User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Sphinx4 Help on CMU Sphinx

    New to the whole domain. Trying to get a "wake word" hello world app working on a raspberry pi. I think this means pocketsphinx is out because it is only android, true? The wake word is "Trick or Treat" The existing demo code that I found works perfecctly (thank you!) val configuration = Configuration().apply { acousticModelPath = "resource:/edu/cmu/sphinx/models/en-us/en-us" dictionaryPath = "resource:/edu/cmu/sphinx/models/en-us/cmudict-en-us.dict" languageModelPath = "resource:/edu/cmu/sphinx/models/en-us/en-us.lm.bin"...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Feature suggestions on Open Camera

    I'm shooting low bitrate low framerate time lapses, and I never know how much space I have remaining. Once I've set the bitrate, and the max file size, and max time (1 hour) and the max number of repeats (10), and recorded a good long chunk of video, I'd love to be able to enable a visual estimator of "estimated time remaining" It would take the minimum of remaining timeout repeats * max time per clip Remaining file size repeats * (file size per repeat * estimated duration of video of that file size)...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on MeshLab

    tl/dr: how to "wrap" an existing model to get rid of any interior geometry? I've...

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2001-11-08 01:19:14


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