User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on KAREL 3D WebGL

    Yes. In main,js: Between lines 39-117: another translated word, needs to be added. For example on line 41 : ...DEUTCH','CHINESE'] Then, for default Chinese, change on line 40: p_set = 4. Between lines 41-56: For each word, a simple, but most importantly, unique chinese word, must be used. This is all.

  • Modified a comment on a wiki page on KAREL 3D

    find path and traverse it - kids can draw their own path and test program room: X.2-Y.1-ZT.1 X.2-Y.1-ZK.2 X.3-Y.1-ZT.1 X.4-Y.1-ZT.1 X.8-Y.1-ZT.1 X.9-Y.1-ZT.1 X.10-Y.1-ZT.1 X.11-Y.1-ZT.1 X.12-Y.1-ZT.1 X.13-Y.1-ZT.1 X.14-Y.1-ZT.1 X.15-Y.1-ZT.1 X.16-Y.1-ZT.1 X.4-Y.2-ZT.1 X.5-Y.2-ZT.1 X.6-Y.2-ZT.1 X.8-Y.2-ZT.1 X.16-Y.2-ZT.1 X.6-Y.3-ZT.1 X.8-Y.3-ZT.1 X.10-Y.3-ZT.1 X.11-Y.3-ZT.1 X.12-Y.3-ZT.1 X.13-Y.3-ZT.1 X.16-Y.3-ZT.1 X.2-Y.4-ZT.1 X.3-Y.4-ZT.1 X.4-Y.4-ZT.1 X.5-Y.4-ZT.1 X.6-Y.4-ZT.1 X.8-Y.4-ZT.1 X.10-Y.4-ZT.1...

  • Modified a comment on a wiki page on KAREL 3D

    find path and traverse it - kids can draw their own path and test program room: X.2-Y.1-ZT.1 X.2-Y.1-ZK.2 X.3-Y.1-ZT.1 X.4-Y.1-ZT.1 X.8-Y.1-ZT.1 X.9-Y.1-ZT.1 X.10-Y.1-ZT.1 X.11-Y.1-ZT.1 X.12-Y.1-ZT.1 X.13-Y.1-ZT.1 X.14-Y.1-ZT.1 X.15-Y.1-ZT.1 X.16-Y.1-ZT.1 X.4-Y.2-ZT.1 X.5-Y.2-ZT.1 X.6-Y.2-ZT.1 X.8-Y.2-ZT.1 X.16-Y.2-ZT.1 X.6-Y.3-ZT.1 X.8-Y.3-ZT.1 X.10-Y.3-ZT.1 X.11-Y.3-ZT.1 X.12-Y.3-ZT.1 X.13-Y.3-ZT.1 X.16-Y.3-ZT.1 X.2-Y.4-ZT.1 X.3-Y.4-ZT.1 X.4-Y.4-ZT.1 X.5-Y.4-ZT.1 X.6-Y.4-ZT.1 X.8-Y.4-ZT.1 X.10-Y.4-ZT.1...

  • Posted a comment on a wiki page on KAREL 3D WebGL

    Karel 3D original historical manuals in Slovak language from years 1987 - 1990 in JPG

  • Posted a comment on a wiki page on KAREL 3D

    Karel 3D original historical manuals in Slovak language from years 1987 - 1990 in JPG

  • Modified a comment on a wiki page on KAREL 3D WebGL

    Maze program with recursion in Karel 3DGL version 3. Look at picure, or Wiki on Karel 3D without WebGL here in Sourceforge. Include same example in TXT and on YouTube.

  • Posted a comment on a wiki page on KAREL 3D WebGL

    Maze program with recursion in Karel 3DGL version 3

  • Modified a comment on a wiki page on KAREL 3D WebGL

    Example, how to sort blocks: // place mark under Karel if block before is bigger // than block of brick on left command mark-bigger begin unmark if is brick then take move-left if is brick then take move-right mark-bigger put move-left put move-right else move-right mark-bigger put mark *if *if end command move-left begin left-side walk right-side end command move-right begin right-side walk left-side end command a-f begin left-side 2 end // switch block of bricks with left block begin switch-left...

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2017-05-12 11:07:33
Senec / Slovakia / CEST


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