an option to log the error but not notify for it with a popup ? Best regards

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    impatient to get your updates Luke and keep up the good work

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, In latest MediaInfo v18.05, when we select "Custom" display in "View" menu, it will always select "NISO_Z39.87" The only way to fix it is to manually edit MediaInfo.cfg: Output = Custom v18.03.1 and previous have no issues

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry created ticket #2379

    Enhance column ordering

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry modified a comment on ticket #2378

    Hi, Many thanks for the quick fix. The built version you provided worked as expected when removing columns: the remaining columns were not altered Many thanks and best regards

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry posted a comment on ticket #2378

    Hi, Many thanks for the quick fix. Actuall, your fix worked when removing the column Many thanks and best regards

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry created ticket #1763

    Emptying and removing a column messes remaining columns order

  • Franck Harry Franck Harry created ticket #167

    Default OpenPG encryption