Activity for Saurabh Nanda

  • Saurabh Nanda Saurabh Nanda posted a comment on discussion Help

    Does Jailer have a feature which sets sequences to the curr_val in the original database, at the end of the export script?

  • Saurabh Nanda Saurabh Nanda posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for the detailed response, Ralf. If the .jm file already contains a list of known associations, is the datamodel/<dbname> folder really needed during an export? If yes, would it be possible to point me to some docs on how to re-run the "analyze database" process via the commandline (assuming that it won't lose the manually added associations, as you mentioned above).

  • Saurabh Nanda Saurabh Nanda posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm planning to use Jailer to export a subset of our production data [1], so that it can be loaded into our testing/CI environments. I've got a jailer data-model setup via the GUI and it works pretty well for the current database schema. How do I ensure that this continues to work as our database schema evolves over time? IIUC, the files at play are the following: the .jm config file one folder inside the datamodel folder, i.e. datamodel/<dbname> The datamodel/<dbdname> folder looks like it contains...

  • Saurabh Nanda Saurabh Nanda posted a comment on discussion Help

    I solved this in a very different manner. I disabled all child relationship for the topmost/root table. I'm exporting them as additional-subjects instead.

  • Saurabh Nanda Saurabh Nanda posted a comment on discussion Help

    Does this help?

  • Saurabh Nanda Saurabh Nanda posted a comment on discussion Help

    There is no non-nullable FK in 'form_ulator_custom_forms'. I think the problem is being narrowed down. You are right, the client_id field is indeed nullable in the schema, however there is this CHECK CONSTRAINT... "client_not_null" CHECK (channel_custom_form OR client_id IS NOT NULL) ...which is ensuring that either channel_custom_form=true OR client_id is not null Is this what is confusing jailer? How can I change the model definition to handle this case?

  • Saurabh Nanda Saurabh Nanda posted a comment on discussion Help

    Any clues on how to debug this?

  • Saurabh Nanda Saurabh Nanda posted a comment on discussion Help

    The file you've sent me doesn't have rows where created_at is NULL. Does the problem still occur? I have mentioned in comments at the very bottom -- I remember seeing created_at being exported as NULL, as well, but it didn't happen in this particular run of the export. However, you can see that one of the non-nullable FKs is indeed NULL even in the SQL file I shared with you.

  • Saurabh Nanda Saurabh Nanda posted a comment on discussion Help

    In that case, no filters have been applied.

  • Saurabh Nanda Saurabh Nanda posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is this what you're referring to? -- Extraction Model: clients where (file:/Users/saurabhnanda/Downloads/jailer/tmp/

  • Saurabh Nanda Saurabh Nanda posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you for the quick respone, Raif. And thank you again for offering to take a look at the files via email (I've already dropped you an email, btw). what DBMS do you use? Postgres Do you have defined a filter? I was playing around with filters (deeply nested), but then I had removed them. What's the easiest way to make sure than no filters have been applied at any level? If I look into the .jm file will I get the answer?

  • Saurabh Nanda Saurabh Nanda posted a comment on discussion Help

    (I'm new to Jailer and the entire data-subsetting business. Please excuse me if my question is too vague, or doesn't make sense). I've been scratching my head over this for quite some time. I have a complicated 135 table data-model with lots of FK references and loops/cycles in the data, as well. One of the tables end-up with NULL values in the exported SQL, which cause the subsequent import to fail. The columns with NULL values are: created_at column -- manually checked the rows that are being exported....