Bump: Having some difficulty with the solver. I think there may still be something not quite right. I get the error: "the given key was not present in the dictionary". Screen shot of image: https://ibb.co/NxXM2Jt Also when selecting the material of a pipe segment in the solver; I also get an error. Screen shot image: https://ibb.co/NxfqFbL
Hi again Daniel, having some difficulty with the solver. i think there may still be something not quite right. I get the error: "the given key was not present in the dictionary". Screen shot image: https://ibb.co/NxXM2Jt Also when selecting the material of a pipe segment in the solver; I also get an error. Screen shot image: https://ibb.co/NxfqFbL
Just tried to redownload you suggested and whatever you did has worked. Many thanks Daniel very much appreciated.
Hi Daniel, This is what I have done, here's a screen shot: https://ibb.co/dQWm10g
Hi there, I have recently downloaded DWSim as well as the pipe network add-on file. I then right click on the desktop shortcut for DWSim, click Open file location (which takes me to DWSim app data), and have pasted the Pipe Network "unitops" file into this location. However when I load DWSim, the pipe network Unit Operation does not appear under "Pressure changers". Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? I followed the instructional videos I could find. If someone could please assist that would...