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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on facetracknoir

    Thanks to you for everything, Wim. If it weren't for your dedication and determination, we wouldn't be able to enjoy our games with this greater degree of immersion. Obviously, there is no rush. You take the time that it requires and the first thing, always always, is the job. A greeting.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on facetracknoir

    Your question is very interesting, Wim. I mean the first: moving the camera, when gazing at some point on the screen.

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on facetracknoir

    But then in the near future the 'FaceTrackNoIR' will be able to work with the gaze (with the 'Face Eye Tracker 5', obviously)?

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on facetracknoir

    But then in the near future the 'FaceTrackNoIR' will be able to work with the gaze (with the 'Face Eye Tracker 5, obviously)?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on facetracknoir

    But then in the near future the 'FaceTrackNoIR' will be able to work with the gaze?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on facetracknoir

    Hi everybody: A little over a month ago I purchased a 'Tobii Eye tracking 4C', but, when using the 'FaceTrackNoIR', it showed a conflict with a webcam that I had installed on my PC. This is why I returned the Tobii 4C. Now I've bought the 'Tobii Eye Tracker 5' and, hallelujah!!, it doesn't present any conflict with the webcam. The software 'FaceTrackNoIR' recognizes the movement of the head and the eyes. However, in the table of curves, only the movement of the head acts but not that of the eyes....

  • Posted a comment on discussion Joystick on facetracknoir

    Hello WL, Thanks for the info. However, I can tell you that I've already used the Face-api as the primary tracker and my joystick as the 2nd tracker. In the secondary tracker (joystick) I've configured the Rz and Pitch axis. Both trackers are working correctly and simultaneously. Thank you, I insist, for your help and for worrying about my problems. Add that, at the time, I wrote in this thread that I managed to make both trackers work simultaneously, but it's clear that I didn't take any steps to...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Joystick on facetracknoir

    Hello again community: This time I write to you because, seeing the different benefits of FTNoIR, I found that it can also make the game image interact with the joystick device that is connected to the PC. I have a steering whell (Fanatec CSL Elite) and an Xbox 360 controller connected to my PC. I don't know if they can be considered joystick devices. The truth is that in the FTNoIR configuration window they appear as an option (two screenshots attached). But when I select them and try to configure...

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2020-06-26 20:41:21
Madrid / Spain / CEST


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